Healer’s Handbook – Wellness for All
This book is filled with all the wellness information I would have loved to have had when I was a young mother with two active, curious children.
I would love to have shared this information with my two daughters when they started their families. Time turned this book into a resource for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to use as they go through life.
This book is your ticket to your healing adventures. After all, wherever you go, if you are healing yourself or caring for someone else, you are on a journey.
The information took me decades to discover and organize. I’ve presented it in practical and uncomplicated ways so you can use it in today’s hectic world.
This healing information has stood the test of time. Medical training isn’t necessary to read and understand the words on these pages.
Information in this book does not diagnose or treat a disease. I do not prescribe medications or treatments of any kind. “A Healer’s Handbook – Wellness for All” is not a substitute for an X-ray or MRI.
This book adds a spiritual layer of personal care to every situation in your healing life. The goal is to enlighten and empower you with information and insight you can use on your healing journey.
If I’m successful, you will read things and then discuss them with your healthcare provider, your family, and other persons of importance in your life.
I hope you’ll see how these suggestions and this information fit into your core values.
For thousands of years, reflexologists (for example) have successfully treated these health issues from common ailments to complex diseases. Because I’m a reflexologist, you’ll find references to this modality on many pages.
That doesn’t mean you need to be a reflexologist to use this knowledge.
It’s there to adapt to to your needs. If you know nothing about reflexology, you can still benefit from its philosophy about health and healing.
Reflexology teaches: Your body is different every day.
My healing practice teaches: You are not just a physical body. Your components are made up of physical, mental, emotional, and spirital aspects.
Your health changes continually.
If you are twenty years old, the information you read in this book will interest you in one way.
After fifty years, you’ll be focused on your health in different ways.
Children in your life will point you in yet another direction.
Use the information you find on these pages to see your health and its maintenance through the added dimension of a spiritual event or situation. Doing this, you will enhance your well-being.
Part 1 of this book focuses on your health, healing, and wellness. Good habits can be tough to start. Most of us don’t pay attention to what we should be doing until its obvious.
This book gives you a boost to care for yourself and those important to you before problems develop or get serious. The first part of this book answers and explains many questions.
You may find several listings repeated in many places. Their impact has multiple implications.
Part 2 focuses on the spirituality of your body systems. It’s much easier to care for yourself or someone else when you know how your body parts interact with one another.
Essential Foods are listed in each body system they support.
Personal care information is included.
Part 3 is your toolbox. Information listed here lists ailments and their remedies alphabetically. Each entry begins with spiritual qualities unique to the disease you are investigating.
I’ve listed essential oils for easy reference. Each health issue listed has practical information specific to that disease.
There are no one-size-fits-all solutions in this book.
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just off the press, this book is available for %15.00 each plus $5. shipping. It is not yet on the website.
To purchase this book, please contact me at thurmangreco@gmail.com and let me know your mailing address so I can ship it out to you.
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Thurman Greco –
We Live in a Dirty World. Manage Your Detox with 3 Reflexology Body Systems to Workout & 3 Crucial Daily Activities.
When I think of toxicity, the first word coming to my mind is (of course) reflexology! A reflexology session offers a mild detox. Often, this detox goes unnoticed. The person comes to my table with other issues and leaves feeling better, grounded, at peace.
People visit reflexologists with health issues which they feel need spiritual attention. This focus may be subdued. In other words, they feel they need spiritual attention but aren’t aware of the situation. They haven’t yet begun to verbalize their needs.
The words they use include fatigue, insomnia, constipation, headaches.
Whatever words they use, a reflexology session opens a window into homeostasis – the balance of all body systems. This is what healing is all about.
A toxic body makes healing more challenging.
A reflexology session works three body systems to promote a physical detox.
Your liver is a powerful detoxing organ in your Digestive System. Your liver does two things to manage a detox: Its enzymes break down toxins and then sends them off to your kidneys as urine and to your lower digestive tract as feces.
As my Aunt Ruby always said: “Your good health begins and ends in your digestive system.”
When your reflexologist works your Lymphatic System, the fluids in your body balance and remove toxins. This system works on a parallel path with your circulatory system. Your Lymphatic System works to keep your body clean.
Your Respiratory System focuses on the air you breathe. You inhale oxygen and exhale toxins.
