Eczema – a skin condition we all need to know more about
Spiritually, if you have eczema, you have a negative attitude toward unpleasant events in your life.
Eczema is a fairly common skin condition becoming more and more common. Your skin becomes inflamed as it reacts to soaps, detergents, household chemicals, food, house dust, and other irritants.
Itching, red, inflamed skin is the first step. It’s followed by flaking skin and a rash appearing on legs, hands, face, neck.
In children, eczema likes the inner knees and elbows.
If the condition doesn’t improve within a week, you need to see a medical professional.
Looking at the bigger picture, eczema is also a reaction to stresses in and around you. And, we can probably all agree that life is becoming more and more stressful.
The best way to treat eczema is to identify, remove, and avoid the allergens. Your goal is to control and relieve symptoms.
Looking beyond the emotional, mental, and spiritual stress, we are all more and more stressed by the chemicals we come in contact with daily. The soaps we clean with and the food we eat are becoming more and more laden with more and stronger chemicals as time goes by.
Eczema begins as itchy blotches on your skin. The redness begins later. The three culprits here are allergies, stress, and immune system overload.
These three situations respond positively to regular reflexology, Reiki therapy and chakra healing sessions.
An important first step in treating eczema beyond regular sessions is for you to identify the triggers which set off your bouts of eczema. These may be animal dander, anger, cleaning products, drugs, foods, fragrances, poor circulation, house dust, .
All is not lost. You’ll benefit from a little sun every day.
Because eczema is a situation resulting from immune system overload, a clean environment is critical. This includes your air, body, car, home, work place, water.
When toxins are cleaned out, your health will have a chance to improve. Then, your reflexology sessions will be able to more effectively manage eczema’s side effects.
Eczema responds to conventional medical treatments as well as mind-body therapies. In addition to reflexology, Reiki therapy, and chakra healing, meditation helps.
Although this may seem like a daunting task, cleaning up your body and the environment is easier than you might think. For starters, throw out all your cleaning supplies and cosmetics and replace them with non-toxic products which won’t exacerbate the problem.
A good next step is to clean up the diet by cooking and eating only the foods which have no artificial colors, flavors, additives.
It has been said that health begins and ends in the colon. A colon cleanse followed by a liver cleanse is in order. When your environment is cleaned up and your body cleaned out, it will be easier to cope with stressful situations.
Eczema is a fourth chakra issue.
immune system, nervous system, lymphatics, digestive system, circulatory system, liver, solar plexus
bergamot, frankincense, geranium, helichrysum, juniper, lavender, myrrh, neroli, peppermint, sweet orange, tea tree, yarrow,
EFFECTIVE FIELDS OF HEALING: Conventional Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Herbalism
PREVENTATIVE MEASURES: Keep damaged skin moist using an oil-based cream. Apply emollients liberally and frequently.
TREATMENT GOAL: If you can avoid the itch-scratch-itch cycle and avoid potential infection, your situation will be much better.
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Thurman Greco
Woodstock, New York
Water, Health & Longevity – Know Where Your Water Comes From!
Do you buy bottled water? Do you drink water out of the tap in your home? Do you drink water from a fountain at work?
Where does it all come from? Not all water, either bottled or from a faucet at home, is safe to drink. To put this article’s message bluntly:
- – – – – YOUR WATER MAY BE MAKING YOU SICK! – – – – –
You need to do two things:
For starters, if you buy water, find out where it comes from. Find out what the bottlers do to it before it gets to you.
I drink bottled water exclusively because I want the water I drink to meet acceptable levels of cleanliness and purity. I go for ultra purified water.
If you fall on the side of spring water, you also need to know what the levels of cleanliness and purity are. And, you need to know how often your water is tested. What are the results of each periodic test?
Do you drink tap water at home? Where does this water come from? How often is this water tested? What are the reports? Where do they come from? How pure is this water?
Beyond that, what about the pipes bringing this water to your home? The pipes in my home are older than I am which puts them in the over-80 range. I do not drink water from these pipes.
And, I do not drink from water fountains.
This article focuses on two issues. The first issue is that of cleanliness. The second issue is about the money. You may be paying money for water that is neither clean nor even safe. You may be wasting your money.
Your water costs may be a rip off.
We all want to buy food, drink, and cleaning products that are healthy. Water is our healthiest drink. Water keeps us hydrated. It has no calories and is necessary for our bodies to function.
When you are a good water consumer, you may enjoy better health.
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Thurman Greco
Woodstock, New York
Longevity Breathing – an Easy Step to Better Health
I often go through a good bit of my day without even thinking about how I’m breathing, forgetting completely that the easiest and most powerful way to stay healthy and promote good longevity is breathing right.
When we’re faced with traffic snarls, an unhappy coworker, a missed deadline at work, lack of exercise, or children with stuffy noses, automatic stress responses are all too common. Our breathing becomes shallow, rapid.
Heart rates speed up, neck muscles tighten, teeth grind, and on and on.
There is something you can do.
You can learn – and practice – proper longevity breathing techniques.
There are many different breathing techniques. I use one, in particular, a the moment I realize that stress is staring me in the face.
I always use it when I’m in a doctor’s office and I know I’m going to get my blood pressure checked. I don’t have White Coat Syndrome, but my blood pressure definitely rises when the cuff is put on my arm. Sometimes, my blood pressure even rises when I walk into the doctor’s office.
So, I just cut this increase off at the pass. I use this longevity breathing technique anytime I need to calm myself and control my emotions. Here is what I do. And, you can do it too.
