Concerns, Challenges, and Stress? Change Them With One Challenge Management Technique
We can’t eliminate all of our daily challenges, concerns, and stress. But, we can manage our reactions to them.
Challenge management will make your life easier. You’ll change the way you feel, and the way you act, as you respond to your concerns and stress.
Worries distract and steal your energy.
Through the years, I’ve learned that challenge management can improve your daily life. This encourages you to focus and move toward your goals.
So – what you do is this:
Set aside and schedule time specifically for thinking about your challenges. Name each challenge and examine your emotions surrounding it. Examine how your life would be if things worked out for the best.
Then, get a piece of paper and quickly write about what’s on your mind. Focus on the concerns, challenges, and stresses that are foremost on your mind this very minute. What are your daily distractions?
Don’t worry about the grammar or spelling. You aren’t writing this for someone else. You’re not going to show these words to anyone. Your private thoughts will help you identify and describe your situation.
What is going on in your mind?
Describe your concerns and worries.
To find a possible positive outcome, ask yourself “Where is the peace in all of this?” Focus on an ideal situation. Identify where and how things might improve for you.
Where is the hope?
When you schedule writing sessions where you focus on a positive outcome, you decide where to focus your time and energies.
As this writing exercise shifts your energy to a more positive outcome, you let go of the negativity.
Calm moves into the space that negativity just vacated.
Your mind becomes a powerful tool to create your own life, focusing on you. You can now create your reality from peace and positivity as fears and worries disappear.
Making a habit of this exercise will bring hope and positivity and good change your way.
Making time to listen allows you to embrace your inner wisdom.
As you process your worries, you can support the good things you need.
You may decide what is the best thing you can do for yourself. You may decide it is a good thing to stop hanging onto things that are of no help to you.
At some point, you may feel gratitude.
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For more information, please check out some earlier posts on this blog. This blog has been exploring healing for over 10 years. Reiki and Reflexology have been important in my life for years.
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This is my latest book. I loved writing it and feel that you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Even if you are not interested in the Tarot, you will find the archetypes found within the pages far interesting and have a practical application in your life.
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