Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

The Spirituality of the Sinuses



Our sinuses are very spiritual.  They:

are connected to our sense of smell which moves back and forth through time as aromas and scents are drawn in through our nose.

give resonance to the voice, so important to communication.

are  front line protection against foreign invaders as they prevent dust, germs, and other foreign particles from entering the lungs.

reduce the weight of the skull because they are empty cavities.  This is important because the skull sits on small neck bones.

A gift  you can give to your sinuses is work them in  self-administered reflexology sessions.  Sinuses love reflexology, especially  hand reflexology.

Short meditations also help the sinuses offer more protection.

Begin by finding a quiet, safe place.

Breathe in and out consciously for about 2 minutes.  Breathe slowly and mindfully.  Allow your  breathing to become regular, grounded.

As you breathe, allow your sinuses to clear and heal.  Offer your sinuses an opportunity to function at their maximum health, and well-being level.

At this point,  speak to your inner self.  Give yourself permission to feel safe, protected, lovingly cared for….out of harm’s way.

Now, relax for a minute or two.  Close your eyes and visualize  receiving caring attention and support.

End this session by moving slowly for a minute.

Respiratory System

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco



The Spirituality of the Spine

Muscular System

Spines – backs – are very spiritual body parts.  Experience has taught me  that 50% of us have issues with our backs –  both spiritual issues and physical ones.

Our backs are divided into 3 parts:

The upper back houses anger, guilt, resentment, shame.  A major focal point is survival.

The middle back balances different stresses which move us in different ways daily.  It allows us to bend and move whenever and however needed.

The lower back is concerned with weight and responsibility as much as  support and security.

We hold traumas in our backs.  Incidents occur throughout our lives which leave deposits in the muscles.  Eventually, the stresses build up and the result is anything from a dull pain to sharp spasms.  And, finally, a small incident may cause the back to collapse.  Our body speaks through this back pain.

When it all becomes overwhelming, the body says “Too Much!”

Often, people suffering with back issues know instinctively what they need to do to bring healing and relief to their situation.

Some people need chiropractic help.  Others need surgery.  Even others need pain medication, massage, meditation.

Get quiet in a secluded place.

Slowly scan your body for areas of pain – whether they be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

Now, ask your higher self what needs to happen for your back issues to heal.

How does your body feel?  What can you do for yourself to feel better?

Begin to cultivate your inner healer so you will have the insight and the power to meet your health needs.

Repeat this meditation regularly so you can gain access to spinal wellness.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

The Spirituality of the Sciatic Nerves

Angel 4

We are deep in emotional/spiritual territory with the sciatic nerves.  Once a person experiences sciatic pain, the issues are pretty serious.

The sciatic nerves run from the center of the back down the leg.  When sciatic nerves confront issues, the pain goes from the back and down the leg(s).

Medical help is often necessary to relieve the pain.  However, to deal with the emotional/spiritual issues, a different kind of work is also needed.

Nerve issues are concerned with communication, sensitivity, standing up for oneself.  Core beliefs are involved because the pain goes through the back.  Moving forward is a challenge because the legs are involved.

When I see a person suffering with sciatic pain, I often see someone who needs to go in a different direction and for whatever reason is having a difficult time with this.   The feeling is that things are almost impossible.

Sometimes the person needs more support.  Coping with everything alone is just getting to be too hard.

At other times, insight is needed regarding what is actually happening here. The person is suffering at the spiritual/emotional level and the physical body follows up with sciatic issues.

At the bottom of these issues is fear:

fear of one’s survival

fear of money issues

fear of rejection

fear of honesty

Give yourself this supportive meditation.  Work with it until you’re comfortable with it.   Once that happens, you can have much needed positive outcomes.

Begin this meditation by finding a safe, quiet place where you  focus for a few minutes.

Breathe in positive, supportive energy and breathe out any negativity and fear you may be experiencing.  Breathe for 1-2 minutes in this way.

Then, create a spiritual support group for yourself.  Invite in positive energy you need to overcome the fear.  Invite in angels and archangels.  Include ascended masters if you want or saints.  Invite in whomever you feel can help you in a positive way.

What’s important is that you invite in those you feel can be supportive.

One by one, invite members of your spiritual support group to come take a seat beside you.

Allow these supportive group members to  support you and help you move forward to overcome issues  causing fear.  Allow them to offer advice and insight into your situation.

After a few minutes it’s time for your support group members to go.

Remember to invite your supportive group circle to offer you encouragement whenever you feel the need.  When you invite them in, you are taking steps to overcome your issues.

Remember to invite them in to support you when you are concerned about the future and what it brings.  Invite them to help you cope with doubts and fears.  Share your emotional pain and anxiety.

When the session is over, remember to thank these spiritual supporters for all they are doing to help you through this difficult time.

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Thurman Greco

Peace and food for all.

Artwork donated by Jennette Nearhood


The Spirituality of the Prostate

Sangi's feet

Although the prostate gland is small, it suffers and reflects the conditions of a man’s emotional/spiritual life.  So, life has a big impact on  prostate health.

Worthiness and acceptance issues  affect the prostate.    The prostate reflects inner conflicts and confidence.  Feelings of being stuck in life or in a life situation have a direct impact on the health of the prostate.

Find a quiet, safe place.  Go there  and get comfortable.  Either sit or lie down.  What matters is that you feel safe and comfortable.

Turn on some quiet music if you want.

Take a few deep breaths in which you breathe in positivity and breathe out negativity.  Let go of as much as you can when you exhale.