I breathe in deeply through my nose while mentally telling myself it’s time to be calm and lower my blood pressure.
When you breathe in deeply through your nose, focus the origin of this inhale deep in your abdomen. Hold this deep breath for a few seconds.
Then, exhale slowly as you breathe out. Remind yourself that you are breathing out stress. Let your inner self know that you are lowering your blood pressure when you exhale this deep breath.
This deep inhale and exhale pattern works in traffic, in the doctor’s office, at work. It works anywhere you see stress running straight toward you.
Take about four inhale-exhales and mentally check in with your body. Observe how your body is calming itself.
Take about four more inhale-exhales if you need. The goal here is to be calm, grounded, solid, alert.
You can train these inhale-exhales to work for you. Practice them when you aren’t super stressed. Practice them several times daily at randomly selected moments. The goal is to become comfortable with the results of this breathing pattern.
Thank you for reading this article. Please share it with your preferred social media network.
Thurman Greco
Woodstock, New York
Walking to Stay Youthful – Longevity Tips You Can Use
Walking is my favorite fitness and longevity activity. I like it because I can enjoy it almost anywhere. I ‘ve adapted my walking pace to my changing age, abilities, health and lifestyle.
Walking served me well during my young mother years. Pushing a stroller was a good excuse to air out the babies and myself.
Later, through my jobs, walking was an important lunchtime activity. Lunchtime walks gave me energy to make it through the afternoon at a desk.
As a senior, walking keeps me moving – an extremely important benefit. As seniors everywhere will tell you, we use it or we lose it. Walking keeps me going.
Walking can cost little to nothing. No fancy memberships are needed. No expensive outfits are necessary. It’s adaptable to indoors as well as out.
And, best of all, it doesn’t take special skills, training, talent, or money. Walking works for me because baseball, volleyball, tennis, golf, ballroom dancing, never did. All walking takes is a little time, enthusiasm, and interest.
I’m sharing a few tips with you so your walking exercise will be more fun and beneficial.
For starters, a pair of WALKING SHOES and socks will help you move farther and faster with fewer problems.
Dress in layers. As you walk, you’ll warm up. Wear COMFORTABLE CLOTHING in layers so you can stay comfortable and keep from overheating.
Walking doesn’t require a lot of fancy warm ups. BEGIN EACH WALK SLOWLY, calmly. Then, if you plan to increase your pace, you can take a warm up break.
When you walk, think about your abdominal muscles and your posture. They define your WALKING STYLE. Open shoulders, a straight spine, and stable abdominal muscles will give you strength and confidence to move.
When the time is right on your walk, give yourself a SPEED BURST of about a minute or so.
Finally, give yourself some LONG, LUSCIOUS STRETCHES after walking.
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Thanks again
Thurman Greco
Woodstock, New York
Your Longevity – And a Healthy Living Attitude
The first step toward achieving your longevity goals is a healthy living attitude.
Healthy living is much easier when you feel what you’re doing is important and when you feel like you’re going to succeed when you develop your new healthy habits. Optimism is the necessary ingredient in a healthy living attitude.
Healthy living is a journey toward a goal. You can travel on the healthy living attitude express every day if you know in your heart that you’re going to be successful.
One of the hardest things to do in life is lose weight. The only thing harder is keeping it off. And, really, the most important ingredient in this whole lifestyle change is your healthy living attitude.
I know you can do it. I know you can adopt whatever habits you need to achieve your longevity goals. I know you can do it because I did it. And, the one thing that made the difference was my healthy living attitude.
I tried many times throughout the years to lose weight – to no avail. Diets were depressing. Blah. Blah. Blah.
This last try was different. Why? I experienced an attitude adjustment which worked! I’m not sure what happened. I was just ready to be free of all the extra pounds. It was just time. I was ready to let go of all the excuses that I’d been clinging to for years: my bum thyroid, my menopause, a business which sapped my strength every day and took over 80 hours a week on a slow week.
I woke up one day and realized I wanted to be free. I faced up to the fact that I was both the problem and the solution.
At that moment, my diet unfolded in front of me. And, I was off and running… away from failure, extra pounds, doubt. The healthy living attitude took control.
I began cutting out carbs and started talking to my thyroid. I also spoke to my body. I knew the extra weight surrounding my body was no longer a necessary part of my self. My new authenticity simply didn’t require so much protection.
My healthy living attitude was all I needed to protect me.
I dieted for seemingly ever. I didn’t buy a single new outfit for at least six months. And, it was all okay. Walking around in roomy clothing was fine for me. I was free! I was proud of the pounds I lost.
No one can do this for you. When you have the right attitude about your family, your work, and your health, you can do just about anything. You will see that all the parts of your life are connected and you can succeed at anything you care about doing.
When the time is right , your path will reveal itself to you. Your job will then be to show up as your authentic self and do the work. When this happens, know that your success is already making its way to you.
You will learn to access your energy system for direction, energy, motivation. You will be inspired to follow the directions. If something surfaces which doesn’t resonate with you, leave it be. Work with those things which touch your authentic self as you become comfortable with your healthy living attitude.
Through trial and error, your inner authentic self will guide you to your success. You will achieve your goals and you will learn that you are not broken. You are, instead, finding yourself.
Thank you for reading this article. Please refer it to your favorite social media network.
Thurman Greco
Woodstock, New York
Thank you for reading this article! Please refer it to your favorite social media network.
Thurman Greco
Woodstock, NY