Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

A Holiday Thank You Dear Reader



heart with wings

In the spirit of the holiday season, I thank each of you for supporting my work and following my journey to wellness for us all.

This has been a busy year for me.  Without your support, none of this year would have happened.  However, you found my work and you have purchased my book and read my blogs.  I thank you.  Sincerely.

Each new reader who learns something new and useful about  Reflexology  for the Spirit and wellness is important to me.  You inspire me to seek  new ways to expand this learning.   I’m currently blogging articles about longevity, a subject we can all be interested in.  I Hope you find these posts interesting and practical! Thank you.

I hope you’ll continue reading to learn more about Reflexology for the Spirit and wellness. as well as my other projects.     I’ve  spent many hours on the second hunger book.  “The Ketchup Sandwich Chronicles” should be completely finished by the end of 2019.  I’m continuing to blog about hunger in “Hunger is not a Disease.”

That has mostly come to a conclusion so I plan to begin writing  the second Healer’s Handbook soon.   The books outline includes much more  information than I put in the original handbook which is now in it’s second edition.

Thank you again!

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, New York

Thanks for reading this article.  Please refer it to your preferred social media network.


10 Things You Can do to Live a Longer Life


When you establish everyday habits with a goal toward a longer life,  you’ll  know   you are  doing  your best to get the most out of each and every day.  Seeking a longer life is a serious quest because  you have to decide not only how long you want to live but also what you plan to do with all those years you plan to have.


Get out into the sun for a few minutes  every day.  Ten to 15 minutes of sun daily will help you store the “sunshine vitamin” which will help your body use the calcium necessary to  stay healthy for a longer life and avoid osteoporosis.


In 1513, Juan Ponce de Leon  landed at  what is now Saint Augustine, Florida, in search of the fountain of youth.  He found it there.  And, it still exists.  Branches of the fountain of youth can be found today in your neighborhood.  They are found on the sidewalk where you walk  as you exercise.  They are  also found in the fitness center in your community.

Exercise is a premiere activity for a longer life.  It doesn’t matter much what exercise plan you have.  Running?  Weight lifting?  Self Defense?  Yoga?  Whatever you choose, you need to like it enough to do it several times a week.  For me, regular exercise is the  Fountain of Youth in action!


Be a part of your community.   The most important thing is that you  develop strong social ties.  You can get active in a church or synagogue.  Or  join a book club.  Donate time at a library or food pantry.  Collect stamps.  Whatever you do,  choose something you’ll enjoy and show up regularly.  Your blood pressure will go down.  Your immune system will improve.  Your heart  will work better.  You will have yourself on a path to a longer life.


Take time each day to enjoy a cup of tea or a glass of iced tea.  Relax, and refresh.

While you enjoy your tea,  know that it will boost your immune system because tea is rich in antioxidants which fight cholesterol and cancer.  Tea loves to fight free radicals.  W hen you drink more tea, you’ll be drinking fewer soda drinks which don’t have the antioxidants and can’t fight diseases like cancer and cholesterol.


Stress is not a problem in and of itself.  Stress is a word describing how you respond to an event causing mental tension and worry.    I do not know anyone whose life is not filled with stress.  Stress affects your health when it  weakens the immune system and contributes to  disease.

I’ve written much about stress in my book “Healer’s Handbook” and in other articles in this blog.

Reiki therapy and reflexology are good anti-stress activities.

Exercise, meditation, a positive mental attitude work to support your ability to shed stress.


There are many, many kinds of exercise.  Choose one that works for your body and your lifestyle.  But, whichever one you choose, include strength training.  Strength training is every bit as important as cardiovascular workouts because the strength we develop and maintain in our back, core muscles and legs is what is going to keep us upright as we age and live longer.  Strength training keeps the spine straight.  Strength training prevents falls.  Check with your healthcare provider when you begin a strength training fitness program.

My physical therapist, Carolyn Abedor,  teaches a weekly yoga class which she calls “Posture”.  I attend this class every week and depend on it to help straighten my spine,  my core muscles and my legs.


Do you know your scores?  It’s a good idea to learn, if you don’t.  Once you know your cholesterol scores, you’ll be more interested in things you can do to make your self healthier for the long haul.


Statistics show us that people who volunteer live longer than those who don’t.    Do you have time in your life to give of yourself?  If so, choose an activity which puts you in direct contact with people at least an hour every week.

This task is probably mandatory if you are seriously interested in longevity.


Multitasking creates unnecessary stress and the efficiency gains you experience aren’t that much of a plus in your life.  This becomes real  when you  find yourself caught in a trap of serving demanding people and situations which steal your energy.

