Mission Statement
My mission is to improve the quality and health of all beings around me through a blog, a book, classes and private sessions. These activities create a ripple effect which extends healing beyond us all… beyond time and space.
spirituality of one's health
My mission is to improve the quality and health of all beings around me through a blog, a book, classes and private sessions. These activities create a ripple effect which extends healing beyond us all… beyond time and space.
Click here to purchase
In “A Healer’s Handbook”, Thurman shares experiences and observations based on years of practice. She focuses on the spirituality of the different body systems, both physical and energetic.
This book offers extensive information on condition and illnesses encountered by healing practitioners. The spiritual connection is explained in every health issue because they reveal a person’s deeper layers, essential for healing.
Healing protocols, helpful lifestyle changes, and affected chakras build on one another.
With information found in this book, you will offer healing to the whole person.
Click here to buy Healer’s Handbook
I Don’t Hang Out In Churches Anymore
Thurman Greco’s “I Don’t Hang Out in Churches Anymore” will touch your heart as she relates both the joys and hardships of contemporary American life as seen through the eyes of a small town food pantry. This is the story of how one woman in America found God.
In truthful, upbeat, intimate language, these prayers relate events and stories that may sound familiar to you. They are the stories of your neighbors. These experiences reveal joy, love, laughter, pain, surprise.
Do you believe in miracles? There are stories in these prayers that can be interpreted no other way.
The prayers in this book will empower you to pray for yourself as well as others. When this happens, you will discover just how import prayer for others is, as did author Thurman Greco. You will learn more about yourself and your connection to your community. In this process, you will learn more about God.
Click here to buy I Don’t Hang Out In Churches Anymore
Miracles, like beauty, exist entirely in the eyes of beholders. Naturally occurring events, they happen all around us like the wind, rain, and sun outside the pantry room. We only need to see them for what they are. They happen when we open our eyes, ears, and hearts to the possibility that they exist at all.
Pantry miracles never change much. Except, they do. They change how we see the pantry and how we belong in it. These humble events change our inner lives. We become responsible for ways to overcome the hunger and homelessness we face.
Pantry miracles remind us it’s never too late to know ourselves and understand the talents we were born to use in our lives.
“No Fixed Address” is dedicated to those in our country with no roof over their heads. See your neighbors, your friends, your relatives, in new ways as they describe their daily lives in their own words.
The people in this book reveal themselves to be brave and fearless as they go about their activities: work, laundry, children’s homework, appointments. Mostly they live like the rest of us. They just have no roof over their heads
Click here to buy No Fixed Address
Ketchup Sandwich Chronicles tells the story of everyone brought together by the pantry: Hungry people kept moving in a line around the room. At times there wasn’t enough space between the people to even turn around. They got to know each other in sound bites shared between grabbing a can of green beans or a package of strawberries. A sentence here. A sentence there. The children were eerily silent, clutching their mother’s pants leg.
The struggle of each person who came in the door could be felt.
When you read this book, you’ll become intimately involved with rules surrounding the feeding of the hungry, the economy of hunger, the biases of people about pantries, and the taboos of hunger. You’ll get up close and personal with the politics of hunger.
Thanks for sharing this journey with me. Peace & food for all.
Click here to buy Ketchup Sandwich Chronicles
Wherever you go, if you’re healing yourself or caring for someone else, you are on a journey. This book is a ticket to your healing adventures.
“Wellness for All” adds a spiritual layer of personal care to every situation in your healing life.
