3 Ways to Find Yourself in Our New World
Forever changed is our future:
The pandemic and its surrounding life events changed us dramatically. We each experienced the pandemic differently. This event transformed us. Even if you denied the pandemic and ignored the events…
Especially if you denied the pandemic.
We have a new life now.
Remember those plans you made for the future? Are the goals the same? Do they need updating? Improving? Now is a good time to update them.
We can keep them as simple or complex as we want.
One thing is still the same: feeling happy everyday.
Everyday habits keep us healthy and happy. By that, I’m referring to what we eat, how well we sleep, how much exercise we get…
To plan my life again, I took stock of my days. I focused on the everyday habits that I never even thought about. I focused on things I ignored in the past.
I asked: “What works? What doesn’t?”
I realized I have a chance to be happy today and tomorrow and next week.
I hope you’ll join me in this review.
First step in your new life: feel, really feel your feelings. All that anger, fear, stress, curiosity. Acknowledge it. Feel it. Somewhere in all those feelings, you’re going to discover happiness.
Spend some time on this. Feel your past. Feel your present. Feel your future. Take some time now to think joyous thoughts. Catch those happy thoughts and hang onto them.
In step two, don’t blame anyone – not even yourself. When you don’t blame anyone, you jettison everything but happiness. When you don’t blame anyone, you suddenly control your life as you leave your past behind and move into your future.
In step three, choose happiness. This is where you have a gift card to all the goodies in the deli. This is where you choose all the things which make you feel good. This is where you choose your future. What you focus on becomes your future. Meditate on this happy future. List all the things you like about your happy future.
What comes next!
What comes next is healing!
Practice Reiki with the intention of choosing a happy future. Heal your future self with Reiki and reflexology.
Your feet are your command center. Focus on a healthy future for your feet and for the rest of your body.
Did you study Reiki in your past but never really used it? Now is a good time to bring Reiki with you to your future.
Schedule regular sessions. The homeostasis offered by Reiki and reflexology cannot be overblown.
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Thurman Greco
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A diet combined with all the things which make you feel good is important., A diet combined with reflexology sessions can bring much needed change., anger, Bring Reiki with you into your future., Catch your future., Catch your thoughts., Choose a happy future., Choose happy thoughts and hang onto them., Choose your future!, curiosity., Decide to be happy today and tomorrow and next week., Don't blame anyone - not even yourself, Examine your daily life., fear, feel your feelings., Feel your future., Feel your past., Feel your present., First, Heal your future self with Reiki and reflexolobgy, List all the things you like about your happy future., Meditate on the goodness which you want to come your way., Meditate on your happy future., Now is a good time to change old patterns., Now is a good time to embark on the spiritual journey of weight loss., Now is a good time to quit smoking., One thing forever changed is our futures, One thing that remains is feeling happy everyday., Our everyday habits keep us healthy and happy, Our lives have changed us all dramatically, Schedule regular Reiki sessions., Send Reiki to your future., stress, What comes next is healing., What comes next?, What is happening for the good?, What is working? What is not working?, When you don't blame anyone, you suddenly control your life., Your feet are your command center.