A weekly reflexology session helps your body detox itself. You can boost this weekly session by combining it with Reiki therapy and chakra healing. Or not. Whatever makes you comfortable is important.
There are Three other things to pay attention to in addition to your weekly sessions. A Healthy Diet, Daily Exercise, and Enough Sleep. Each one of these activities is crucial to your detoxing success.
Don’t be put off by The Big Three. Detoxing can be a journey you start small. Begin by drinking enough water each day.
Each morning, I prepare two large glasses of water which I drink throughout the day. On a good day, I get in three large glasses.
For me a Daily Exercise routine can include many different things. But two things are basic – every day: Walking 10,000 steps and using my personal trampoline. I may include other things such as yoga on a weekly routine schedule. But the walking and the trampoline are daily essential habits for me.
I’ve written many blog posts about exercise and my new book “Wellness for All” refers to exercise as well.
But, one thing I think I’ve omitted to discuss is the importance of exercise to your detox. Daily exercise is crucial to any detox effort.
When you increase your circulation enough to sweat, you detox!
I cannot overemphasize the importance of Enough Sleep. My Aunt Ruby knew what she was talking about when she said “When you get enough sleep, you can slay dragons”.
Don’t make any job harder than it has to be. Sleep your way through your detox every night. And, include a power nap in the afternoon if you can fit it in.
A Healthy Diet during a detox will have a major impact on your moods and your ability to stay calm. This will make you a lot easier to live with as you shed toxins that may have been hanging around for months or years.
You may decide to dramatically change your diet to promote your detox efforts. Or, you may decide that the slow, gentle release of toxins through reflexology is enough for a start.
Reduce the toxins you ingest in your food. It can be easier than you think to eat foods that taste delicious and support your good health too!
Another Aunt Ruby guideline: Small steps create big changes when it comes to caring for your body and soul.
A detox is important to your self-care. Also important: Understand why you feel you need to detox in the first place. Whatever your reason, broaden your goal to include your life – not just your body.
Remember to care for yourself, and our planet. Include activities that support your emotional health and your soul.
One thing this article refers too in several ways: You have a choice with detoxification.
You can detox for a day or two days or a week.
You can even take a detox vacation as I did several years ago when I spent 10 days in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, drinking juices and other beverages to encourage toxins to move on out.,
Or, you can take the rest of your life. Certainly, that’s the easy way. How does it work? When you choose to eat healthy, clean foods which promote a healthy body, you are, in a sense, detoxing your life.
Choose to take supplements which support your detoxing efforts. This means you choose your supplements with care. All my supplements come from the shelves at Village Apothecary. I have total confidence in Neal Smoller’s knowledge, experience, and opinions.
You can reach Village Apothecary at www.villageapothecaryrx.com.
You will include sleep, skin-care routines, and cleansing products in your detox routines. What this means is that you are going for the big picture: your whole life – not just a smoothie or two.
What this amounts to is this: Many small steps will bring big changes.
The small steps that bring big changes can renew your body and soul. When you take charge of your health and your future, you are the future behind your own change!
Pat yourself on your back, and call yourself a hero! And, don’t forget to journal about it. What a wonderful story you will tell!
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Please check out one of the YouTube articles:
Thurman Greco
Let’s Live with Thurman Greco
Take this Bread with Thurman Greco
Reflexology for the Spirit with Thurman Greco
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Thurman Greco
Reiki for Transition – Reflexology for the Spirit
So, here we are, on the cusp of summer.
Only a few days away from the June equinox, we’re somewhere in transitions we’re all experiencing as we feel our way from the pandemic to the post pandemic reality.
Whether you feel the end of the pandemic is here or whether you feel there never was a pandemic or whether you fear the pandemic will never end:
This is a time to feel the earth underneath your feet.
This is a time to take a deep breath.
This is a time to balance your chakras and your body systems.
Now, more than ever before, we all need the homeostasis offered by Reiki. We all need Reiki’s gentle healing. We all need Reiki’s blessings.
Join together now and send Reiki to yourself, to your family members, to your neighbors, to the planet.
Whoever you choose to receive your Reiki, that person, place, or thing will appreciate your generosity and thoughtfulness.
This is a time to send Reiki to all living beings.
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Thurman Greco
Please check out the healing YouTube articles under:
Thurman Greco
Let’s Live with Thurman Greco
Thurman Greco with Reflexology for the Spirit
New sessions are added weekly.