Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Where Are You Hiding?

I admit it….. Volunteering changed my life.

The message here is this:  Don’t read this article if you’re happy where you’re at.


Skip this article if you don’t want to change your life.  Or, maybe, even ruin it forever.  Because, it’s just possible that, like myself, you’ll never again ignore the plight of people living on the margins.

It’s also possible you’ll find a community.  Everywhere I go, I encounter people living in new surroundings they discovered during the pandemic.  They live in the new place but are not yet a part of the location.

To put it bluntly:  They haven’t yet found a community.  To do that, they need an activity which calls them to do something beyond themselves.

People in this situation are homesick for a past which is not going to join them in the future.

To feel good about your home and your life in the present moment, find a place, a job, a hobby, a community which feeds you physically and spiritually.

This is where volunteering comes in.  When I began working at the food pantry,  I had no inkling that my old life was gone forever.  I had no clue that what would replace it was a  much richer tapestry.

I didn’t know I was being given an opportunity to do something great beyond myself.  Why was I hiding?

I simply immersed myself  in my community doing what needed to be done.  This brought a pivot in my life.

So, I ask you:  Are your curtains up?  Have you got the sofa where you want it in the living room?  If the answer to these two questions is “YES”, then where are you hiding?  Go for it!

You’ll soon be motivated to a more positive attitude because your self-image and social esteem are improved.  You’ll feel better about yourself.

Don’t know where to go?  Look around you.  Opportunities are all over the place.

Think about something you like:  dogs and cats, art, reading, children, politics.

When you find your volunteering place, you’ll see change.  You’ll discover what the word “impact” means.  You’ll write a new chapter in your life.

But, what if you don’t want to involve yourself in life on the margins?

What ifs are all around you.  But, they are not everywhere.  Scout around and find yourself a Reiki Master Teacher and go for it!  New horizons wait for you in Reiki, that’s for sure.  Your inner self is calling out.


Thank you for reading this blog post.  Please share it with your friends and relatives and forward it to your favorite social media network.

Check out some of the early articles in this blog and also in

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Anchor Yourself in Reality

On December 25, 1968, with my two toddlers, I landed on a remote airfield in the interior of Venezuela, on the outskirts of El Tigre.

Gulf Oil had just hired my husband, Tony, to work in the Mene Grande Oil Camp. ,In the weeks before he started this job, we sold our cars, and home, located in a Dallas, Texas suburb.

Movers packed  our belongings and sent them down to the seaport in Maracaibo, Venezuela by boat.  We didn’t see our household goods for six months because of a shipping strike.

We lived with nothing and no way to get anything.  Think of the things you feel you might need:  coffee pot, dishes, sheets, towels, chairs, tables, beds, sofas.

We borrowed from the neighbors.

I found myself living in a country where we lived in a community ringed by a high chain link fence near a remote village where I didn’t know the language.  My spouse spoke Spanish but he was at work all day long.

After a short time, the reality of my situation sank in.  The oil camp where I lived was fifty miles from a grocery store in one direction and fifty miles from headhunters in the other.  Ciudad Bolivar sat eighty miles in the third direction on the south bank of the Orinoco River.

I lived a life where a uniformed guard aiming a machine gun at me was the rule of the day as I went about my “que haceres” to the bank, bakery, gas station.  Wherever I went throughout the day, I took Jennette and Michele with me.  The goal was to never get separated from them.

Lastly, there was no outside phone line.

What a place to be when so much was happening in the rest of the world.  Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated.  Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated.  Arlo Guthrie sang “Alice’s Restaurant”.  The My Lai Massacre was the scandal of the Vietnam War.

By the end of the first month, I found my anchor, my information line to reality.  I read about current events and news every Tuesday evening when the previous Sunday’s New York Times was delivered to my door.  As soon as the DC-3 landed about 4:30, we were all ready at our house. We loved greeting the paper delivery man as he dropped it off at our front door.  Tony and I read the last Sunday’s paper from cover to cover.

I had never been to New York City and it didn’t even matter.   The New York Times brought the world to me.

And, I’ve been reading the New York Times regularly since then.  I read it in San Francisco, Mexico City, San Antonio, Dallas, Monterey, CA., and Washington, D.C.

Some places I got the paper daily.  Others, it was weekly.  Wherever I lived, I read every copy I got my hands on.

No matter how the current events of my life unfolded, after reading the New York Times, I had a calmer, more realistic perspective.  The New York Times brought news with the calming reality of facts most of my adult life.

Even with all the drama of Biden versus Trump, stories in the New York Times are balanced, informative, real, and important.

To The New York times, I send a thank you for doing what you do so well.

To my readers, I sincerely hope and pray that you have found  a way to stay anchored.  Life is much easier that way.  This anchor adds an extra layer of depth to my spiritual work.  For me, this is essential.

