Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

A Healing Heart Chakra Meditation –

Your heart chakra is the center of your energy universe.

Your heart chakra is a holy place – holding your ability to love – in all the many ways it can be described.

Your heart chakra is a holy place – holding your ability to heal – in all the many ways – heal yourself, others, all the people in all the places in all the times.

Your heart chakra is a holy place – holding your ability to heal – situations, places, the planet, the universe.

If you are working on yourself, your health, your job, your family, your community,  begin with work on your heart chakra.

Align yourself with your heart chakra.

Noticeable changes will permeate your entire being.

Meditation opens and balances your energy fields.  The  heart meditation  written for you below intends to boost, and cleanse:

Begin by finding a comfortable position in a safe,quiet space.  Close your eyes.

Encourage each in-breath to slowly and completely to fill  your body with oxygen, light, and positive energy.

When you exhale, release toxins, frustration, anxiety, and anything else you don’t need.

As you breathe in and out, relax completely with slow, deep breaths..

When you feel relaxed and peaceful, take another deep breath and visualize a light traveling from your feet to the top of your head.  This light fills and surrounds your body with love.

Finally, this light settles at your heart.  It has a healing green tint in honor of your heart chakra.  See the green energy spiraling at your heart chakra.

Breathe into this energy now and experience its transformation.

Inhale and exhale now focusing on your heart chakra.   Take these breaths as you focus on healing yourself, your life, the planet, the universe.

See these breaths balancing, boosting, and cleansing all things need healing.

Take a few extra breaths now to release toxins, frustrations, anxiety,  and anything else that you don’t need.

It is time to return to your room now.  Gently open your eyes.

As you return to your day, take another moment to ground yourself.  Feel the floor under your feet.  What does the air in the room feel like at this moment?

Breathe deeply, tensing and then relaxing your entire body.

Softly tap your thymus in gratitude..

You can recall the relaxation and feelings of love at any time during the day.

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Find more meditations in previous blog posts.  Find more information about your chakras in “Healer’s Handbook.”  If you don’t yet have a copy, you can purchase it at and Amazon.

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Your Third Chakra – Inner Strength and Wisdom

The solar plexus chakra gets its power from its location.  It is the third chakra in a  line  just above the first and second chakras and is located about 2 inches above your navel.

The location of this chakra is important because this is where the abdominal brain is located.  Your abdominal brain is a communication hub.

If you are dealing with fear, anxiety, or other negativity, take comfort in the knowledge that your solar plexus chakra releases a yellow-gold light.  This power comes to your aid when you feel insulted, cheated, or criticized.

Speak to your solar plexus chakra when you are threaghtened and give it support as it does its work filling you with confidence and respect.

For me, the solar plexus chakra is not quite as heavy as the first chakra but certainly heavier than the heart or throat chakra.

Its distinctive yellow-orange color gives it strength and power.  To become closer to your solar plexus chakra, select a stone and carry it with you for several days.

The choices are many but yellow citrine, yellow amber, yellow jade will get you started.  There are many stones to choose from – just stick with the yellows.  One that attracts me (which is not yellow) is orange tourmaline.

When I was a young woman, I was attracted to a golden topaz.  I know now that it offered me strength which I needed.

Your solar plexus chakra will help you achieve your goals when it aligns with your other chakras.  An aligned solar plexus chakra radiates empowerment, confidence, and ability.

For many people, the solar plexus chakra is the easiest one to connect  because it reveals itself to you more easily than the others.  We can all feel the “butterflies” in our solar plexus chakra.

If you are working on your solar plexus chakra, good times for meditation or essential oil blending include the full moon and the summer solstice.  You can also work with your solar plexus on any sunny day between 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm.

To empower your soul, spend a 10-15 minutes  soaking up the rays of the sun.

A fun exercise is to make an asfidity bag focusing on your solar plexus chakra.


The first step to make your bag is to select items to include in it:  a favorite cloth which is about 4″ square, and a couple of stones which have meaning to you.  You’ll need some thread to close the bag up.

Include some favorite herbs.  Good choices for your solar plexus chakra include lemon, mint, turmeric, or any plant which has a special meaning for you.

You may want to include bits of sand, a seashell,  a small photo or other drawing which has meaning for you.  Add anything which you feel is appropriate.  Include things which feel warm, comforting, beautiful.  You may be seeking inspiration and the manifestation of strength and power.

After you make your asfidity bag, wear it around your neck or keep it close to your body for strength and intuition.

