7 Levels of Disease – a New (Very Old) Way to Think About Disease
So often, when we visit a healthcare professional, we want the whole body, the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, to be considered. Instead, a portion of the body is considered.
Fortunately, this attitude is changing. More and more people are receiving healthcare for the whole person.
Healthcare for the whole person requires a different outlook, attitude. It sometimes requires that we return to a much older model of wellness or illness, as it were.
I offer here a 7-point scale:
Level one is the lowest on the scale. The word for level one is fatigue. If your client partner comes to you complaining of fatigue or loss of appetite only, this person is experiencing the lowest level of disease. As you offer a Reflexology for the Spirit session, try to find out why the person is tired. Has s/he been burning the candle at both ends? What is happening here?
Level two is fever. Try to find out what is causing the fever. Does your client partner even know? How does the person know s/he has fever? How long has it been high? What times of the day is it high? When is it lowest?
Level three is irritation. The operative words here are: headaches, itching, feeling jumpy or uneasy, coated tongue, halitosis. What are the best ways to deal with these conditions?
Level four is inflammation to include colitis, sinusitis, gum disease, etc. Is s/he doing anything to treat these conditions?
Level five is ulceration. As in stomach ulcers or canker stores.
Level six is induration. That is an encapsulated group of toxins. An induration is a health issue that a person’s body has built a wall around. Essentially, the body is saying: “Toxins, I’m not going to deal with you now. I’m going to close you in and deal with you later.”
Level 7 is cancer.So…we go from fatigue to cancer. All these levels are important. The issues at each level must be addressed and treated…not ignored. They are all connected.
Through regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions, we can address these issues to facilitate homeostasis. And, these conditions are all valid reasons to visit a physician. The reflexologist works on a regular basis to address the whole person and facilitate homeostasis.
Thank you for reading this blog/book. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me.
As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in Woodstock, NY
Peace and food for all
Thurman Greco
Reflexology Blog – Colitis is a spiritual affliction that can be quite painful.
Colitis is a spiritual affliction which reflects a person’s insecurity. A person suffering with colitis is having trouble letting go of something which is already gone.
For many people, colitis is a chronic condition which may flare up and die down over time with the medical professionals treating the symptoms. The disease itself has no cure and is probably unpreventable. It’s generally agreed upon by medical professionals that colitis is not caused by stress but it does get worse when a person is stressed out.
It is believed that, for some people, colitis is hereditary. Whatever the cause, this painful condition is one that can respond to the sessions offered by a Reflexology for the Spirit Practitioner.
A person with colitis should definitely be consulting a medical professional in addition to a reflexologist.
When a person with colitis comes to your healing space, include Reiki therapy if possible. Offer essential oils if you feel called to do so. Your goal here is homeostasis.
Work the immune system, the adrenal gland reflexes, the intestinal reflexes, and the lymphatics.
Thank you for reading this blog/book. Please contact me with comments or questions.
As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.
Thurman Greco
Woodstock, NY
Reflexology Blog – Bladder Infections Can be Spiritual Afflictions – 3 Things You Can Do To Avoid Infections
There are many kinds of bladder problems. This post focuses on bladder infections because we’re examining the immune system.
Bladder infections are just one more in a long list of spiritual afflictions. People develop bladder infections when they have a fear of letting something from the past go. When this fear occurs, the person can develop anxiety over the issue.
Bladder infections can be very troublesome: pain, frequent urination, etc. Never ignore these symptoms.
Prevention helps. People experiencing repeat bladder infections can do several things to try to prevent frequent recurrence of these infections.
Drinking lots of fluids helps. The goal is to wash germs found in kidneys, ureters, bladder, and bloodstream. Include cranberry juice in your diet.
Improving sanitary habits is necessary. Frequent bathing helps. Wiping from the front of the body to the back after urination is important also.
Bladder infections have a way of showing up when a person’s stress level is high and resistance level is low. Do what you can to release old issues and welcome new things in your life.
When addressing bladder infections, work the immune system, the spleen reflex, adrenal gland reflexes, kidney reflexes, bladder reflex, lymphatics, liver, and solar plexus.
Thank you for reading this post.
Thurman Greco
Woodstock, NY
Reflexology Blog: Is It a Cold or the Flu?
We’ve all had this happen to us: We wake up one morning with nasal congestion, sneezing, runny eyes, muscle aches, coughing, maybe even fever.
The first thought is this: “Am I coming down with the flu or a common cold?
There are differences.
FEVER AND HEADACHE are rare in colds. Headaches, on the other hand, are common in flu as well as a high fever which can last 3 to 4 days.