Use the inhaling moments  to think about ways in which you feel confident and have much self confidence.

After a few moments, begin to ask yourself a few questions:

How do you feel about yourself?

Are you able to express your thoughts and feelings easily?

How can you get rid of feelings of failure?

What can you do to release feelings of being stuck?

Now, for a couple of moments, focus on ways you can increase the happiness quotient in your life.

Focus on this for a few moments as you begin again to inhale positivity, confidence, and empowerment.  Exhale all feelings of negativity.

When you have done this, begin to move around and return to your regular daily routine.

Repeat this exercise whenever you feel stuck and unhappy with life.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Artwork provided by Sanghi



The Spirituality of the Pituitary Gland

Spiritual System

The Pituitary Gland is the mother gland of the endocrine system.  This makes it a pretty important component of the physical/spiritual body.

Even though the pituitary gland is only the size of a large lima bean, it secretes hormones that affect organs throughout the body:





soft tissues,..

Other endocrine glands that are controlled by the pituitary include:





With a healthy pituitary, we feel balanced.  We are able to think clearly and have a sharp memory.  We do not feel fearful or threatened and we are able to make good decisions.

To encourage your pituitary function, keep a short journal and spend about 5-6 minutes every day writing.  The goal is to clear out confusion and disorder.  Writing in this journal will allow you to let go of mental and emotional clutter.

You will be less burdened by pressures.  When this happens, you will open up space in your life for things like compassion, creativity, and forgiveness.

Write about whatever comes into your mind without worrying about spelling or grammar.  Focus on feelings, dreams, hopes.

As you do this, you will open paths to openness and healing.  You will access your deeper self.

Dedicate this journal to a healthy pituitary.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

The Spirituality of the Parathyroid

Be Free Heart wings

The parathyroid is a very important but little noticed part of our bodies.  It’s important when we need calcium for teeth and bones.  It also controls phosphorus levels.  So…this little gland is a real work horse.  It is also a very spiritual part of the body because it’s an endocrine gland and they are a hub of spirituality.

Spiritually, the parathyroid needs attention when we are focused on fear of failure, and when we’re disappointed not only with ourselves but with others.  Success seems to be far, far away when we need to offer attention to the parathyroid.

There is a strong need to break away from controlling friends, family, coworkers.  When this happens, the inner light grows dim.

Begin this meditation by lighting a candle and focusing on the flame.  This flame represents your confidence in your ability to be successful in your adventures.

Spend a couple of minutes encouraging this flame to ignite your dreams, your goals, your belief in your ability to succeed.

Now, speak to this flame.  Offer it protection.  Encourage it to do its job for your soul.

Encourage this flame of success and independence every day.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Michele Garner created today’s artwork.

The Spirituality of the Pancreas

Brain Physical system

Spiritually, the pancreas is all about giving and receiving love.  It is also about learning to love the self.  It’s important to learn to balance the gives and the takes in life.

Although the pancreas is  about love, it is also about learning to digest different situations in life.  It is significant that diabetes, a disease of the pancreas is becoming more and more prevalent in our society.

It’s also significant that diseases of the pancreas affect our overall health.  When a person suffers with diabetes, s/he may also suffer with heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, as well as other complications.

Balance in life is important.  People suffering with diabetes need to learn to control weight, get exercise, and generally keep all lifestyle activities in balance.  “Everything in moderation” is important here.

Take a few moments to find a quiet place so you can breathe deeply and ground yourself.  Take several grounding breaths as you breathe in and out deeply.

Allow yourself to release feelings of bitterness, confusion, and low self-esteem.

Bring attention now to your pancreas.  Explore for a moment how your pancreas supports you and what it does for you as you digest your food.  Reflect on how it helps you relate to love and balance.

Offer your pancreas a loving thank you.

Continue now to reflect for a moment on how you can bring balance to your life.

End this meditation with feelings of gratitude for all things your body does for you.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Jennette Nearhood donated the artwork for today’s post.

The Spirituality of the Ovaries

Page0004 (1)This is where it all begins…this center of creativity.

The ovaries represent not only the source of life but the source of creativity as a woman.  Today’s woman experiences many pressures –




A number of these pressures were not faced routinely by women in the past.

Today’s woman faces many issues on various fronts.  How:

do you feel about creating life in your own body?

do you feel about being a woman?

can you “have it all”?

are you dealing with any pressures from outside sources to start/continue a family?

are the many masculine tasks which you routinely perform impacting your life?

do you nurture, support, honor, validate  yourself?

long do you think you can “run on empty”?

As women, we all reach a point in our lives in which we must claim our voices and our wisdom.  The first step in this process occurs when we  become aware of our needs and desires.

It’s important to enjoy oneself as the goddess you are.  It is equally important to  cease:

self rejection

self neglect

self invalidation.

Begin by giving yourself just 5 minutes each and every day.  Sit quietly, close your eyes, inhale and exhale deeply a few times.  When you are quiet, review some of the things you are grateful for:

the insight you experience

your intuition

the courage and strength that you gain from being a woman.

Offer appreciation to your body in general and your ovaries in particular.  Reflect on how your ovaries function for you.

If your ovaries  are not as healthy as you feel they should be, send them healing energy and love.  Thank your ovaries for all they have done for you.

If you no longer have your ovaries, send them gratitude for the support they offered to you when you had them.

Conclude this session by thanking your body – the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical parts of you which are moving you through your life day by day.

End now by gently moving in graceful motions.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Artwork provided by Jennette Nearhood