The Spirituality of the Adrenal Glands
People sometimes have issues with the adrenal glands and are unable to identify them as needing balance.
A few tip offs include:
Having experienced so much stress and trauma that you are stuck in the fight-or-flight response.
Panic attacks.
We each have 2 adrenal glands. One is perched atop each kidney. Because there are 2, they come under the category of body parts needing balance. Other body parts needing balance include lungs, and kidneys.
Adrenals are very spiritual third chakra glands which we feel when we experience butterflies in our stomach. Adrenals are part of the endocrine system which also emphasizes their spiritual qualities. The adrenals process fear, anger, excitement and stress overload.,
If your your adrenals need to be balanced, go to a quiet, safe space where you will not be interrupted and get comfortable. Turn on some relaxing music if you like.
Breathe in deeply as you inhale calm. Breathe slowly – deeply – consciously.
As you exhale, breathe out anxiety.
Breathe in positive energy.
Exhale as you release fatigue.
Inhale peace.
As you exhale, let go of all your fears.
Inhale nurturing energy.
Release any panic you may feel as you exhale.
When you feel grounded, place your hands 1″ to 3″ above your body over the area of your adrenals. Hold your hands here for a couple of minutes as you give them a chance to communicate with your body in general and your adrenal glands in particular.
What information are you receiving? Do you feel tingling, heat, cold, nothing? Whatever you feel is good and appropriate for this time and place. Continue this communication for a few minutes until you feel it’s time to finish the session. Now, breathe deeply as you inhale and exhale several times.
The information you receive may not be apparent immediately. It may be several minutes, hours or days before you receive a message. You may receive the communication in a dream.
The important thing is to be open to receiving the information you need whenever and however it comes.
If possible, arrange to receive some Reiki therapy sessions focused on your adrenal health. In addition to Usui Reiki, 2 forms of Reiki appropriate for the adrenals are Lightarian and Gendai.
Essential Oils which work well for adrenal gland function include clove, frankincense, German chamomile, nutmeg, and spikenard.
Weekly Reflexology for the Spirit sessions will encourage homeostasis.
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Michele Garner created the Zentangle art.
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Thurman Greco
Forgiveness Meditation with Mary, Queen of Angels
Find a quiet place:
A room, or a corner of a room.
A garden.
A place in a park.
Any place where you can be quiet and relax.
Sit quietly as you feel tension leave your body. Feel it drain out of your fingertips and toes.
Take a few breaths. Breathe deeply as you inhale and then exhale.
Now, in your mind, take yourself to a meadow. Sit quietly on a rock located in this meadow. Look around you and notice all you see.
You have come to this meadow to learn to offer forgiveness. You’ve tried throughout your life to offer forgiveness at times when you feel you’ve been wronged. You’ve never felt truly successful in your efforts to forgive someone.
So, you are here today, sitting quietly on a rock located in a meadow.
A person comes to join you. You see Mother Mary, the Queen of Angels.
As she comes to join you, take note of how she looks. What color are her robes? What is her hair like? What does her face look like? Try to notice every detail.
She joins you to help you learn to forgive. Mary will remain with you as long as you need while she assists you in your efforts to forgive.
Mary is here to teach you…
without words,
without pictures…
how to be silent and learn to forgive.
Spend time with her in deep silence, meditating on teachings she offers you now. You know that, as the mother of Jesus, she experienced life events requiring serious forgiveness. Mary persevered. You feel now the experiences Mary had in her life which caused her to learn to live the act of forgiveness.
It’s not necessary to know anything about Mary in order to understand what she’s teaching you. It’s not necessary to be a Catholic, or a Christian even. Mary is recognized not only in Christian theology, but also in Orthodox and Muslim teachings. Mary’s story is universal, touching us all. Her life motivates us to all learn to forgive. Mary belongs to all of us…no matter what our religious beliefs.
When you feel that you have absorbed all you can at this time, you know it is best to go. You thank Mary, Queen of Angels for visiting with you and for teaching you to forgive.
You know Mary is here for you. Feeling gratitude, love, light, you know you can return to this meadow any time you need to visit with Mary again.
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Thurman Greco
Michele Garner created the artwork for today’s article.
3 Ways the Breast Reflexes are Enhanced in a Reflexology Session
Breasts are made up of fat, connective tissue, and mammary glands which are composed of ducts and nodes. Sometimes, when the breast reflex areas are worked, the client-partner feels sensitivity.
When the reflex points of the breasts are worked, the following things happen:
The breast reflexes are encouraged to function efficiently.
Blood and lymph circulation is increased.
Excess fluids and wastes begin to drain.
The breast reflex points are found on both feet on the top of the feet, just down from the tops of the toes.
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This is the final post of this section. The next post is a meditation to Mother Mary. After that, a new section will explore the spirituality of the different parts of the human body. We are now getting deeper into the philosophy of Reflexology for the Spirit. These new articles will be posted on Mondays and Wednesdays only. Please let me know how you feel about this new section of the blog/book.
