What Your Feet Reveal!
Your feet reveal the state of your health. They reveal physical problems in other parts of your body.
Often, the problems we experience with our feet relate to problems in other parts of the body.
Our feet reflect our lives: what we eat, what we drink, how we exercise, how well we sleep.
Tense feet may reflect tension in other parts of your body.
Limp feet indicate poor muscle tone.
Cold, blue, or red feet indicate poor circulation.
Sweaty feet suggest hormonal problems.
Swollen feet suggest a trip to a physician is in order.
Corns, blisters, and ingrown toenails will affect posture.
Bunions should be looked at by a podiatrist.
Hammertoes can benefit from reflexology sessions.
Toenails are a reflection of the diet.
When you don’t have time to look after your feet, you may experience corns, blisters, ingrown toenails, and bunions. These problems affect your posture and metabolism.
Regular reflexology sessions bring about homeostasis. People receiving regular reflexology sessions feel better and have fewer foot issues.
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Thanks for reading this article! If you’ve been reading blog posts here, or if you’ve just found this blog, I’m taking a moment to tell you that:
This blog , www.reflexologyforthespirit.com and the companion blog, www.hungerisnotadisease.com have been running for ten years! Thank you for your patronage!
I hope you are enjoying this journey we are on together. I know that the blog posts have travelled the world because their companion books have gone out to over 36 countries.
If you have any questions or comments, please connect with me on facebook.
Thurman Greco
The YOUTUBE channel, “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” is older than the blogs and the website. The YOUTUBE channel has been running with Tuesday shows for over 20 years. Some of the earlier shows never made it to YOUTUBE but, when we find them, Renee posts them.
Please check them out! “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted over the years. My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return. One thing they all have in common: we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY.
Have you visited www.thurmangreco.com? While you’re there, see what books might interest you. Every title is available in hard copy and ebook.
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The blogs and the website are under renovation, reconstruction, and updating.
So, if you have problems, email me!
Thanks again!
Thurman Greco
Create a space in your life for regular reflexology sessions. They really help!
Let’s Get Back to Basics! Start with Foot Reflexology
Reduced to a basic practice, reflexology works with zone therapy. So, this chart is the one I’m displaying first. If you feel that your life is too complicated for reflexology, try massaging your feet and observing where you feel soreness or sensitivity. Rather than feeling you even need to know how you experience these points, just knowing where they are on your feet is enough.
Foot reflexology sessions relax, balance, detox, and heal your entire body.
Reflexology brings about homeostasis – a body balance that is important for your health.
Reflex areas in your feet correspond to the internal organs.
Note where these points are and then work them over the next few days.
Work your toes to help alleviate headaches,
The ball of your foot relieves tension in your neck and shoulders.
Your foot arch relates to your liver, bowel, and kidneys. Manipulate this area gently, especially if you’ve been burning the candle at both ends.
Massaging the top of your foot induces psychological calm.
Modern reflexology is based on the centuries-old theory of Zone Therapy. The principle is that the energy connection should be free-flowing. An energy blockage will imbalance body parts within that particular zone.
Reflexology sessions work to restore free-flowing energy pathways throughout the body, creating homeostasis. This energetic body balance is essential for your good health.
When our bodies are balanced, things work better:
stress is relieved
the immune system improves
there is relief from pain
circulation improves
bowel movements improve
toxins clear
relaxation is better
In short, the body works better!
Most of us know these things but it’s nice to have a short review occasionally. It’s easier to find time in the daily schedule for a reflexology session if we can remember what the session will actually do for us.
On behalf of healers everywhere, I honor you and thank you for seeking wellness throughout your life.
With blogs, books, classes and sessions, I am not here to change your story. I am here as a conduit for your healing.
“Healer’s Handbook” is available as an ebook or paperback at www.thurmangreco.com
I thank you for reading this blog post.
If you have friends or relatives who might enjoy this article, please share it with them.
Please forward this post on your preferred social media network.
For more info, check out my books on www.thurmangreco.com.
To learn more about reflexology, download this video.
Ask a friend to join you in a learning adventure. The two of you can learn together and exchange sessions.
I have several reflexology videos on YOUTUBE – Let’s Live with Thurman Greco. These videos are free.
Thank you for your interest.
What’s Your Definition of Healthy?
When I first studied massage therapy at PMTI, I was a bit overwhelmed by the number of things that make up the healthy human body. There are, for example, over 600 muscles.
From the beginning of this class in 1980, I have never stopped studying and learning about the human body, its wellbeing, and its health. Not even for a moment.
The question looming over all the studies, classes, and courses is this: What is the definition of healthy?
As a healer, my goal is to be a conduit for your healing. I am not here to change your story. And, I certainly cannot define “Healthy” for you. Each person I meet in my daily travels has a truly unique and individual definition of “Healthy”.