You can also keep it on your personal altar.

Moderation in all things is important for a healthy solar plexus chakra.

Are you interested in fitness?  Two things that may appeal to you as you align your solar plexus chakra are yoga and a martial arts practice.

Diseases and health issues involving your solar plexus include diabetes, pancreatitis, ulcers, food disorders, reflux, hypoglycemia, hepatitus, chronic fatigue.

Thanks for reading this article.  Please refer it to your favorite social media network and share it with your friends and relatives.

Thanks for reading this article.  You can find more information in prior blog posts and in “Healer’s Handbook” – in all three editions.

Books and ebooks can be purchased at

If you have questions, you can reach me at

angel with bird


Reiki for Transition – Reflexology for the Spirit

So, here we are, on the cusp of summer.

Only a few days away from the June equinox, we’re somewhere in transitions we’re all experiencing as we feel our way from the pandemic to the post pandemic reality.

Whether you feel the end of the pandemic is here or whether you feel there never was a pandemic or whether you fear the pandemic will never end:

This is a time to feel the earth underneath your feet.

This is a time to take a deep breath.

This is a time to balance your chakras and your body systems.

Now, more than ever before, we all need the homeostasis offered by Reiki.  We all need Reiki’s gentle healing.  We all need Reiki’s blessings.

Join together now and send Reiki to yourself, to your family members, to your neighbors, to the planet.

Whoever you choose to receive your Reiki, that person, place, or thing will  appreciate your generosity and thoughtfulness.

This is a time to send Reiki to all living beings.


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Thurman Greco

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Winter Solstice – 2020

December 21st is the Winter Solstice – the first day of winter.  The Winter Solstice is the shortest day and the longest night of the year.

Today, we celebrate the annual rebirth of the sun.

People throughout our planet are falling ill with coronavirus.  The numbers of sick and dying are so large and changing so quickly that it’s hard to keep up.

Find a few moments sometime today to reflect on our planetary need for rebirth, regeneration and renewal.   Reflect for a few moments on how it will feel to live on a healthy planet where all beings experience wellness and coexist to honor and support one another.

What will it mean for wellness and healing to become real in the coming year.  Expand your vision to include every living thing on earth.

Take a moment to release those things which no longer serve you.  When you do this, you create space in your heart for healing, acceptance, and positivity  in the new year.

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Guided Meditations get you to the next level in your sessions.

I learned about guided meditations in Mary Ruth Van Landingham’s classes at Terra Christa in Vienna, Virginia.  She always included a guided meditation as part of each learning experience.

When Rev. Dan Chesbro taught a class at Terra Christa, he always included a guided meditation.  Looking back on his sessions, I see now they were guided meditations in and of themselves.

I bought three books at Terra Christa: “Meditations for Awakening”, “Meditations for Transformation”, and “Meditations for Healing” by Larry Moen.  These books became part of every work day, whether I was teaching or healing.

The influence of these books on my career was significant.

As a matter of fact, I wore out the Awakening book and had to buy another to replace it.  The other two need to be replaced now.

I’ve bought other guided meditation how-to books over the years.

Two that stand out  include “Guided Imagery for Groups”  by Andrew E. Schwartz and “Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps for Healing, Harmony, and Purification” by Clemence Lefevre.  I’m including them in this list because they are interesting and helpful.  Each book shows how different and honest guided meditations can be.

These 2 books each have a different approach to guided meditations.  Through the years, even though I wore out the Larry Moen books, it was important to me to expand my boundaries and use different information.  That’s how I learned.

Somehow, my learning path included one short class about writing my own guided meditations.  I took an End-of-Life Class at the New York Open Center.  Henry Fersco-Weiss taught this class over a weekend.   He included a short instruction about creating a guided meditation.  It was all I needed.

I knew after that short segment that I could do this on my own.   Even though I’ve written many guided meditations, I always return to Larry Moen’s books.  Specifically, I like to select “Lagoon” on page 20 of “Meditations for Awakening.”  I always go to this meditation in my Reiki 1 classes.

But, when you get into guided meditations, the choices are many.

I hope you’ll be motivated to incorporate guided meditations at every opportunity.

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Your Own Guided Meditation: Relax and Enjoy the Journey

A guided meditation awakens, transforms, heals.   It  creates a journey  so you can fulfill a purpose or reach a goal or answer a question of some kind.  In short, a guided meditation helps you solve a problem you may be experiencing.