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Thurman Greco
2 Ways the Pancreas is Enhanced in a Reflexology Session
The pancreas is a digestive system organ. It is also an organ of the endocrine system. It controls sugar, aids in digestion and helps convert food into nutrients. The fact that so many people have diabetes means, for me, that we all need to pay more attention to the pancreas, where it is, and how it works.
The pancreas is located in the body behind the stomach.
When the pancreas reflex points are worked, several things happen:
The pancreas is prompted to regulate blood-sugar levels.
The pancreas secretes digestive juices to break down foods.
The pancreas reflex point is located on both feet, on the medial soles, about halfway down the food between the big toe and the heel. It is larger on the left foot than on the right.
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Thurman Greco
4 Ways the Stomach is Enhanced in a Reflexology Session
The stomach is the primary organ of digestion. It’s a bean shaped bag sitting mostly on the left side of the body under the diaphragm and above the intestines. The stomach constantly changes its size, depending on how much food it’s processing.
When the stomach reflex point is worked, several things happen:
The stomach performs food-mashing functions more efficiently.
The sphincters are encouraged to operate properly.
Blood circulation brings blood to the tissues.
The stomach reflex is found on the left foot below the ball of the foot.
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Thurman Greco
7 Ways the Brain is Enhanced in a Reflexology Session
The brain is the control center for the body. As with other organs of the body, very little is known about what the brain actually does. We know that it houses memories, tells the heart to beat, processes sight and hearing. Scientists are discovering exactly how the brain works.
The brain and the mind are different things. No one knows how the mind works.
When the brain reflex point is worked, several things happen:
The body’s sense of equilibrium begins to activate itself.
The neurological functions become energized.
Both physical and emotional reactions seek balance.
The physical and emotional activities are more controlled.
Organic functions are regulated.
Emotional stress is calmed.
Sleep activities are balanced.
Brain reflex points are located on the tips of the toes on both feet – especially the tips of the big toes.
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Thurman Greco
8 Ways the Eye Reflexes are Enhanced in a Reflexology Session
The eyes expose the central nervous system to the external world. Most of the raw data making up our knowledge bank is processed through the eyes. It is said by many that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.
When the eyes are worked, several thing happen:
The seeing functions of the eyes begin to improve.
The body begins to fight vertigo and distortion.
Blood and lymph circulation are stimulated.
Tired and irritated eye tissues are refreshed.
Toxic wastes are removed.
Optic nerves receive better circulatory action.
Eye tissues are flushed.
Irritants are removed.
The eye reflexes are located on the ridge of the food located where the toes join the foot.
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Thurman Greco
2 Ways the Heart Reflex is Enhanced in a Reflexology Session
The Heart is the strongest muscle in the body. It has very specific functions. It pumps oxygen depleted blood from the veins to the lungs. It pumps oxygen rich blood from the lungs to the arteries. These functions control circulation. The heart is the only part of the circulatory system which is charted.
The heart is located between the lungs behind the breastbone.
When the heart reflex is worked, several things happen:
The heart pumps oxygen rich blood from the lungs to the brain and other organs.
The cardiovascular action pumps blood throughout the body.
The heart reflex is located on the sole of the left foot in the area of the diaphragm line. It is down from the third toe and covers most of the ball of the left foot.
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Thurman Greco
How the Testicle Reflexes are Enhanced in a Reflexology Session
The testicles produce hormones and store the sperm in a thin sack of skin known as the scrotum. They hang outside the body. Each testicle weighs about an ounce. Because they take their direction from the pituitary gland, they are endocrine glands. The hormones produced by the testes help with the construction of the structural system, and affect mental attitudes and aggressiveness.
When the reflex points of the testicles are worked, the following things happen:
Male hormones are secreted.
The testicle reflex points are found under the outer ankle bones in the small indentations.
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Thurman Greco
6 Ways the Lymphatic Reflexes Enhance a Reflexology Session
The lymphatic system works to nourish, cleanse, and protect tissues and organs throughout the body. The circulatory system has a pump to move the blood throughout the body. Unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system has no pump to move toxins along. It relies on muscular movement and reflexology to keep the systems clean. Think of the lymphatic system as our sewage system.
When the lymphatic reflexes are worked, several things happen:
Infection fighting cells in the body are mobilized.
Disease fighting cells in the body are mobilized.
Toxic wastes are removed.
The cornea is flushed.
Circulation is increased.
The body’s resistance to disease is raised.
The lymphatic system reflex points are located in several places on both feet. The outside edge of the foot, from the base of the smallest toe down to the bottom of the heel is a popular point. A second point is located on the tops of both feet where the the foot bends to meet the ankle. This point extends across this bend in the foot from the outer ankle to the inner ankle. A third point is located between toes at the base of each toe.
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Thurman Greco