Choose Water! – But Why?
When you think about dieting, you probably don’t even think about water. Instead, you think about things you’re going to give up in order to release those unwanted pounds.
Before you even decide many details of your diet, explore what you’re going to drink…and why. You may find that you’re thinking MORE and not Less.
For starters, drink more for a successful diet. Think more ounces, and cups, in glasses, bottles, and cans.
But…more and not less of what?
For starters, drink less tea, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and 100% fruit juices. Better yet, skip anything with a calorie.
Now is the best time to eliminate carbonation. Break the diet soda pop drink habit today!
Choose water!
If you’re stuck on diet sodas, you may discover many options you never considered before. It may take several days or weeks even to try out all the new found options just waiting for you to try on grocery shelves.
As you sample the many drinks out there, avoid artificial sweeteners if you can. These artificial sweeteners haven’t been proven to support your weight loss.
As you test different products, put them in categories because there are so many choices.
Water is Your First Choice. Not all water tastes the same. You’ll have fun choosing your favorite.
For starters, put waters in two basic categories: natural spring water and purified water. Personally, I went for the purified waters to begin with. I found so many delicious spring waters that now I keep several different waters on my pantry shelves.
There are many, many infused waters to choose from.
Also on this first list, include strained homemade broth.
Your Second Choice is Water with Stevia-Sweetened Flavor Drops. These products are essentially products with liquid water enhancers added.
Decaffeinated herbal teas come in the water-with-enhancers category.
Flavored Drinks sweetened with Stevia are your third choice.
Artificially flavored sweetened beverages make up your fourth choice. This choice includes sugar-free popsicles, sugar-free gelatin and any broths with MSG.
This last category is your jettison section.
Don’t even consider diet soda pops, seltzer waters, sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit juice, milkshakes, and fancy coffee drinks. Erase them from your consciousness.
Discovering your new favorite drink may take some persistence and a few trips to the super market. Don’t rush this search. This is an important discovery for you. You’re searching for a beverage to live with.
Take all the time you want.
I shopped in my super market for years and never really paid a lot of attention to what waters were sitting on the shelves.
Recently, I went to my favorite super market and looked at all the different bottled/canned waters out there. This time, I really looked at what was on the shelves. What I saw amazed me!
It seemed my new diet was opening up a whole new world for me…a world of waters!
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Thurman Greco
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100% fruit juices., alcohol, avoid chronic disease, avoid commercial dips, Avoid high-fructose corn syrup, avoid processed juices', Avoid raking leaves if you have allergies., bottles, Break the diet soda habit NOW, But...more and not less of what?, cans, carbonated drinks, Choose decaf iced tea., Choose water, cups, Drink less tea, drink more for a successful diet., Eliminate carbonation, For starters, glasses, Go to your favorite super market and check out all the different waters on the shelves., It may take several days or weeks even to try out all your new found options., Skip any drink with a calorie, Think about the things you're going to give up in order to release the pounds., Think about your liver and what it, Think ounces, You may discover purified water, You may discover spring water.