An important word in my vocabulary as healer is “homeostasis”. Through the years, I’ve worked to make that word and it’s definition a part of your life, too.
Homeostasis is the return to balance of your body. As a Reflexologist, my goal was and is and will be to bring your body to homeostasis.
And, of course, Homeostasis is a big word because the body has so many thousands of working parts.
That being said – what is Healthy? For me, as a healer, that word is loaded.
For many, healthy comes down to what you eat. After all, we’ve all heard and read the saying: “You are what you eat.”
And, I think we can agree that something that is perfect for one person is not good for another. That’s why there are so many different diets for people these days. Each of us has individual needs when it comes to what we need to be healthy. So, it comes down to this:
One body needs different foods compared to another body.
Our dietary needs continually shift.
Whether we’re talking diet, exercise, sleep, or any other activity, our daily decisions are spiritual.
So, this all includes judgement and criticism. This is an extremely eye-opening statement for some. But, I know it to be true. Many people feel judged for what they eat, where they get what they eat, and how they store, prepare, and serve what they bring home.
People not only feel judged for what they eat, they feel judged for how they look, whether they are over or underweight, and their lifestyles.
When we eat to be healthy physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, we come up against a lot of opinions and questions.
Something I try to never do is criticize another person for what they eat or don’t eat. However, that’s a tough thing to do. But, really, we never literally know what another person needs to be healthy.
You can simplify your life a bit if you just believe that we don’t know what another person needs and we don’t need to know. It’s just not anybody else’s business.
And, it’s easier to do this if we factor in the cost of food these days. Nowadays it’s getting to be more common to encounter people who simply don’t have the money to eat the way they might otherwise eat.
Instead of feeding their bodies and souls, they are” robbing Peter to pay Paul” (as my mother used to say) as they choose between rent and food. We can’t blame our unhealthy activities and habits on the rising cost of food when our rents have risen from $800 per month to $2000 per month.
Meanwhile, the job is paying more but not THAT much more.
Guess what, this blog post has just degenerated from a spiritual discussion of the word “healthy” into an economic politically spiritual one. Our struggles all have a spiritual component.
And, when a person finally loses the roof and life’s struggle includes finding a warm, dry place to sleep for the night, I wonder how they fit healthy into the struggle to get to work, get the children to school, and find a meal.
At this point, “healthy” becomes a lot about how to breathe deeply for grounding.
And now, I’m reminded of Kerrith McKechnie, my massage teacher at PMTI. She spoke a lot about breath, breathing, grounding and staying healthy.
I listened to her when she spoke about breathing and its importance to our health. And, every time she lectured or instructed us about breathing, I wondered how this was going to fit into the next exam.
Well, Kerrith McKechnie, I finally know the answer to my question. When the rubber meets the road, proper breathing techniques are essential.
Proper grounding and healing breathing techniques fit smack dab into the middle of the situation.
When you can, please schedule a reflexology or reiki therapy session for yourself, your family members, and even your pets.
If this seems a bit expensive, maybe it’s time to learn to practice Reiki or reflexology.
Thank you for reading this blog post article about the spiritual journey we are all on. My intention is that this article can be a conduit for your spiritual growth and healing.
If you haven’t yet read “Healer’s Handbook” this may be a good opportunity for you to order a copy.
Please forward this article to your preferred social media network and share it with your friends and relatives.
If you want to communicate with me, please email: thurmangreco@gmail.com.
“Ketchup Sandwich Chronicles” is about the spiritual journey of hunger as illustrated by the shoppers in the food pantry line.
Your First Chakra and Your Better Health
“I don’t know what I did, but I know what I’m going to do now!” My fellow yoga student blurted out recently at class.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know what happened, but my lower back really hurts! I’m going to a doctor tomorrow. I’m afraid I’m going to need surgery..”
Your first chakra is located at the base of your spine. Whatever the issues, a painful lower back is a strong indication of a spiritually stressed spine and an unbalanced first chakra.
When things are right in your life, you feel safe and secure. You have a positive mental attitude and can protect yourself from life’s daily issues.
When your first chakra is unbalanced or blocked, depression and other negative experiences impose themselves on your daily decisions. You have difficulty sleeping and worry about money, health, and your job.
An overactive first chakra produces anxiety, greed, hoarding, and control issues at home and at work. Basically, you feel unsafe.
Health symptoms and ailments involving your first chakra include: adrenal fatigue, anger, anxiety, low back pain, codependency, fear, hemorrhoids, leg pain, panic attacks, sciatica.
Addictions are root chakra issues.
Chakras are often out of balance for quite a while before health issues and diseases manifest themselves in the physical body.
Chakras are energy. And, they are communicators. They talk to us, giving us valuable information we need to be well.
Where is your disease or issue located?
When you have an injury to your lower spine, you probably have a first chakra imbalance.