I am simply unable to live my life from day-to-day without including planetary events.  I have friends, close friends, who are able to shut everything around them out.  I cannot.  I live on the planet earth and cannot ignore the reality of current events.

Along with the Reiki and Reflexology, I’m a more balanced person.  Current events are part of this circle of spiritual growth.  Include the necessary elements for balance.


Thank you for reading this article.  If you enjoyed reading it, please forward it to your friends, neighbors, relatives.  Share it with your favorite social media networks.

Two Books to Read:

The Tarot is many things.  One thing people don’t think about:  It’s rooted in the wisdom of the past and relates to the current events of our lives in a very modern way.

Order them both at  You can also order them through email at thurmangreo@gmail.




One Thing About Reiki and Healing

Since the ’90s, I’ve taught Reiki and Reflexology to students of all ages, sizes, and shapes.  I made a conscious effort to let my students fly free, once he or she received the certificates earned.  .

Healing is a personal path for a student.  Eventually, the learned skills will surface in a way that is best for the universe.  Sometimes the surfacing happens quite soon.  Other times, it may take years as the student carries the energy around quietly, underground almost – waiting for just the right time.  Meanwhile, the healing Reiki energy percolates, hidden below the surface.

Soon after Donald Trump was inaugurated, I put out an extremely quiet call to some Reiki Master Practitioners.  “Come over and get your teacher wings.”

A few answered the call.  I attuned them all to the Reiki Master Teacher Level and, again, set them loose to do what they felt called to do.

Karen kept in touch.  She took her attunement seriously and, throughout the Pandemic, taught and practiced Reiki.  Karen worked outdoors throughout this time.  She practiced her profession in a park about 2 blocks from her home.

Some days were hot.  Others were cold.  Nobody seemed to mind.

Now, in these days and times, Karen is ill.  She is teaching us all how to prepare for the future when there isn’t much time left on this plane.

She is allowing her students and fellow practitioners the opportunity to offer  Reiki. This is a special time for all of us. Her students set up a time:  Tuesday afternoons at 3:00.

People drop by her home to see how she’s doing.  Some  prepare food.  Others run errands, etc. Everyone is finding things that need attention.  Hospice is in the mix.

Reiki is at the core of this transition.  We participate the best way we can.

One thing happening out loud is this:  When we learn Reiki or other healing modality, we’re not sure what we’re going to do with our new certificate and skill.

Whatever we do, Reiki meets us where we are.  However we use the things we’ve learned, it’s all for the good of the universe.

We are not here to change a story when offering therapy.  Instead, we are a conduit for healing.  Nothing more.

I am grateful to each and every student I’ve had over the past years.  Each of you is an educational experience for me.  You have, one and all, given me the highest honor a teacher can receive:  Your trust.

Thank you to everyone.  Thank you to Karen for allowing us to be with her at this special time.

My first book, “Healer’s Handbook” took 10 years to write.  It’s gone out to over 3 dozen countries.  I think it needs another edition to highlight End-of-Life Reiki.  What do you think?


Earlier posts of this blog may have answers to your questions.  Check them out. Also go to some of the YOUTUBE segments of “Let’s Live” which cover wellness and healing.

Find out more at

Contact me at

The shows have been hold for several weeks because Ellen had surgery.  We are resuming our shows soon.  Join us!


One Way to Explore and Expand Your Path

We are, each of us, on a unique path.

You may follow your path from childhood and continue throughout your life, honoring your traditions.

Or, you may create your own path, making meaning out of each new step.

Wherever you are on your journey, your path is yours alone.  Only you occupy your space.

One thing you can do to help yourself advance on your path is to journal.    Because your path is yours alone, your journal will help you reflect on life’s meanings and what they teach you.

You can create your journal from an old tablet you found lying around on a table.  Or, you can create your a journal as a work of art with drawings, photos, paintings, and a creative cover.  Or, your journal can be anywhere between these two styles.

However you decide to create your journal, it can help you explore your spirituality.

Whatever you do to create your journal, it can help you explore the wonders of your life.  The words of your journal will help you learn more about how you think and feel.  This will help you create a deeper connection with your self and your path.

Your journal entries will help you explore your beliefs and how you feel and think about them.

The spiritual exploration offered by your journal will enhance and strengthen  your path.

Thanks for reading this article.

It is not intended to change your story or offer therapy.  It is written to offer a conduit to your own healing journey’s path.

Find out more about reflexology, Reiki, and healing, at

If you are seeking specific information, check out older blog posts and also go to some of the YOUTUBE segments which cover wellness and healing.

A recent book features the major arcana of the Tarot.  These cards explore well-known symbols and archetypes which heal, shape, and reflect our lives.

Beyond the boundaries of this book, I will explore archetypes and how they affect our spiritual growth in future blog posts..

You can order this book at or email me at