9 Ways the Kidneys Enhance a Reflexology Session
The kidneys are fascinating glands which regulate fluids in the body and purify blood. There is an interesting note here. When we perspire, our body acts as if our sweat glands are a third kidney because the chemical composition of perspiration is the same as urine.
One kidney reflex point is found on each foot. The reflex point is located in the center area of the arch. The adrenal gland reflex sits right on top of the kidney reflex point.
When you reflex the kidney points, several things happen:
The kidneys process fluid wastes.
Waste eliminating functions are stimulated.
Blood is purified.
Fluid balances are regulated.
Blood pressure is regulated.
Uric acid production is regulated.
Blood circulation is stimulated.
Kidneys flush themselves out.
Water levels in the body are regulated.
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8 Ways the Shoulder Reflexes Enhance a Reflexology Session
The shoulder is one body part always under stress. Almost everyone has problems with the shoulder/arm/elbow. The shoulder suffers with broken bones, bruises, torn ligaments, sprains, and dislocations.
Our shoulders carry much weight physically, emotionally, spiritually. They’re important in a reflexology session.
The shoulder reflex points are found on both feet. They are just below the smallest toe.
When you reflex the shoulder points, several things happen:
Blood circulation is increased.
Muscles are toned up.
Nerves around the muscles receive healing energy.
Muscles surrounding the shoulder, arm, elbow, and wrist relax.
The joints are stimulated.
Wastes are removed in a mild detox action.
Muscles relax, decreasing tension in the torso.
Strain is removed from neck muscles.
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4 Ways the Spleen Enhances a Reflexology Session
The spleen is another of our body parts whose function is, for the most part, a mystery.
It’s divided into 2 parts:
the white pulp portion has immunological functions
the red pulp portion cleans and recycles red blood cells.
It is one organ which we can live without. When the spleen is damaged and subsequently removed, its functions seem to be duplicated in the liver, bone marrow, and lymph glands.
When you address the spleen points, the following things happen:
Hemoglobin, from damaged or dead red blood cells, is recycled.
Antibodies are released to fight infection.
Uric acid production is regulated.
Lymph is filtered.
The spleen reflex point is found on the left foot only. It is located about halfway down the sole between the toes and the heel and under the fourth and little toes. The liver reflex point is found in the same place on the right foot.
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14 Ways the Adrenal Glands Enhance a Reflexology Session
The adrenal glands are 2 small endocrine glands found over the tops of the kidneys. The adrenal gland reflexes are found on both feet. They are third chakra glands, best known for creating the “fight or fight” reaction humans experience in emergencies. They also give us butterflies. So, with these two reactions, we actually feel these glands.
Adrenal glands do much more than create butterflies. When you address the adrenal glands points, several things happen:
The glands secrete hydrocortisone, to support inflammation reduction.
Air passages open as the adrenal glands secrete cortisone.
Glands regulate kidney functions and release hydrocortisone.
Glands enhance the muscle tone of the digestive organs.
Adrenal glands fight fatigue.
Tissue swelling is reduced.
Alertness is accelerated.
Sodium and potassium levels are balanced, normalizing blood pressure and heartbeat.
The muscle tone of the heart is influenced.
Kidneys begin to flush, offering a mild detox action.
Sodium and potassium levels are controlled.
Breast tissue swelling is reduced.
Premenstrual bloating and swelling is reduced.
Metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates is regulated.
Adrenal gland reflexes are found on both feet just above the kidney reflexes.
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4 Ways the Solar Plexus Enhances a Reflexology Session
The solar plexus is a nerve hub located in the muscles and nerves which divide the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity. The solar plexus is in the area of the third chakra in the body. We often refer to the third chakra as the adrenal glands. The solar plexus is between the adrenals. This is where we feel “butterflies.”
Information traveling between the brain, the nerves and the organs travels through the solar plexus.
I’ve written repeatedly in this blog/book that the solar plexus should be worked in all reflexology session. This is because the solar plexus is critical to the processing of stress and relaxation.
When you reflex the solar plexus point, several things happen:
The solar plexus tells the nerves to relax. This helps lungs regulate breathing patterns. As this happens, the body relaxes and is able to overcome panic reactions and anxiety. Breathing functions are balanced and enhanced, offering support to the respiratory system.