ACHES AND PAINS are only slight or mild in colds. Flu creates severe aches and pains.
FATIGUE: Colds make people tired sometimes. Flu, however, makes people tired for up to 2 to 3 weeks.
EXHAUSTION: Colds are never exhausting. Flu is usually extremely exhausting.
STUFFY NOSES, SNEEZING, and SORE THROATS are common in colds. They’re fairly rare in flu.
The list you just read is somewhat complicated. Especially if you just woke up and are trying to figure out which “side of the aisle” you belong on. Would you like to ask yourself one question and make everything easy?
Well, here is the question:
“Do I feel so bad I can’t get out of bed”? If the answer to that question is “yes”…
“Do I feel so bad I can’t get out of bed”? If the answer to that question is “no”…
So, now what do I need to do?
If you have a cold, stick with antihistamines, decongestants, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories.
With the flu, you may want to see your doctor.
How could you have prevented this thing in the first place? There are several things you can do to prevent a common cold and the flu – wash your hands often, stay away from those who are sick, and take your annual flu shot.
With a cold, you want to get rest so that you avoid the complications of a sinus congestion, a middle ear infection, and asthma. Don’t forget to call your reflexologist and schedule an appointment.
With flu, you want to get rest so that you avoid the complications of bronchitis or pneumonia.
Work the immune system. Then go to the pituitary gland reflexes, the sinus reflexes, the ear reflexes, the lung reflexes, and adrenal gland reflexes. Finish the session by working the lymphatics.
Thanks for reading this post. Hope you’ll find it’s helpful.
Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco
Woodstock, NY
67 Foods That Love to Support Your Immune System and 4 Improvements You Can Expect from Foot Reflexology Sessions Focusing on the Immune System
apples, apricots, asparagus, bananas, beans, beets, black tea, blackberries, blueberries, bok choy, Brazil nuts, broccoli, brown rice, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cherries, chicken, chicken soup, chickpeas, chives, chocolate, coconut, collard greens, cranberries, cranberry juice, curry, dry roasted soybeans, goji berries, edamame, eggs, fermented foods, fish, garlic, ginger, grapefruit, grapes, potatoes, prunes, pumpkin seeds, radishes, raspberries, salmon, sauerkraut, sardines, shallots, shrimp, soy milk, soy sauce, spinach, squash, strawberries, sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, tofu, tomatoes, turnips, walnuts, water, water, water, watercress, watermelon, yogurt.
Four improvements to be expected from sessions to the immune system include the following:
The body can build up its defense system to prevent disease.
Focused sessions can shorten the time needed for a person to recover from an illness.
Regular sessions will help the body to detox itself and balance its systems.
Working the lymphatics can assist the body rid itself of excess fluids and other toxins.
The next few posts will focus on specific conditions which respond to immune system work: the common cold, bladder problems , colitis
Thank you for reading this blog/book. Please contact me if you have any questions.
This post is coming to you from my healing space in downtown Woodstock.
Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco
30 Essential Oils to Choose From When Addressing Immune System Issues
There are many, many essential oils out there. How do you decide? One way is to just go for the name that appeals to you. Another is to put out a drop and see if the aroma appeals to you. But, whichever oil you choose from this list, you can’t go wrong. These oils all have a proven track record when it comes to addressing immune system issues:
balsam fir, blue cypress, Canadian red cedar, clove, dill, eucalyptus radiata, frankincense, galbanum, grapefruit, hyssop, lemon, mountain savory, myrtle, nutmeg, orange, oregano, patchouli, peppermint, raven, ravensara, sandalwood, tarragon, thyme, tsuga, valerian, wintergreen,
Begin by choosing an oil and dilute it 50/50 with a vegetable oil which will be the carrier oil. Apply a small amount of the oil to the skin and see if there is a reaction. If not, use this oil. Oils vary in effectiveness from person to person because they work with a person’s body chemistry and every body is different..
There are many, many different ways to use essential oils. You have to find out what is going to work for you in each specific situation. To begin, try putting a few drops of an essential oil on a cloth or on a rug and let it work throughout the room.
I’ll be writing more about essential oils as we go through the book. This is basically a book about reflexology for the spirit but reflexology is compatible with so many different modalities that reflexologists end up with very large “tool kits” before they are through learning.
Actually, reflexologists never stop learning. That’s the beauty of the modality.
Our next blog post will address foods that nourish the immune system. Then, in follow on posts, we’ll address several conditions which can offer challenges to the immune system.
Thanks for following this blog/book. Please contact me if you have any comments/questions.
