Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Leaving Baggage Behind – No Regrets

Have you ever thought about spiritually cleaning out your closet? cleaning your house?

I got up early this morning because I wanted a few minutes to clean out a closet.  Yesterday I promised a friend that I would share some gently used items for her fund raiser.

When I make a promise like that, it’s best that I set a few minutes aside and then work like crazy to get rid of things as quickly as possible.

Working in a fury, I stuffed items in a bag so quickly that I couldn’t overthink the situation.  I also knew that I didn’t have time to put things back.

I just grabbed:  a white blouse I hadn’t worn in years, a pair of slacks that were never comfortable, 3 T-shirts I was never going to wear again.  A new winter coat.

On and on it went.  I didn’t give myself time to think I just might, in a pinch, wear one of these items again.  I even threw in a pot plant that was still pretty but quickly growing beyond my skill level.

As I stuffed these things in the car, with the plant perched on top of the clothes, I thought about maybe I should have done something like this with some of my other spiritual baggage.

Specifically, I thought of off those regrets I’ve been reliving lately.

We all carry it.  Baggage.

Sometimes I feel like I would like to just leave it all behind me as I go through life:  Grudges, resentments, painful memories, regrets.

I’ve been carrying all this baggage around with me for decades and decades.  Then, a young woman reminded me that we all have baggage.

Sometimes, I just want to leave it all behind.

Other times, getting to a place where I can let go is difficult.

One thing she taught me:  forgiveness is a large part of the journey.  Leaving all these parcels and bags and boxes of regret is hard.

But, so was gathering all the experiences that became painful memories.

I’m hanging onto all this negativity.  It’s making extra weight which I carry around all day, every day,   I tried to think of what might be a good way to do this so I went to my roots.

What is going to work?

Eureka!  Forgiveness will be important here.

I went to my roots for success!  I got out my asphidity bag!

When I’m working on healing an issue, I write a description on a small paper and put it in my asphidity bag.  I wear it around my neck to remind me that I’m healing.

Freedom is a goal!

When I have my healing goals in my asphidity bag, I know it’s time to schedule extra weekly Reiki therapy and Reflexology sessions.

If you have friends who might enjoy this post, please forward it to your favorite social media network and to your friends.

For more information, check out my books at

Most of my books are available in ebook  form as well as paperbook.  “But for Gabriel” should be available in December.

Renee posts new segments to “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” on Tuesdays.  are posted.  Let me know how you like them!

Thanks again!

Thurman Greco

What to do When it all Gets to be Too Much: Switch Off The Day

The times are overwhelming.  It’s as if everyone is “always on”.  I find that when I’m always connected, things can quit working.  When I’m always connected, I find myself staring at screens, answering every door bell and phone ring.

When things quit working, one of the most effective  things I do is switch everything off.  This includes me.  I switch off – both physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I turn off electronic devices.  The phone goes off.  The computer shuts down.  The TV is off.  I turn off all the lights.

And, you know what?  almost everything works better after I’ve unplugged it for a few minutes.  And, that includes me.

And, then, I get in my most comfortable chair and  give myself a Reiki therapy session.

I begin the session with the symbols and three hand positions to my head.  My intention is to relax so that I won’t be so fatigued and overwhelmed.

Now…I know that switching everything off can be difficult.  In some cases, it’s impossible. I also know that there comes a time when saying “no” is not selfish.

An important lesson I had to learn as an adult is that when everybody is getting oxygen masks, we sometimes each need to get our own oxygen mask first so we can make sure everyone else is being properly cared for.

So, becoming comfortable with “no” and “off” is something that I had to learn in life.

A life lesson I had to learn was that some people stress me out.  Learning to recognize  stressor people and situations was (is) important.  Once stressors are are recognized, it is easy to avoid them.

Life is more pleasant, less complicated,  and easier when stressors are recognized and minimized.

Reiki sessions help.  Both Reiki and reflexology promote relaxation and a more positive outlook.

Emergency Reiki sessions are a dramatic improvement.  They work even better when they are a supplement to regularly scheduled Reiki therapy sessions.

I invite you to connect with me on Facebook

If you who have friends and relatives who might enjoy this post, please share  it to your  favorite social media network and to your friends and relatives.

For more info, check out my books at  every title is available in hard copy and ebook with the exception of the first edition of “But for Gabriel”   This book is available as an ebook only until December.

PLEASE don’t forget to schedule regular Reiki therapy and reflexology sessions.

Please check out the YOUTUBE channel show.  New episodes are released on Tuesdays.  “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.  There have been a few intermissions along the way, but not many.

My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY

Join us soon!

And, let us know how you like the shows.

Finding Time

My schedule is packed.  It’s jammed.

But, that’s okay. It’s an uptown problem.

Each day, I know I’m going to find some real jewels throughout my schedule.

One thing I’ve learned over the years is this:  When my schedule is totally out of control, the universe will deal with the situation.  Someone will cancel or something quirky will happen which will result in a beautiful hole.

Finding time is like finding a wonderful, shiny object.

It’s not so important to worry about what or when or how much time you’re going to find..

Those are details.

What’s important is to be prepared…

Know what you’re going to do when you find a few extra 5 or 6 minutes or maybe even a whole hour.  These are perfect moments in your day that can be used however you want.  Make your “found time” list.

Get lost in a book.

Go for a quick stroll.

Sip a tea.




Stare out the window – even if you’re not in front of a window.


Switch off.

Whatever you do with these “found” moments, the important thing is to carve out these pockets of time for yourself.

Thanks for reading this article.  Please forward it to your favorite social media network and share it with your friends.

Please check out the YOUTUBE channel show.  New episodes are released on  Tuesdays.

“Let’s Live with Thurman Greco is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.  There have been a few intermissions along the way, but not many.

My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY.

Join us soon!

And, let us know how you like the shows.

Find out more at  While you’re there, see what books might interest you.  Every title is available in hard copy and ebook with exception of the first edition of “But for Gabriel”.  This book is available as an ebook only until December.


But, whatever happens, get reflexology into your schedule.



Now is the time to focus self-care on flu prevention.

I went over to the Village Apothecary yesterday and got a flu vaccine.  Two weeks ago, I went over there and got the RSV injection.

With our busy and overcrowded lives, vaccines are easy to push off into nowhere.  That is not a good policy.  So, I’m here to remind you:

Don’t forget your vaccines.  Now is the time to prevent flu, RSV, and Covid.

My recommendation is that if you are 60 or older, you should get your RSV vaccine NOW.

You can even get both the RSV and your flu vaccine at the same time.

I opted to get my two vaccines two weeks apart because I got the “high dose” version of the flu vaccine.

I scheduled a Reiki therapy session after each vaccination.

Get your COVID vaccine as soon as it is available.

Hopefully a big demand will emerge in your community with your pharmacy going gangbusters for a couple of weeks.  And, hopefully there will not be a need for an appointment.

After you’ve gotten your vaccines, please do three more things:

Mark your calendar to receive your boosters in April.

Get your shingles, and pneumonia vaccines. ,

Collect herbs which you feel are relevant to your good health and put them in a small bag or tie them in a small cloth.  Now, place this bag, in your asphidity bag, and wear it around your neck or keep in a pocket.

Finally, do a fun thing.

And, one more thing.  Give yourself a treat!

Thanks for reading this article!  If you want more info, contact me at

Please forward this article to your social media network and to your family and friends.

Regular Reflexology and/or Reiki therapy sessions offer healing.

If you enjoy the blog posts, you’ll enjoy my weekly shows on YOUTUBE.  This program has been running, with a few timeouts, now and then, for over 15 years.  My program is an entertaining and informative hour with no rehearsals.  You can find it on Woodstock’s own TV channel 23 or on YOUTUBE.

My guests are people whose lives have brought them to Woodstock for a day, a week, an hour, a decade or more.

I can truthfully boast that my guests report they enjoyed the experience and will be happy to return.  Both the blog and the show are a means to healing for viewers and healers.

Check out my books at  They make wonderful gifts.

This book has gone out to 36 countries so far.

Thank you to everyone who got 1 or more copies!