When you reflex the solar plexus point, you encourage the abdominal muscles to relax. The body is then able to destress.
Rotations to the solar plexus point activate the abdominal organs so they can work better.
Solar plexus point rotations soothe and relax the entire body. This offers grounding and calm.
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Reflexology for the Spirit and the Big Five: A Summary
There are many books at the book store and library about cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and COPD. It’s in your best interest to learn as much as you can about how they come about and how they are treated both allopathically and alternatively.
Hopefully, in the future we won’t discuss medicine using words such as allopathic, alternative, and complementary. The goal we work toward is integrative. Medicine will be much more successful when people are treated with an integrative approach focusing on prevention. The knowledge you glean from these studies will not substitute (nor should it) for a medical diagnosis. However, the more you know about your client-partners and their diseases, the better practitioner you will be.
One of the biggest failing of the allopathic medical community is that its physicians no longer treat the patient as a whole person. The spiritual part has been absent in this healing modality for years. This is what you, the Reflexology for the Spirit practitioner bring to the table.
You, as a successful practitioner, become a tool for disease prevention, maintenance, and healing for the body, mind, and soul.
Artwork in this post was painted by Jennette Nearhood.
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Reflexology for the Spirit and Diabetes
If you’ve been following these blog posts, you may have noticed that diabetes is on the list of risk factors for heart disease. Many people suffring with diabetes develop other diseases:
Heart disease,
Kidney failure,
The risk factors for diabetes are:
Lack of physical exercise,
High blood pressure,
High triglycerides,
Low HDL Cholesterol,
Family history of diabetes.
Type 1 Diabetes usually comes on very suddenly and strikes people 30 years and under. It’s an autoimmune disorder. It can be triggered by a viral infection (mumps) or by chemical toxins such as those found in meats. A primary risk factor for Type I Diabetes is a family history of Type I Diabetes. Type I Diabetes occurs when the pancreases produces little or no insulin. Type I diabetics self-inject insulin and test their blood sugar levels several times daily.
Diabetes is a spiritual disease affecting, at first, the endocrine and digestive systems. It’s definitely on the rise. Diabetes creates long term complications including heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, high blood pressure, amputations, and dental disease.
Type II Diabetes develops at a somewhat later age. The majority of people with Diabetes suffer from Type II.
The best luck with this disease lies in:
careful meal planning,
regular exercise,
weight loss,
close monitoring with your healthcare team.
People at risk of developing Type II Diabetes include those who are obese, have high blood pressure, have high cholesterol, do not exercise, and who are over 45 years old.
It’s important for people suffering from either Type I or Type II Diabetes to quit smoking, become interested in cholesterol and blood pressure control, exercise regularly, and see their healthcare team members regularly. Ideally, the healthcare team consists of a primary healthcare provider (physician, nurse practitioner ), opthalmologist, reflexologist, periodontist, dietitian, and exercise trainer. As the disease progresses, a cardiologist and nephrologist need to be added to the list.
Diabetics definitely benefit from routine Reflexology for the Spirit sessions. They: reduce stress,
encourage more efficient kidney function,
help lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels,
assist the blood circulation to the feet.
It is more helpful for the client who is in the early stages of the disease so complications can be prevented as long as possible.
If you are going to offer Reflexology for the Spirit to people suffering from diabetes, you need to learn about the medical emergencies that diabetics have to deal with. Also, please advise your Diabetic client partners to test their levels after every session.
ALWAYS NOTE THE CONDITION OF FEET AND TOES. Look for thick toenails, patchy areas of gangrene. Is the sense of touch and pain perception altered by feeling loss?
Your client-partner may not know about ulcers, sores, cracks on the feet. Discuss your observations with him/her.
When you work the feet of Diabetic patients, work all body systems to include the endocrine, cardiovascular, urinary, digestive, immune, sense organs, liver and solar plexus.
ESSENTIAL OILS: cinnamon, clove, coriander, dill, fennel, lemongrass.
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Reflexology for the Spirit and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
The best thing a person can do to prevent COPD is stop smoking and avoid environmental contaminants.
