Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

The Spirituality of Fear

Full-blown fear isn’t really in my personal vocabulary, so I don’t often feel it.  But, when I do feel fear, I feel it 100%.   I feel fear for us,  and the earth.   This is the spirituality of fear.

When I felt fear in my life, fear interfered with my grounding mechanism.  And, that wasn’t all.  It  took control and moved and directed me throughout every single day.

That is not to say that I have not ever experienced fear.  I have, definitely, lived with fear.  But, this post is not about that fear.  It is for us, our fear, and our Earth.

I feel in my spiritual core that fear is directing many of us nowadays.  Through the guise of the Coronavirus, fear is totally in charge of many of us and our lives.

I am suggesting, no – pleading –  that fear has no place in our lives at this moment.  For one thing, when fear controls us, it wrecks our immune systems.   Not one person on our planet today needs an immune system compromised in any way.

Instead of fear, focus on our planet.    In my inner core, I feel that I need to focus on our precious planet earth because she’s the only planet we’ve got.

With all the cars, factories, ships, and planes grounded and parked, our Earth is getting a very much needed time-out.

During this time, our Earth’s streams, lakes, and oceans are cleaning  themselves up.

The atmosphere surrounding our planet is cleaning itself out – finally!  The humans on our planet are, for the moment, generating less smog.

We are using the dirt – fields, meadows, mountainsides – in different ways now.

So, while our medical, and governmental leaders are figuring out how to combat this pandemic, I can’t help but be grateful for this time out, this cleansing experience on and in  our Earth.

In my spiritual center, I feel we are on the verge of a whole new world.  I am not longingly looking back on the return of the old reality of the past.  The past is gone – a memory which we can write, paint,  and sing about in the future.

Instead,  I look forward to our new world and its cleaner, healthier, reality.

Please join me.

Let us celebrate our  future together.

Let us ponder things learned and create better ways to live our lives daily.

Let us rejoice in a cleaner, more beautiful tomorrow.

If you feel moments of fear, there are things you can do:

Meditate on a future you would like to see.

Seek grounding through bodywork.

Find gratitude in lessons learned and beauty to experience.

Thank you.

Thurman Greco

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Let us all embrace the beauty we will experience.

Thurman Greco



Wellness and Healing for Ourselves and Our Planet During the Spring Solstice

To promote wellness and healing throughout the planet,  and on March 19th, find a time and place that fits your schedule.

Sit quietly for a few moments and visualize a world where positive renewal and growth exists  for all beings.  Allow wellness and healing to become a reality for all.

Plant  spiritual seeds to nurture your goals and dreams.  Get to know your potential  and reflect on all the wonderful opportunities in the world for growth and hope throughout our planet.

Set an intention  honoring  this mystical and magical change of seasons creating space for your spiritual growth.

Check in with yourself now.  Give your spirit the support it needs and seeks to bring wellness and healing to all beings on our planet.

Quiet your mind as you bathe in this new energy of spring.  Invite universal balance into our world.

Thank you

Thurman Greco

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