A Healing Heart Chakra Meditation –
Your heart chakra is the center of your energy universe.
Your heart chakra is a holy place – holding your ability to love – in all the many ways it can be described.
Your heart chakra is a holy place – holding your ability to heal – in all the many ways – heal yourself, others, all the people in all the places in all the times.
Your heart chakra is a holy place – holding your ability to heal – situations, places, the planet, the universe.
If you are working on yourself, your health, your job, your family, your community, begin with work on your heart chakra.
Align yourself with your heart chakra.
Noticeable changes will permeate your entire being.
Meditation opens and balances your energy fields. The heart meditation written for you below intends to boost, and cleanse:
Begin by finding a comfortable position in a safe,quiet space. Close your eyes.
Encourage each in-breath to slowly and completely to fill your body with oxygen, light, and positive energy.
When you exhale, release toxins, frustration, anxiety, and anything else you don’t need.
As you breathe in and out, relax completely with slow, deep breaths..
When you feel relaxed and peaceful, take another deep breath and visualize a light traveling from your feet to the top of your head. This light fills and surrounds your body with love.
Finally, this light settles at your heart. It has a healing green tint in honor of your heart chakra. See the green energy spiraling at your heart chakra.
Breathe into this energy now and experience its transformation.
Inhale and exhale now focusing on your heart chakra. Take these breaths as you focus on healing yourself, your life, the planet, the universe.
See these breaths balancing, boosting, and cleansing all things need healing.
Take a few extra breaths now to release toxins, frustrations, anxiety, and anything else that you don’t need.
It is time to return to your room now. Gently open your eyes.
As you return to your day, take another moment to ground yourself. Feel the floor under your feet. What does the air in the room feel like at this moment?
Breathe deeply, tensing and then relaxing your entire body.
Softly tap your thymus in gratitude..
You can recall the relaxation and feelings of love at any time during the day.
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Find more meditations in previous blog posts. Find more information about your chakras in “Healer’s Handbook.” If you don’t yet have a copy, you can purchase it at www.thurmangreco.com and Amazon.
YOUTUBE Video productions are available at “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”.
If you have questions, contact me at thurmangreco@gmail.com.
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