Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Anchor Yourself in Reality

On December 25, 1968, with my two toddlers, I landed on a remote airfield in the interior of Venezuela, on the outskirts of El Tigre.

Gulf Oil had just hired my husband, Tony, to work in the Mene Grande Oil Camp. ,In the weeks before he started this job, we sold our cars, and home, located in a Dallas, Texas suburb.

Movers packed  our belongings and sent them down to the seaport in Maracaibo, Venezuela by boat.  We didn’t see our household goods for six months because of a shipping strike.

We lived with nothing and no way to get anything.  Think of the things you feel you might need:  coffee pot, dishes, sheets, towels, chairs, tables, beds, sofas.

We borrowed from the neighbors.

I found myself living in a country where we lived in a community ringed by a high chain link fence near a remote village where I didn’t know the language.  My spouse spoke Spanish but he was at work all day long.

After a short time, the reality of my situation sank in.  The oil camp where I lived was fifty miles from a grocery store in one direction and fifty miles from headhunters in the other.  Ciudad Bolivar sat eighty miles in the third direction on the south bank of the Orinoco River.

I lived a life where a uniformed guard aiming a machine gun at me was the rule of the day as I went about my “que haceres” to the bank, bakery, gas station.  Wherever I went throughout the day, I took Jennette and Michele with me.  The goal was to never get separated from them.

Lastly, there was no outside phone line.

What a place to be when so much was happening in the rest of the world.  Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated.  Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated.  Arlo Guthrie sang “Alice’s Restaurant”.  The My Lai Massacre was the scandal of the Vietnam War.

By the end of the first month, I found my anchor, my information line to reality.  I read about current events and news every Tuesday evening when the previous Sunday’s New York Times was delivered to my door.  As soon as the DC-3 landed about 4:30, we were all ready at our house. We loved greeting the paper delivery man as he dropped it off at our front door.  Tony and I read the last Sunday’s paper from cover to cover.

I had never been to New York City and it didn’t even matter.   The New York Times brought the world to me.

And, I’ve been reading the New York Times regularly since then.  I read it in San Francisco, Mexico City, San Antonio, Dallas, Monterey, CA., and Washington, D.C.

Some places I got the paper daily.  Others, it was weekly.  Wherever I lived, I read every copy I got my hands on.

No matter how the current events of my life unfolded, after reading the New York Times, I had a calmer, more realistic perspective.  The New York Times brought news with the calming reality of facts most of my adult life.

Even with all the drama of Biden versus Trump, stories in the New York Times are balanced, informative, real, and important.

To The New York times, I send a thank you for doing what you do so well.

To my readers, I sincerely hope and pray that you have found  a way to stay anchored.  Life is much easier that way.  This anchor adds an extra layer of depth to my spiritual work.  For me, this is essential.

I am simply unable to live my life from day-to-day without including planetary events.  I have friends, close friends, who are able to shut everything around them out.  I cannot.  I live on the planet earth and cannot ignore the reality of current events.

Along with the Reiki and Reflexology, I’m a more balanced person.  Current events are part of this circle of spiritual growth.  Include the necessary elements for balance.


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Two Books to Read:

The Tarot is many things.  One thing people don’t think about:  It’s rooted in the wisdom of the past and relates to the current events of our lives in a very modern way.

Order them both at  You can also order them through email at thurmangreo@gmail.




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