Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Find your Tribe in 2025


Recently, I put out the call for a Reiki practitioner to be a guest in my booth at the Mower’s Meadow Flea Market.

A bit of history here:  I’ve had a booth at the Mower’s Meadow Saturday Sunday Flea Market in Woodstock for several years.  I began the booth as a fundraising project for an area food pantry.

After a few years, I began reading Tarot Cards and selling books at the market..

The bottom line was that I was using about 30% of the booth space and felt that I could add a healing table.  But, since I didn’t think I could offer Reiki and read cards at the same time, I put out the call for a Reiki practitioner to be a guest in the booth.

The flea market hadn’t had a Reiki practitioner in years so this was going to be a whole new activity – a startup, really.

I felt that what I needed to do was invite a practitioner every week.  Well, I was certainly off the mark there.  .

Susan responded to my call immediately.  She ‘s a Reiki Master Practitioner who I hadn’t seen in years.

Susan has  fulltime employment in Kingston.  She’s looking to begin her new career as a Reiki practitioner.  Susan had a lot of training to offer her future and she was looking forward to practicing Reiki.

When I contacted Susan, I expected her to volunteer to work at the booth once or maybe twice at the most.  Well, I was wrong there.

Susan arrived at the booth on the agreed-on date and time.  She brought her own healing table, business cards, and a chair.

When I showed her the area, she set her table up under a large tree which was offering shade and protection.

Susan set out a small table at the front of the booth with some business cards and she placed a chair nearby.

“I’m ready to begin offering Reiki.  I’m looking for my tribe.”

What a statement to use at the beginning of a new venture!  As things turned out, it was an accurate description for her.

Susan set up her table every flea market day for the remainder of the summer.  Each flea market day Susan positioned her table under the welcoming tree.  Her chair and small table for business cards were right up front where Susan could see every person shopping at the market.

By the end of the season, Susan had given Reiki sessions on most market days.  But that wasn’t the remarkable thing.  The amazing thing was this:  every person receiving a session from Susan became a client.

Susan found her tribe!

I was impressed as this whole process unfolded in front of me.  I saw it all.

And, really, I don’t know why I was so astounded.  After all, Susan did what she came to do at the market.

She set her goal.  She focused in on what she was going to do to reach her goal.  She thought about what she needed to do to get where she was going.

While Susan did this work to find her tribe, she set an example for the rest of us.  Susan didn’t just say she was looking for her tribe and then wait for her goal to reach itself.

Susan mapped out and defined what she felt she needed to do to reach her goal.  And she did all the things she felt she needed to do to find her tribe.

Susan found success in a way that none of us expected.

The message of this article is this:  When you begin a new project in the future, include finding your tribe in the process.  Decide what you need to do and then do it.

Good luck to Susan!  You are a Reiki Practitioner who is mapping success.  In the process, you taught all of your neighbors in the Market a few things about reaching your goals:  find your Tribe!

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