Many guided meditations use quiet, calming music to support your journey.  I like  music which doesn’t have abrupt changes.  Whatever music you use, you need something which will not  interfere with your visualization.

Guided meditations work well in groups with one person reading or speaking the meditation aloud.  They also work well for a person alone who reads the meditation or who is listening to it on an audio device.

The best time for a guided meditation is whenever or wherever it works best for you.

Don’t worry if you feel you have fallen asleep during your meditation.  Usually, you have not.

Pauses guide and pace the journey.  They can occur throughout a meditation.  How many, and how long each one is depends on the meditation and the group.  I like to schedule the pauses in the meditation when I  design it.  .

Breathing tempo is established at the beginning of each meditation.  Many people do not breathe deeply enough.  Although shallow breathing is common, meditations call for deeper, slower breathing.  Belly breathing is part of the event.  I set the breathing tempo early in the meditation.

A first step in a guided meditation is to spend a few moments encouraging your recipients to get comfortable.  Try not to rush this part.  Many people are not comfortable in their bodies and may not recognize when they are comfortable – not for a few moments anyway.

Then, the scene emerges.  This can be in a secret room, in a meadow, on the edge of a lake, an the foot of a mountain.  The scene is described.  Meditation recipients are often invited to add their own details mentally as they listen to the unfolding  journey.

After the introduction which sets the scene, the meditation generally involves a journey…walking down a path, riding a canoe on a lake, taking a trip on a balloon.  Again, a few moments are taken to include details.  Descriptive paragraphs tell the story as it unfolds.  And, again, your meditation recipients are often invited to add their own details through their thoughts.

Sometimes, a guided meditation may introduce a character – an angel, a wise elder, one’s inner child.  This character’s job is to listen to any questions a person may have and offer an answer or response which may be received during the meditation or at some time later in the day or even the next day.

With a guided meditation, you and your recipient’s  job is to relax and enjoy the journey.  You reach your destination when you receive an answer or solution.

The final step allows a recipient to slowly return to the present moment knowing that she can return to the meditation at any time.  There is no rush.

Assure your recipients that they can return to this meditation whenever they desire.  It is time to stretch, yawn, open eyes, and return to the present moment.

heart with wings

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Thurman Greco


Guided Meditations: 3 Ways They Change Your LIfe – Awaken, Transform, and Heal

Guided meditations  awaken, transform, heal.  Guided meditations are change agents.

But, whether a meditation awakens, transforms, or heals, it points you inward to your own strength.  This is a direction which benefits us all.  Many people focus outward for strength.  They search for persons, actions, or objects when the goal they seek is right at home, within themselves.

I’ve used guided meditations to begin reflexology, Reiki therapy, chakra healing, massage sessions.  I’ve also used them to end sessions.  They are effective when you need action.

Guided meditations  help classroom situations.  If I feel my students are nervous or out-of-sorts in some way, I use a guided meditation.

Guided meditations are essential for Reiki attunements,  and for any situation  when a person needs to listen, rest, be still, and learn new ways to be and do.

I think we’re going to do many new things in the near future.  Listening, resting, and being still  are all  prerequisites to  embracing a new life.

Guided meditations help a person understand  a new reality more deeply.  For me, this pandemic offers each  of us a new reality.  A door is opening for us.

Guided meditations are good with grieving and overcoming fear.  And thanks giving.  And loving.

By now, you know  I turn to guided meditations at every opportunity.

Guided meditation open doors of higher consciousness  leaving the past behind.  These open doors awaken us  to answers which our inner spirits hold.

When we wake our higher consciousness, we  transform our lives, improve the quality of our lives and tap more deeply into the higher self.

Transformation facilitates change.  Put plainly and simply,  transformation encourages calm, serenity, grounding.

The transformation provided by a guided meditation  helps reduce stress, headaches, chronic pain.

A guided meditation focusing on healing can be a form of prayer.  It taps into what your unlimited higher self  can offer.

In the midst of this pandemic, a guided meditation can help you release tension, anger, fear, anxiety, and other illness-causing emotions.

A guided meditation focusing on healing will lead you to your inner strength.  It will encourage you to become more comfortable with the new reality this pandemic may produce for you.

Current events throughout our planet convince me we are all on the brink of everything.  The future awaits.   A guided meditation focusing on healing will allow you to let go and enjoy the goodness to come.

A guided meditation can allow your to love yourself.  When this happens, you will have a powerful healing tool.  This can encourage your fearlessness.


The next post will focus on how to create your own guided meditations to use in whatever situation you need.

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Thurman Greco