10 Ways to Cope with Stress
Everyone I know and meet is stressed out these days. Many are ill. Flu. Heart Issues. Rashes. Arthritis. You name it. Coping with current events can be challenging for all of us.
There are things that you can do to cope with the situation.
BOOK A REFLEXOLOGY, REIKI, OR CHAKRA HEALING SESSION. It may be that just one session is all you need to feel more relaxed, grounded. Or, it may be that one session won’t heal everything but one session is better than nothing. And, maybe you can find time in your schedule to book several bodywork healing sessions.
TAKE A NAP. I work. I know how hard this can be but I manage to schedule my naps for a few short minutes when I get home from work. These little power naps are crucial to my overall wellbeing. I also try to schedule a nap on my day off. Put your feet up for five minutes even. It will help.
SPEND SOME TIME WITH FRIENDS. Your connection to your community is a boost to your grounding and calm. Chatting with friends and acquaintances over a cup or tea or at a meeting of some kind can be very positive. This will give your mental health a boost.
DO YOU MEDITATE? If not, now is a good time to begin. I just read in a book that people who meditate live three years longer than those who don’t. If you do, now is a good time to pat yourself on the back. You’ve got a good habit. If you don’t meditate, now is a good time to begin the practice. This might be a good time to join a meditation group or class.
DEVELOP A NEW INTEREST. The opportunities to expand your horizon are limitless. Not all hobbies are expensive. Many are not costly at all. The important thing is that you find something new to do which you like. Your options are endless here.
CHANGE YOUR DIET! When you add new foods to your life, you’ll be on an adventure. Choose a new food each week. Bring it home and discover where the food comes from, how it’s cooked, stored, and eaten. You’ll enjoy these discoveries each week. This change will help you feel more alive, and energized. At the end of a year, your kitchen will be an entirely different place with all the new foods you’ll be eating. You’ll know and enjoy many new foods! Chances are, you will be more energized and happier overall.
DISCOVER SOMETHING EACH DAY THAT YOU CAN BE GRATEFUL FOR. It doesn’t have to be a big thing. But, finding something to be thankful for is important. Try to do this early in your day so you can enjoy this feeling all day long.
USE A DAILY PLANNER. This one small change in your life can give you a large shift as you relieve the stress caused by missed appointments and unscheduled events. Finally having your life schedule organized is a major stress reliever for many.
HONOR YOURSELF. We all experience setbacks of one kind or another. The important thing is to not allow them to control your life. Take a negative event and turn it into a strength-building exercise. This will help you overcome feelings of stress and negativity.
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Thank you again for your interest in wellness for all.
Thurman Greco
Ear Infections are Spiritual Events
Spiritually, ear infections represent your need to not hear. Ear infections surface where there is anger. What is happening is that what you hear is getting to you. What you hear is making you angry.
Bacteria, fungi, and viruses cause ear infection. They can be excruciatingly painful. Get medical help if your earache causes a fever and if there is a discharge. Start treatment you experience pain in your ear. Your goal is to ease any pain and clear up the infection.
Colds, sinus infections, and throat infections block the eustacian tuber which enable middle ear infections which can be painful. You may feel dizzy. You may have a discharge from your ear. You may have a temperature. Your glands and tonsils may be swollen.
There are several things you can do to prevent ear infections. Avoid second hand smoke. Keep ear wax cleaned out of your ears. Treat your nasal and sinus allergies and treat infected tonsils and adenoids.
Reflexology, Reiki therapy, and chakra healing sessions offer homeostasis to minimalize inflammation and normalize body systems. Reiki therapy help with pain management and nausea. Chakra healing is grounding.
Ear infections are a sixth chakra imbalance.
digestive system, sense organ systems, immune system, lymphatic system, liver, solar plexus, spleen
eucalyptus, helichrysum, lavender, myrrh, oregano, rosemary, tea tree, thyme
Conventional medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Herbalism
Allergy injections can reduce the number of ear infections. In some cases, ear tube surgery helps. Don’t smoke around people with ear infections. Vaccinate you and your family members against the flu.
Am I listening to my inner voice? Do I hear what others say? Can I discover what is so difficult for me?
Thank you for reading this article. Please refer it to your preferred social media network.
Thurman Greco
Your Liver, Your Life and 2020 – 10 Liver-Friendly Tips
We’re just fresh into the new year. 2020 is here!
For many of us, the new year brings intestinal and liver cleanses encouraging the good health resolution we always make. Both in my wellness book and my blog posts, I refer to cleanses.
What better time is there for a cleanse than now – in January of the new year?
I always recommend an intestinal cleanse before the liver cleanse. Actually, the two cleanses are partners working together for your good health.
STEP ONE is an intestinal cleanse designed to detox your digestive system. When your intestinal tract is clean, you will feel better, have more energy, and be more alert. But, a key purpose of this intestinal cleanse is to prepare you to detox your liver.
If you detox your liver before cleaning your intestinal tract, you may overload your digestive system. The result may not leave you feeling better, more alert, and energetic.
So, the best way to go is to detox your intestinal tract first.
STEP TWO is a liver detox. With a clean intestinal tract, the toxins will leave your body much easier.
When you think about your liver and what it does, it only makes sense to have a liver cleanse last.
Your liver is your body’s largest and most complex organ. Some textbooks describe the tasks your liver performs in the hundreds. How can one organ in the body do all the things it’s supposed to do? Your liver processes your food nutrients, removes contaminents, stores minerals and vitamins, regulates blood clotting. On top of the many things your liver does, it regenerates itself.
Your liver is vital to your health and wellbeing.
So, your liver should thank you for giving it a detox.
And, after your detox, your liver should easily and effectively process all the things you put in your body. What can you do after your detox to help keep it in good running order?
There are several things you can do which will help your liver function better…especially if you have health issues affecting your liver.
ENJOY A CUP OR TWO OF COFFEE. Caffeine is good for your liver.
LOW-FAT FOODS. Avoid saturated and trans fats which don’t go well with a fatty liver.
SKIP THE SUGAR. Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to eat few to no sweets.
GET THE SALT OUT. Too much salt in your diet contributes to high blood pressure which is hard on your liver.
EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGGIES. These foods offer a variety of vitamins and minerals which are easier to digest than the supplements themselves.
GO FOR WHOLE GRAINS. Brown rice, beans, whole grain breads are preferred.
WATER, WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE. Drink a lot of water…everyday.
SKIP RAW FISH AND MEATS. Your goal is to avoid introducing harmful bacteria to your liver.
SKIP THE ALCOHOL. If you have health issues, alcohol is too stressful on your body.
So, there you have it. I truly hope this list will help you and your whole body health maintenance in the coming year. These tips are all liver-friendly. Your liver is important to your overall health – every day.
Thanks for reading this article.
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Thurman Greco
Thurman Greco