Peace and food for all.
The Immune System Bottom Line: 4 Important Things to Remember
The immune system makes an important contribution to our wellness. There are emotional and spiritual components to the immune system which cannot be ignored.
Some diseases offer challenges and struggles which insist that the ill person examine his/her lifestyle, core beliefs, and connection with the divine.
This whole path to wellness: living with the disease or succumbing to it is facilitated with the homeostasis which Reflexology for the Spirit sessions bring about.
Work the immune system and the nervous system very early in the session. The nervous system combined with the immune system becomes a booster system and they should always be used when you’re trying to resolve a health issue for someone. These two systems combined facilitate homeostasis. The two systems together can offer significant changes.
Thank you for reading this post and for reading this blog/book. Please contact me if you have any questions.
The next post will focus on essential oils which benefit the immune system and will list the foods that nourish the immune system. Following that, we will focus on some specific diseases such as the common cold, flu, bladder problems, etc.
As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in downtown Woodstock.
Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco
13 User Friendly Things You Can Do to Avoid Stressing Your Immune System Beyond Its Limits
Maintain a positive mental attitude.
Eating a balanced diet helps your immune system fight disease.
Wash hands often with soap and water. Carry and use hand sanitizer when soap and water are unavailable.
Keep hands away from eyes, mouth, and nose.
Avoid people who have colds, flu, etc.
Cover your nose and mouth when you cough, and then wash your hands.
Viruses flourish in dry air. Keep the atmosphere in your home a little on the humid side.
Keep yourself hydrated.
Avoid stress of all kinds. This means not smoking, not indulging in alcohol and other recreational drugs, and not engaging in activities that result in bruises, broken bones, etc.
Get enough sleep. Your body’s immune system can’t work at optimum levels if it’s sleep deprived. (Added bonus: you’ll look a lot better, too.)
Keep your body and environment as nontoxic as possible. You want the air you breathe to be clean. That translates to an air purifier with a clean filter in your home that is turned “on”.
“Detox” all your cleaning products, both personal and household. Your local health food store sells a safe line of cleaning products. Discard appropriately (or give away) the old toxic cleaners including shampoos, soaps, toothpaste, mouth wash. You should begin to feel better in a few weeks.
When inflammation is a factor, try to maintain a peaceful and harmonious attitude to avoid anger, annoyance, fear.
Thanks again for reading this blog/book which comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.
Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco
What About the Tonsils? What About the Spleen?
The tonsils are an important line of defense in the body against infections. They filter out many toxins before they make it to the bloodstream as they stop what gets past the hair and mucous membranes in our nose, mouth, throat.
The spleen is an interesting part of the immune system. It’s the largest organ in the lymphatic system. It filters the lymph, removing toxins and bacteria. The spleen also produces antibodies. It removes worn out blood cells, bacteria and parasites. It’s actually hard to understand all the things the spleen does. But, for all the things the spleen does, it’s possible to live without it. It’s sometimes necessary to remove a damaged spleen after a person has been in an accident.
The immune system has an emotional quality to it. The thymus works better when we feel better mentally and emotionally. And we also know that the spleen is considered to be an organ of anger…
Don’t like Getting Colds, Flu? Take Care of Your Immune System. It Keeps You Well.
In the last post, we discussed the lymphatics.
The lymph glands need exercise. A good exercise for moving the lymph is to jump for a few minutes each day on a personal trampoline. A personal trampoline is inexpensive, folds flat, and fits under a bed or in a closet when not being used.
Another good way to keep the lymph moving is to receive Reflexology for the Spirit sessions regularly. When the immune system is stimulated the lymph moves.
Keep the lymphatic system moving so the body can remove the clogging waste products which make it harder to fight colds, flu, respiratory congestion, swollen lymph nodes, stiff joints, cysts, slow healing wounds, etc. Thank of a stagnant lymph system as a clogged sewer.
If the immune system is not properly maintained, and never cleaned, the body may end up with problems extending beyond colds, flu and other things. This escalation can include problems such as arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and possibly cancer.
Another major part of the immune system is the thymus. This is a small gland located in the chest cavity below the thyroid and behind the sternum. The thymus gland manufactures T-Cells which strengthen our immune system. One thing that makes the thymus interesting is that it’s a particular size when we are born and doesn’t grow much after that. So, the size of the thymus in relation to the size of our bodies decreases as our bodies grow into maturity.
Thanks for reading today’s post which comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.
Tomorrow we’ll continue with the immune system as we discuss the tonsils and the spleen.
If you have any questions, comments, please contact me.
Thanks again.
Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco