Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

What is Your Superpower?

Your superpower is present, right now, in your life.  Sometimes you may not be aware of it.  At other times, you definitely know it.  Or…maybe you don’t.

Whether you recognize your superpower is irrelevant.

It’s there when you make the right decision and then follow through with action.

It’s there when you begin a new project.

It’s there when you align yourself with a higher purpose.

One thing to understand about your superpower:  You tap into your superpower when you are developing yourself.

When you engage your superpower, you communicate better.  You use your intuitive skills, receive flashes of insight and use your intellect and tap into your spiritual pool.

Ask yourself some questions:

What does my superpower mean to me?

How does it weave itself into my life?

Where do I look for my superpower?

How do I know when I have found it?

What are some ways I can use my superpower to the best of my abilities?

One way to incorporate your superpower into your daily life is to see your potential in a project or situation, and then take action.  This can be transformational.

You use your superpower when you see a present situation and are able to understand how it is likely to develop as it matures.

Your superpower works when it reinforces your creative energy and clear mind.

If you aren’t sure how to use your superpower, set a goal for yourself and then stay focused on it until the end.

Beginning with a small project is a good way to enjoy your superpower.  When you make it real, it will carry you through to the end.

Your superpower helps you discern the difference between illusion and reality in a situation.  When you do this, you are strengthening your intellect, your intuition, and your observation skills.

Finally, with your superpower, magic is present in a small way.

Learning to access your superpower regularly is a deeply personal process of regaining your physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional balance.

Whenever you feel stressed, this is a good time to receive a Reflexology, Reiki therapy, or other bodywork session.

It’s time to ask yourself “Is there something I know I need to do?”

This channel is a good place to learn more about Reiki therapy and Reflexology.

Find out more about Thurman at

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Take a Break From the World. Seriously.

Sometimes things happen at such a fast pace that life becomes confusing and overwhelming.  Being alone with yourself for a short time may be the only way to find answers.

Take a break to figure things out.  Step away so you can discover a better, clearer perspective.  When you step back, you have a chance to figure things out.  You may even get to know yourself better.

Instead of being part of everything, when you step away you can discover a better, clearer perspective.  How?  How can you do this when everything is moving at such a fast pace?

Go on a mini-sabbatical.  Take the day off from it all.

No internet, TV, phone, email, social media.

Spend your sabbatical silently as you go on a short internal journey resting, reading, and meditating.

A good question to ask yourself is:  What do I need in my life right now?

Being alone, you can look inward and discover truths about yourself.  When you unplug from everything, you may find a spiritual guide of some kind.

Going within uninterrupted, you may find a path to pursue your own way.  You may even light up your true self.

After your one-day sabbatical, notice how much calmer you are and how clear your thinking is.

Ask yourself this:  How can I fit stillness into my daily life?

Can you find a few minutes each day for silence to discover yourself?

Or, you may think of your sabbatical as therapy and set aside an hour or two a week to discover your true self.  Over time, these weekly sessions may reveal mysteries for you to experience.

But, whether you choose a one-day event or weekly therapy sabbaticals, enlightenment is possible.  These moments alone clear the path for a new you to emerge.

(This may be a good time for a self-Reiki session, if you’ve been trained.  Reiki sessions don’t all have to be an hour.  Ten or fifteen minutes can be strong healing moments.)

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