Where Are You Hiding?
I admit it….. Volunteering changed my life.
The message here is this: Don’t read this article if you’re happy where you’re at.
Skip this article if you don’t want to change your life. Or, maybe, even ruin it forever. Because, it’s just possible that, like myself, you’ll never again ignore the plight of people living on the margins.
It’s also possible you’ll find a community. Everywhere I go, I encounter people living in new surroundings they discovered during the pandemic. They live in the new place but are not yet a part of the location.
To put it bluntly: They haven’t yet found a community. To do that, they need an activity which calls them to do something beyond themselves.
People in this situation are homesick for a past which is not going to join them in the future.
To feel good about your home and your life in the present moment, find a place, a job, a hobby, a community which feeds you physically and spiritually.
This is where volunteering comes in. When I began working at the food pantry, I had no inkling that my old life was gone forever. I had no clue that what would replace it was a much richer tapestry.
I didn’t know I was being given an opportunity to do something great beyond myself. Why was I hiding?
I simply immersed myself in my community doing what needed to be done. This brought a pivot in my life.
So, I ask you: Are your curtains up? Have you got the sofa where you want it in the living room? If the answer to these two questions is “YES”, then where are you hiding? Go for it!
You’ll soon be motivated to a more positive attitude because your self-image and social esteem are improved. You’ll feel better about yourself.
Don’t know where to go? Look around you. Opportunities are all over the place.
Think about something you like: dogs and cats, art, reading, children, politics.
When you find your volunteering place, you’ll see change. You’ll discover what the word “impact” means. You’ll write a new chapter in your life.
But, what if you don’t want to involve yourself in life on the margins?
What ifs are all around you. But, they are not everywhere. Scout around and find yourself a Reiki Master Teacher and go for it! New horizons wait for you in Reiki, that’s for sure. Your inner self is calling out.
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Check out some of the early articles in this blog and also in www.hungerisnotadisease.com.
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Find out more about Thurman Greco at www.thurmangreco.com
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