Any issue connected with the rectum, anus, or any elimination issue is a first chakra issue.
Other first chakra issues include addictions to alcohol, food, coffee, gambling, drugs, sex, shopping.
For men, any issue with the testes, or prostate cancer is a first chakra issue.
Things to remember about first chakra imbalances:
Chakras are connected to the total body.
When you’re dealing with a health issue, work with your physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional body. If you have a kidney infection, for example, heal your total body, not just the infection, and not just the chakra.
And, you need to balance your other chakras also.
It’s harder to fight a disease with a unbalanced corresponding chakra.
Your chakras don’t work in a vacuum. They collaborate with other chakras. They work with your physical and mental bodies and they work with your energetic body.
So, don’t just give one chakra a boost. Don’t just give your swollen ankle an ice pack. Help your entire body.
Take the medicine you’ve been prescribed.
Look around, is there something in your environment that you can change which will help you get well and stay better?
At times in my life, the answer to this question involved eating a specific diet. At another time, I had to buy a better desk chair. Recently, I joined a combination exercise/yoga class.
Well…DO IT!
As your body and your spirit and your mind improve, what can you do to keep things that way?
Well…DO IT!
Everytime I ask myself those questions, I always come up with…guess what!
Reflexology and Reiki!
Thanks for reading this blog post. I will continue on with other chakras as well.
For me, this article was a real eye opener! I knew, existentially, that men and women experience their first chakra issues and balances in different ways. After all, women do not have testes.
Sex is very different for women than it is for men. I’ve known this all along but I just never connected the differences to the chakra system.
These basic differences affect how we feel about belonging in our bodies.
I now realize that our chakras and how we experience them is a very different experience for women and men.
These differences, of course, carry over to the second (Sacral) chakra. But that’s another blog post.
Thanks for reading this article! Please forward it to your preferred social media network. Share it with your friends and relatives.
The YOUTUBE channel has an ever-growing selection of videos focused on reflexology and healing.
P.S. Some info in this article was shared from “Healer’s Handbook – Wellness for All” by Thurman Greco.
Buy this book at www.thurmangreco.com.
Boost Your Energy With an Autumn Detox!
I love autumn and I love to celebrate the season with a detox.
When September rolls around, I know a detox will put sparkle in my eyes, and boost my energy.
One reason I like an autumn detox is because I’m a reflexologist and I know that one of the things a reflexology session does best is encourage a mild detox.
So, I begin my autumn detox with three days of reflexology sessions right in a row.
My next step is to eliminate. After all, that’s what a detox is all about. My autumn detox is a little different from any other detox, though. I’m not looking to eliminate everything – just the foods and drinks that weigh me down and make me feel sluggish. That means I’m going to ditch the junk and processed foods.
Because of the foods I eliminate, this detox is different from all the other detoxes that I do. Junk food and carbs top the list.
This season’s detox focuses on eating fruits for one day. Use them to rebalance your system. Because fruits always make me feel so good and energetic, I’ll probably stretch the one day out to two or three.
Each year, when I schedule my detox, I always schedule a few days of elimination when I cut out the junk foods, carbs, processed foods and the caffeine. (If you smoke, this is a good time to offload the nicotine.)
It’s never more than a couple days before I notice that my body is energized.
While I’m getting rid of the toxins and replacing them with good nutrients, I feel lighter, cleaner, and more energetic.
That’s when I take time to walk, schedule a yoga session, or go for a swim. The idea is to participate in activities which relax and rejuvenate your body.
An autumn detox is not new in my life. I remember autumn detox events dating back to my childhood in the South.
As the days grew cooler, a neighborhood mother prepared her special concoction and gave everyone a giant spoon full. To this very day, I have no idea what was in it.
This I do know: It tasted terrible! And, our bodies smelled terrible for several days afterward. If I ever smell that aroma again, I’m going to ask whoever is walking around with it to talk to me. I want to know everything!
Another neighborhood mother put herbs in asperfidity bags which she personally prepared for us. We wore them around our necks like necklaces. The only thing I remember was garlic. After that, my memory grows hazy.
Well, now is the 21st century and I prefer my autumn detox. It’s practical and easy. There are no smelly asperfidity bags to wear through the winter.
The power you will achieve by getting junk foods out of your life and your body encourages good things for you.
Several days worth of reflexology sessions bring bliss!
Adding exercises like walking, tai chi, or yoga are ideal for autumn rejuvenation and relaxation.
Complicated changes are not always necessary to promote wholistic health improvement and a longer life.
I hope you’re planning to join me and take the autumn equinox detox challenge!
Thanks for reading this blog post. Please share it with your favorite social lmedia network.
More health and wellness shows are available on “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” on YOUTUBE.
There are even a few reflexology and Reiki therapy tutorials.
Call me to schedule or attend a “HOPE on the Road” event.