Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

One Way to Explore and Expand Your Path

We are, each of us, on a unique path.

You may follow your path from childhood and continue throughout your life, honoring your traditions.

Or, you may create your own path, making meaning out of each new step.

Wherever you are on your journey, your path is yours alone.  Only you occupy your space.

One thing you can do to help yourself advance on your path is to journal.    Because your path is yours alone, your journal will help you reflect on life’s meanings and what they teach you.

You can create your journal from an old tablet you found lying around on a table.  Or, you can create your a journal as a work of art with drawings, photos, paintings, and a creative cover.  Or, your journal can be anywhere between these two styles.

However you decide to create your journal, it can help you explore your spirituality.

Whatever you do to create your journal, it can help you explore the wonders of your life.  The words of your journal will help you learn more about how you think and feel.  This will help you create a deeper connection with your self and your path.

Your journal entries will help you explore your beliefs and how you feel and think about them.

The spiritual exploration offered by your journal will enhance and strengthen  your path.

Thanks for reading this article.

It is not intended to change your story or offer therapy.  It is written to offer a conduit to your own healing journey’s path.

Find out more about reflexology, Reiki, and healing, at

If you are seeking specific information, check out older blog posts and also go to some of the YOUTUBE segments which cover wellness and healing.

A recent book features the major arcana of the Tarot.  These cards explore well-known symbols and archetypes which heal, shape, and reflect our lives.

Beyond the boundaries of this book, I will explore archetypes and how they affect our spiritual growth in future blog posts..

You can order this book at or email me at




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