Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Healthy Lunch

Do you sometimes have trouble getting through the afternoon?  Maybe it’s time to invest in a healthy lunch.

A healthy lunch doesn’t have to be just an extension of an already over packed morning.  A healthy lunch should be a  respite from the confusion and stress of the morning leading up to the lunch hour.

TAKE A WALK – Whether you work in an office, factory, retail outlet, or home, walking  is a good way to make your lunch a bit more enjoyable and healthy.  Your lhealthy lunch walk doesn’t have to be long.  Nor is it a substitute for  food.  It is a chance to change your environment and move your muscles for a few minutes.

TAKE A POWER NAP – Five or ten minutes devoted to putting one’s feet up and closing one’s eyes can change your life.  No kidding.  A few minutes sleeping in the middle of the day makes a lot of difference in the remainder of my day.  And, it can make the same difference in yours.

MAKE YOUR LUNCH HEALTHY.  Healthy, clean food can make a world of difference in how you function in the afternoon.  Basically, that means you eat foods that are food.  Boycott  chemical laden lunches which are low in nutrition and high in calories and toxic additives.

GET AWAY FROM YOUR DESK.  No matter how stressful things are, physically remove yourself from your desk for at least fifteen minutes.  Take a walk.  Chat with a couple of working colleagues.  Make a personal call or two.  Your goal is to take yourself away from the desk physically, mentally, emotionally for a few moments.

DO YOU RUN ERRANDS?  Walk them if  you can.  The exercise you get on your lunch break will refresh you physically, mentally, and emotionally.

ARE YOU ON A DIET?  Start a lunch group where you eat with other colleagues who are also interested in weight management, health, and nutrition.  You can enjoy the group socially as well as support each other as you lose weight.

YOUR HEALTHY LUNCH BEGINS WITH A HEALTHY BREAKFAST.  It’s much harder to eat a healthy lunch if you’ve skipped breakfast and are hungry and craving high-fat, high calorie, high carb foods.  A good breakfast which includes whole grains and lean proteins will serve you well throughout the morning.

INCLUDE A HEALTHY SOUP.  A healthy soup will include the protein and fiber you’ll need to get through the afternoon.  The ideal soup will be broth based and will make you feel full while  not wasting calories.

LEAVE YOUR BUILDING.  GET OUTSIDE.  Whether you are running errands, power walking, or visiting with friends, make sure you walk outside your building for a few minutes.  Take a few deep breaths.  Be outside.  Is it raining?  Snowing?  Broiling hot?  Whatever is happening outside your building, spend a couple of minutes experiencing this day.  Enjoy a couple of minutes of this escape to recharge!

No matter how stressful your day, consider how best to use your lunch time.

Go for it!

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Healthy Investments

Every day offers new opportunities to make healthy investments in ourselves.   And, for me, the best investment I can make is the investment I make in my good health.

Below, I’ve listed some new things you can choose from to invest in your own good health.  Enjoy!

MOVE FOR 30 MINUTES!  This can be a quick walk during the day, or a trip to the fitness center to hop on a treadmill for thirty minutes.  Or it can mean a bike ride or a dance class or a yoga session.  But, whatever you choose, the important thing is  you choose to move for at least thirty minutes every day.  This healthy  investment  will pay for itself in dividends many times over.

BRUSH YOUR TONGUE for one minute every day.  Your breath will smell better and your mouth will thank you.

KEEP A CALENDAR.  Make a healthy investment in a smoother running day.  The best way I know to get your day organized and your life simplified is to keep an appointment calendar.  It doesn’t have to be large or elaborate.  But, to keep track of where you’re expected to be each day can reduce stress because you’ll be less likely to forget an important appointment.


TAKE A VITAMIN.  Just choosing which vitamin to take each day can be stress inducing.  But, there are a few guidelines which can simplify the job.  For starters, skip the time-release formulations.  They may not be good for you and sometimes they elevate the price.  Select a vitamin which doesn’t have a lot of additives such as sugars, artificial colors, preservatives.  Skip chelated minerals.  Vitamins are healthy investments.

GET ALL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS AT ONE PHARMACY.  Pharmacists  offer good advice on many illnesses and diseases.  Developing a relationship with your pharmacist is a good healthy investment.  A pharmacist  can be a good source of information for you.  But, only if you get all your medicines from the same place.  Otherwise, the pharmacist may not be completely aware of your situation.

TRY TO HAVE THE LEAST STRESSFUL DAY POSSIBLE.  This means that you begin by promoting a calm attitude.  Can you have a stress free commute?  Begin each day by completing a to-do list for your day.  Be  as specific as possible.  Print this list out on brightly colored paper (so you won’t lose it).

SCHEDULE SOME READING TIME.   Spend at least fifteen minutes each day keeping up with activities in your areas of interest and work.

SLEEP IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN EXPERIENCE.  Make sure you schedule enough sleep in every night.  I know I keep writing about sleep but, honestly, it’s one of the most important things you do.  When you sleep, your brain, your organs, your skin perform functions that are not done when you are awake.  Sleep is essential and enough sleep is important.  Sleep is a healthy investment.

KEEP HYDRATED.  When we’re stressed, we forget to drink enough liquids.  Liquids keep you awake, alert, refreshed, as well as prevent disease.  So, drink up!  Drink water, teas, juices.  But, mainly, drink water throughout the day.

So, here you have the health lineup for the week.  Hopefully you’ll find things that you can use to be healthier in your daily life.

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I’ll be suggesting more options for healthy living soon.  Thanks for reading .

FINALLY,  the second edition of “A Healer’s Handbook” is out.  Hope you enjoy it!

Hope to hear from you soon!  You can order “A Healer’s Handbook” at