COPD is a chronic condition composed, basically, of two diseases: emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Like heart disease, COPD is slow to manifest itself. As the disease progresses, breathing becomes more difficult.
There are several things a COPD sufferer can do to make life easier. The first is to seek good quality air. Stay away from smoke-filled rooms and smoggy cities. Extreme temperatures and high altitudes should also be avoided.
Drinking plenty of fluids helps dilute the mucus. Adding a humidifier to moisten the indoor air can improve air quality as well.
COPD sufferers should protect themselves against infections. This involves avoiding people with colds and flu, frequent hand washing, getting annual flu shots, and getting a pneumonia vaccine.
COPD sufferers will benefit from exercise training which includes good breathing techniques, yoga, and regular visits to the Reflexogy for the Spirit practitioner.
When a COPD sufferer comes to your table, encourage regular visits that are within 48 hours of a yoga session. Work the respiratory system, urinary system, lymphatics, immune system, and cardiovascular system. Include the liver, solar plexus, and thymus in every session.
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Reflexology for the Spirit and Stroke
The third killer is Stroke. We are still looking at normalizing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, getting physical exercise regularly, eating the proper foods (avoiding foods high in salt and saturated fats), stopping smoking, limiting weight, and don’t get diabetes if you can help it.
Yoga and regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions will help with the stress management.
Know the symptoms of a stroke:
trouble seeing
difficulty speaking
loss of balance
severe, sudden headache
weakness or numbness in a body part such as a leg, arm, or face.
If you feel that you or someone you know is experiencing a stroke, get medical attention immediately. Time is very important in stroke treatment. The sooner the stroke victim gets to the hospital, the better the outcome will be.
When offering Reflexology for the Spirit to a person who has had a stroke or who has the risk factors for a stroke, please work all systems including the liver and the solar plexus. Offer a lot of warm ups and warm downs. Reiki therapy is appropriate here.
ESSENTIAL OILS: cistus, clove, helichysum, nutmeg, cypress, grapefruit, juniper, orange.
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Thurman Greco
Reflexology for the Spirit and Cancer
This post is part of the series on the Big Five Diseases.
For cancer prevention, the story is pretty much the same as for heart disease. Get the cholesterol in the healthy range. Get the exercise program going to shed the excess weight.
Cancer is a group of diseases, actually. So, when we talk cancer, we talk about more than just one illness.
DIET IS IMPORTANT IN CANCER PREVENTION. There is a correlation between fat and meat and cancer. Add fruits and vegetables to your diet and add plenty of fiber. Avoid excess sun exposure. Use sunscreen. Take your vitamins. Skip the tobacco.
One factor contributing to cancer is extreme stress tolerated over a long period of time.
Other risk factors include secondhand smoke, air pollution, workplace exposure to chemicals, exposure to radon gas, heavy alcohol consumption, obesity, overexposure to sun, sedentary lifestyle, age, family history, polyps in the colon, diet low in fiber and antioxidents, and diabetes.
Offering a Reflexology for the Spirit session 48 hours after a client partner has received chemotherapy will help him/her feel much better. This person will experience a deep sense of relaxation and an opportunity for the body to return to balance through encouraging homeostasis.
When someone you know suffers with cancer, encourage him/her to continue all treatments the allopathic specialists have to offer. Your job is to assist your client partner and support him/her in the return to homeostasis through the other treatments s/he receives.
Reflexology for the Spirit does not replace allopathic cancer treatments. Your sessions with cancer patients can be very effective when combined with Reiki therapy and essential oils. Reiki therapy can be offered daily. As a practitioner working with a cancer patient, you’re dealing not only with the physical parts of the disease but also the emotional and spiritual aspects: fear, anger, rage, helplessness, abandonment.
ESSENTIAL OILS: balsam fir, Canadian red cedar, clove, dill, galbanum, grapefruit, hyssop, lemon, myrtle, nutmeg, orange, patchouli, sandalwood, tarragon, thyme, tsuga, valerian
When using essential oils on a cancer patient, consult with an aromatherapist to choose the proper oil for the particular type of cancer your client has.
Work all body systems including the liver and solar plexus.
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