About Thurman
I’m a writer, Reflexology for the Spirit Teacher and Practitioner, canine massage therapy teacher, Reiki Master Teacher. I began my career as a healer in 1982 when I graduated from the Potomac Massage Therapy Institute in Washington, D. C. Because people in my field never stop learning, I practice 9 different kinds of Reiki therapy: Usui, Violet Flame, Lightarian, JinKeiDo, Mari-El, Gendai, Karuna…, Reiki for Animals, and End of Life Reiki. Although I learned several kinds of massage, I knew before I even graduated from massage school that I was going to be a reflexologist.
I teach classes and practice in a positive, upbeat healing space beside a beautiful stream in downtown Woodstock. I give talks about Reflexology for the Spirit to groups of interested people.
And, of course, my career path could never have been complete without the skills I learned as I studied animal communication, Tarot card readings, Akashic Records readings, and Angel readings.
Everyone’s feet have stories to tell. Everyone can venture down the path to healing: physical, mental, spiritual, emotional. Those who know me, work with me, and study under me, agree that I am passionate about healing work in general and Reflexology for the Spirit in particular. With this blog, I’m inviting you to journey down this path with me.
I welcome your comments and questions. Thank you for joining in the conversation.
Thurman Greco
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