This book enlightens and empowers you with information and insight you can use. The focus is on your health, healing, and wellness. This book gives you a boost to care for yourself and those important to you. “Wellness for All” explores:
• Helpful Lifestyle Changes
• Supportive Healing Concepts
• Healing Questions, Answers, and Explanations
• The Spirituality of your Body Systems and Chakras
• Spiritual Qualities Unique to Different Health Issues and Diseases
Acne – Alzheimer’s – Headaches – Menopause Multiple Sclerosis – Cancer – Stress – Diabetes – High Blood Pressure – Swollen Feet – Depression – Anxiety – Sciatica – PMS – Heart Problems – Kidney Infection – Shingles – Chickenpox – Mumps – Heel Spurs – Psoriasis – Warts – Sinusitis – Varicose Veins
Welcome To My Blog
I’m a writer, Reflexology for the Spirit Teacher and Practitioner, canine massage therapy teacher, Reiki Master Teacher. I began my career as a healer in 1982 when I graduated from the Potomac Massage Therapy Institute in Washington, D. C. Because people in my field never stop learning, I practice 9 different kinds of Reiki therapy: Usui, Violet Flame, Lightarian, JinKeiDo, Mari-El, Gendai, Karuna…, Reiki for Animals, and End of Life Reiki. Although I learned several kinds of massage, I knew before I even graduated from massage school that I was going to be a reflexologist.
I teach classes and practice in a positive, upbeat healing space beside a beautiful stream in downtown Woodstock. I give talks about Reflexology for the Spirit to groups of interested people.
And, of course, my career path could never have been complete without the skills I learned as I studied animal communication, Tarot card readings, Akashic Records readings, and Angel readings.
Everyone’s feet have stories to tell. Everyone can venture down the path to healing: physical, mental, spiritual, emotional. Those who know me, work with me, and study under me, agree that I am passionate about healing work in general and Reflexology for the Spirit in particular. With this blog, I’m inviting you to journey down this path with me.
I welcome your comments and questions. Thank you for joining in the conversation.
Thurman Greco
Donate to feed the hungry
Mission Statement
My mission is to improve the quality and health of all beings around me through a blog, a book, classes and private sessions. These activities create a ripple effect which extends healing beyond us all… beyond time and space.
Author’s Note
This blog was edited and rearranged over many drafts in an effort to make sure the information offered is as accurate as possible.
Technical information presented is the result of years of experience, education, training, and research. The opinions I express are mine.
This is my story.
This blog is dedicated to healers everywhere. Your chosen path requires bravery in your attitudes toward your client partners and to yourself.
Bodywork challenges us to be lifelong students. Without the Reverend Dan Chesbro, Marge D’Urso, Kerrith McKechnie, Mary Ruth Van Landingham, Jonathan Rudinger, Penelope Smith, Dawn Hayman and Lucy Swensen, this book would never have happened. You answered my questions, suggested I move beyond my safety zone, and pushed me on down the road.
Healers are dependent upon their client partners. Every person who has come to my table, wherever it was, has been a gift of the universe bringing vital messages which made me a better practitioner.
Thank you.
Don’t miss a single blog post! Subscribe to Reflexology for the Spirit and receive every post conveniently in your email box.
Many people wrote this blog. The real creators are the wonderful people who came to my table. These individuals offered me an opportunity to heal and grow. Without client partner trust, not one word of this blog would have ever or could ever happen.
Even more trust is needed for a person to allow another to become their “teacher”. I’ve taught many of you as I fielded your questions, supported you in your quest, encouraged your spirituality, realized when the day had come for you to move on. Each of you has been a gift of the universe placed at my door. For me, teaching has been a very humbling experience.
I extend my most heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has touched my life as a client partner, a student, a teacher.
I have said and written many times: Kerrith McKechnie, Marge D’Urso, Mary Ruth Van Landingham, Jonathan Rudinger, Penelope Smith, Dawn Hayman, and the Reverend Dan Chesbro made my career possible.
Three people stand out in the creation of this book: Lucy Swensen, Barbara Friesner, and Sangi Van Den Nouweland. Without you three ladies, Lucy, Barbara, and Sangi, nothing would ever have happened to my book. Thank you.
Personally, I hope the next one will be easier for you!
Recent Posts
My Other Blogs
The blog, www.hungerisnotadisease.com, is a true story with reallife citizens. In this blog you’ll meet all the characters…everyone brought together by the pantry:
child abusers
the disabled
elderly men and women
hardworking people juggling 2 and 3 jobs,
mentally ill
terminally ill people
Woodstock’s colorful characters,
various ministers with congregations in the community
church and community volunteers.
You will become intimately involved with the rules surrounding the feeding of the hungry, ,the economy of hunger, the biases of people about pantries, and the taboos of money. You will get up close and personal with the politics of hunger.