Your spirit will tell you when it’s time to  reduce your To-Do list and learn to say “no” to demanding people.   Simplifying your life can become a spiritual process.


Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the most common cardiovascular disease in America.  There are three things to know about hypertension:

For the most part, hypertension is  preventable with proper diet and lifestyle.

Many people  suffer with hypertension and don’t even know it.

Hypertension leads to kidney failure, damaged eyesight, cognitive impairment, and other situations.

There are four things you can do about hypertension:

Cut down on salt.

Lose excess weight.

Keep moving.

Pitch the cigarettes.


Diabetes is a disease which, in many cases, can be prevented and controlled.  Like hypertension, diabetes is a silent  disease for many people.

And, if you are interested in living a longer life, you need to respect it because diabetes can trim 10 years off your life expectancy.

If you think you have diabetes, or if you have diabetes, get yourself on the correct eating plan, get active, and do the things your healthcare provider tells you to do.

Thank you for reading this article!  Please share it with your favorite social media network.

Hopefully you found some things which will benefit your search for a longer, healthier life.  More tips will follow soon!

Thanks again.

Thurman Greco





10 Easy Ways to Live a Longer Life

Living a longer life is a commitment to a specific lifestyle which promotes good health. Your first step to living a longer life is making this commitment to long-term good health and longevity.

You begin this path to live a longer life and have long term good health when you realize and understand  you can’t just blame your genes for your health.  Your continued good health depends on developing habits and practicing  useful  things regularly that  support your commitment.

Develop your plan for a longer life now.  Plan how your life will be when you are in your 80’s, 90’s, or even 100.  Will you be alert and active with friends?  Will you be living alone?  Will you be mentally alert?

Imagine yourself as a healthy person living  a longer life.  Focus on this goal.  Be ready to make changes in your lifestyle  to achieve the results you want.

Make regular reflexology sessions a part of your life.

For starters, review  your diet.  Are you consuming generous servings of  vegetables and fruits?  Do you eat lean protein every day?  Do you eat whole grain foods, brown rice, nuts, and legumes?   (I’ll cover the diet portion of  a longevity  lifestyle in future posts.)


Take care to prevent overeating.  If you eat a proper diet in the proper amounts, you should have energy, you will slow the aging process, and you will postpone or prevent chronic diseases.

If you can prevent overeating, your body will be able to handle more types of stress, something that’s important if you are concerned about living a long life.

Develop a daily walking routine.  Walking 10,000 steps each day will increase blood flow to the brain  resulting in an improved memory.  How can you do this?  Walk more.  Walk during your lunch hour.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator.  Make it a goal to get off your seat and on your feet.  Choose volunteer activities which require walking.

Take your vitamins!  But, not just any vitamins.  You don’t want to waste your money on nutrients you don’t need.  Do  some research.  Make your knowledge current before you decide which vitamins to take.  I’ll share more information about minerals and vitamins in future blog posts.  For now, I suggest you look into vitamin D3.  Find out for yourself if  that’s a vitamin you need.    When you take your vitamins, take them with food to promote absorption.

Take an aspirin a day…if your healthcare provider says it’s okay.  I believe  aspirin in moderation on a daily basis can help prevent diseases such as heart attack  and some form of cancer.  But, again, don’t take my word on this.

Hope you are enjoying this new series of posts on longevity!  If so, please share them with your preferred social media network.

Thanks for reading!

Thurman Greco

10 Easy Wellness Tips for Your Self Care

Self care is all about realizing that we need to take care of ourselves to function optimally in our lives.  For many, self care is being selfish.  This is simply not so.  Eating properly, resting, getting proper exercise, smelling the flowers…these things are not selfish.

Lower back pain?  Try not to overdo the bed rest.  One or two days seem to be the best amount of time. to be off your feet.  Lower back pain is a spiritual situation.   Try to get up and about asap.  Self care is needed when your lower back hurts.

Are your cholesterol numbers less than ideal?  Try to exercise regularly.  Can you lose weight?  That will help, too.  Eating fish helps.  And, finally, omega-3 fatty acids really help.

Get your annual flu shot.    Every year, I encounter people who come down with the flu.  Most of the time, these people neglected to get their shot.  And, getting a flu shot does not immunize a person for life.  A flu shot must be repeated annually.  This can be a bore.  However, I’ve gotten a flu shot annually for the last 20 years or so and,  somehow, don’t seem to get the flu.

