Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Your Heart Chakra – the Core of your Self

Your heart chakra is mystical and magical.

Your heart chakra is over your physical heart.  It regulates energy flow the same way your physical heart regulates blood flow.  Your heart chakra is all about love, healing, and connecting with others.

This is where you heal – yourself, your family and friends, those around you, the planet, the entire universe even.

When you heal from your heart, energy ripples out,  sending healing to everything in its path.

The center of your lymphatic system is also located here.  This allows you to use your heart chakra to clean your energetic body, environment,  earth,  solar system, universe.

Energetically, this is where your body regulates blood flow, lymph, and energy flow.

Think of your heart as an organ pumping blood throughout your body.  It is also an endocrine gland releasing hormones to regulate blood pressure and help keep your cardiovascular system healthy.

Another endocrine gland, the thymus, is located behind your sternum.  Your thymus is an immune gland that helps you connect with others and heal.

Wake up this connection gland and chakra by tapping your thymus gland daily.

You store affection, heartache, healing, compassion, self-love, and empathy in your heart chakra..

Do you want to get to know your heart chakra better?  Practice random acts of kindness.


I cannot write about the heart chakra without including goddesses of love.  There are many, as many as there are  ways to describe the many facets of love.

We don’t always refer to them as gods and goddesses.  Sometimes we think of them as saints, angels, or spiritual guides.  Whatever word you prefer, these  special beings help us all. Each one puts a unique face on this complex subject.

I’m focusing on two:  Quan Yin and Mother Mary.

The best way I know to describe these two spiritual beings is to use words that apply to each one, for they are different.

Quan Yin –  Quan Yin is a Buddhist Goddess of mercy.  She is a symbol of motherhood, virtue, and peace and focuses on universal compassion.

People the world over have been following Quan Yin for many, many years.

She is traditionally attracted to places where it is appropriate to cherish a situation.  Quan Yin activates healing power.

She is a symbol of sacred knowledge, wisdom, self-development, purity, enlightenment,  and empowerment.

Followers believe  Quan Yin bestows support, protection, and blessings when you ask.

MOTHER MARY – This mother of Jesus is relentless and constant as a healing force of love.  As modern as tomorrow,  she is a friend, companion, sister,  spiritual mother and teacher.

When appropriate, Mary liberates us and heals us.  She is a steady rock carrying the sorrow of every person on every part of the globe.

Mary is the ultimate New Age Woman, showing us how feminine principles work for all of us.  She carries her message of enlightenment to children and adults alike.

Mary’s way is attracted to subdued situations.  She lifts up and lets things be.  She is gentle or forceful – depending on the situation.  Mary is happy to rejoice and be loved as well as loving others.  She offers trust.  She is joyful.  Mary knows about patience.


There are different ways to heal your heart chakra.  Use visualizations,  meditations, and change some old habits.  Practice yoga, use crystals and essential oils.  Adjust your diet.  Embrace reflexology and Reiki therapy.

Use what resonates with you.

If you experience physical problems, consult with appropriate professionals.

You have many options.

Go for gods, goddesses,  angels, saints and guides.  There are many, available to you.  I chose Quan Yin and Mother Mary because I am comfortable with them.


If you seek a solution to a problem which seems too challenging, this information may help you.  I’ve used the following method many times and I’m always happy to share it with anyone seeking a good answer to a thorny problem.

Begin with 2 clean sheets of paper and a pen or pencil.  Write the word “yes” at the head of one paper.  On the head of the other paper, write “no”.

Now, carefully define your situation while you explore all the solutions “for” (Yes) and all the solutions “against” (No).

List all the “yeses” and all the “nos” on the appropriate papers as they make themselves available to you.

Take your time with this.  Think your options through.

When this exercise is over, which side of the argument has the most entries?

I feel confident that one side will have more items listed than the other.

Now is the time to connect with a higher power.

Sit down someplace where you feel safe and comfortable.  Breathe deeply and calmly.  Breathe in, allowing healing light to flow inward.  As you breathe out, allow tired and negative thoughts to leave your body.

This breathing is preparing you to get rid of old ideas and invite in fresh, new insights and solutions.

Allow this healing breath to touch every part of your body.  Feel your body embrace the newness of the healing breath and the coming solution.

Invite your goddess, guardian angel, or spiritual guide to join you in this  space. Sit calmly and expectantly.

Take a few moments to focus on your situation and how you want to find an appropriate answer.  Absorb this situation and the coming solution physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

After a few moments, take this time to share your inner thoughts about your situation with the wise being you may find sitting beside you.

Whether or not you see the spiritiual being beside you is a detail.  Your situation is an opportunity to grow.

Let your guest advise you about how to manage your situation.  Accept the advice you receive while you seek a solution.

Embrace the suggestions which can help your situation, your solution, and your self.

See yourself on a journey from a challenging situation to a good outcome and a positive path.  See yourself embracing the new solution and the changes which will bring it about.

You feel it is time to go.  Give thanks for the shared wisdom and generosity you just received. Offer gratitude for the journey you’ve been on.

Make plans for you two to meet again if you need more guidance.

Return to your present time now.  Give yourself time to absorb the wisdom you received.

Shift your awareness to your physical surroundings where you began this experience.  Be here now and in this environment.  You are wide awake and alert.  You feel wonderful and are at peace.

Are you closer to a solution?  Can you accept it?


Several years ago, I managed a food pantry that fed many people.  It seemed to me that I confronted problems without solutions.

One evening I read a story about Saint Therest, the Little Flower.  I read about people finding roses when they studied the works of St. Therese.

The following morning, when I unlocked the door to the pantry, I found a rose on the floor.

Seeing this rose opened my eyes.

I didn’t expect to see a rose or anything else on the floor.  For sure, I didn’t sleep walk over to the pantry in the night and put a rose on the floor.

I wasn’t asking for favors.  I merely read about her life.


Thanks for reading this article.  You can find more information about chakras in previous blog posts and in “Healer’s Handbook” by Thurman Greco.

Purchase it at

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