Worried about toenail fungus?  Keep your feet clean and dry.  Wear well fitting shoes and socks.  Snug, poorly ventilated shoes and damp, sweaty socks are a breeding ground for athlete’s foot.  Go barefoot if you can.  If you do have toenail or foot fungus, and if it is painful, it’s time to see a dermatologist.

To keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy, brush your teeth often.  Brush your teeth after you eat with a soft bristled brush.  Tooth brushing is essential for good self care.

Do you have hay fever?  Cut back on alcoholic beverages during pollen season.

Do you chew gum?  Chew sugarless gum to fight tooth decay.

Concerned about carpel tunnel syndrome?  Keep your wrists straight when working with your hands.  When you work on a keyboard, make sure your fingers are lower than your wrists.  Carpel tunnel doesn’t always require surgery.  A good body worker or physical therapist can often help you.

Buy your shoes in the afternoon when you’ve been on your feet for a few hours, and always have your feet measured.  Know which foot is larger and fit your shoes to that foot.  That way, you’ll have a more accurate shoe size and fit.

Pinkeye and other eye infections can be extremely infectious.  Use care.

Always first on your list for self care is regular reflexology.

Thank you for reading this article.

Please refer this blog article to your preferred social media network.

Thanks again.

Thurman Greco

10 Easy Wellness Tips to Improve Your Nutrition

A good way to lower your risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes is to eat a steady diet of vegetables, grains, legumes, fruit, and dairy products with occasional servings of beef,  poultry, and fish.  This is good nutrition.

Butter is better.  Margarine often has hydrogenated fats which you don’t need.  Margarine also has artificial flavors, colors, etc. It’s better to eat moderate to small amounts of butter than margarine.

Want to add iron to your diet?  Prune juice is high in iron.  As a bonus, it’s also high in potassium.  Think of prune juice as good nutrition!

Want to eat nutritious foods?  Check out broccoli!  Broccoli is low in calories and high in nutrition.

Beans, lentils, and dried peas are good sources of edible fiber.  This translates to foods that are good for you if you want to lower your cholesterol level.  This translates to  better nutrition.

Having  a burger?  Skip the cheese and the bacon.  These two foods add about 250 calories to your burger and add a good deal more saturated fat and cholesterol.

Thinking about your heart health?  Eat fish once or twice a week. as good nutrition.

On a diet?  You can cut your calories by about half if you’ll eat your chicken without the skin.  This will also cut your fat content by about two thirds.

Skip the fruit containing dry cereals.  Most of them don’t have much fruit in the cereal.  If you want to eat cereal with fruit, add fresh fruit yourself.  Your cereal will taste better, look better, and be more nutritious.

Go for the popcorn.  Popcorn has fewer calories and fat than potato chips which makes it more nutritious!

Thanks for reading this article!  Hopefully you’ll find tips you can use for more nutritious eating.

Please refer this article to your favorite social media network.

Thanks Again

Thurman Greco



10 Wellness Tips to Improve your Fitness

Fitness is a journey.  It is  a way of thinking, moving, believing, acting.  Fitness is forever.

The most important, bottom line, rule about fitness is to Be Active!.  There are many, many different kinds of exercise and diet.  But, whatever lifestyle you choose, the most important thing is to Move!.

Regular exercise fights physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual decline.  Whatever you do, include several brisk walks each week.  Over time, this regular brisk walk can improve your fitness and  “add years to your life and life to your years”.

Concerned about your risk of stroke?  Add a daily walk to your life.

Are you getting too many colds?  Exercise regularly and moderately to boost your immunity and improve your fitness.

Whenever  possible, take the stairs.  You’ll use more calories and build muscles at the same time.

Drink water even if you don’t feel thirsty.  When exercising, drink 4 to 6 ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes.

Do you have osteoarthritis?  The best thing you can do is exercise.  Check with your physician or physical therapist.  Contact the Arthritis Foundation.  Then, exercise, exercise, exercise.

Worried about falling?  Protect yourself by developing the strongest thigh muscles you can.  Strong thigh muscles will reduce the injury you might experience from a fall.

Don’t have time for exercise?  Turn your coffee break into  10-minute workouts.  These short breaks can offer a lot of fitness for not a lot of work.  You can climb stairs for 10 minutes.  Or, you can jump rope or have a quick run.  Park your car 10 minutes from the office and walk those 10 minutes.

Drink as much water in the cold as in the heat.

Replace worn exercise shoes.  Your fitness shoes are worn out long before you see wear on the outer sole or upper shoe.

Thank you for reading this article.  Please refer this to your preferred social media network.

Thanks again!

Thurman Greco