Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Physical Therapy – How to Get the Most from Your PT Session

We go to physical therapy because we want to get to the other side – of whatever the situation is.

Maybe you’ve been in an accident.

Maybe you just realized that your neck won’t move right.

Maybe you just finally looked in the mirror and your left shoulder and your right shoulder don’t match – at all.

Whatever the reason, physical therapy takes a commitment.  It means going to two appointments weekly with homework between the sessions.

Some people go to their physical therapy sessions and do their homework and things seem to just go right.

I’ve gone to physical therapy sessions several different times in my life.  Each experience impacted my life differently.

In my 40’s, I went to physical therapy, and followed the series of PT sessions up with a fitness club membership which helped me immensely.  The physical therapy sessions followed by the regular fitness sessions changed my life for the better.  The impact of these physical therapy sessions lasted the better part of a decade.

A couple of decades later, my physical therapy experience was just as positive but the therapy was completely different.  I spent a lot of time on the table receiving heat treatments.  My back and shoulders loved this attention and appreciated the healing applications I received twice weekly.

Now, with different needs, my current physical therapy experience is different yet again.  My  body  does not want to move so fast.  Healing is not so easy this time.  I leave each session feeling fatigue and pain.  My body needs to rest and restore.  It needs attention beyond what is happening at the physical therapist’s office.

It took two sessions for me to realize what was happening.  What did I do?  I ran for the Reiki therapy!

I’m sharing this with everyone because I’m seeing other people coming away from the physical therapy session who need restorative healing.  Some people get this information quickly.  Others need a little nudge.

What I’m finding is that the physical therapy session is not completed without a Reiki session to follow up.

Actually, other modalities work well also.  Reflexology certainly offers the deep calming needed to end a session totally.

But, really, it doesn’t matter whether you schedule Reiki or Reflexology or massage or …………  Many modalities available will work.

The important thing to know is  that when we get physical therapy, the work takes your body “so far”.  To get your money’s worth in healing, schedule the Reiki session on the same day if you possibly can – certainly within 36 hours.

Schedule these bodywork sessions think of them as part of your life.  They  stimulate your body’s own healing processes.

When you combine Reiki or Reflexology or whatever modality works best for you, you will receive more healing for your health care dollars.

If regular Reiki sessions turn out to be a challenge, take some classes and learn to give sessions.  That way you can exchange sessions with others.

Ask a friend to join you in a learning adventure.  The two of you can learn together and exchange sessions.  This is self-care, an important activity which we all need to include in our daily lives.

Thanks for reading this blog post!  New articles have been posted for 10 years.  This blog was created to be a conduit for your own healing.

With blogs, books, classes, and sessions, I am not here to change your story.  Instead, I am here to be a conduit for your own healing.

Thanks for reading this article.  Please share it with friends and relatives.  Forward this post to your preferred social media network.

For more info, my books are located on  They are all available in both ebook and paperbook form.  So far, “A Healer’s Handbook” has gone out to readers in over three dozen countries.

You can also discover more information when you explore previous posts on this blog.  Posts focusing on reflexology or Reiki therapy are on both the blog and on YOUTUBE.

My Latest Information! – “A Healer’s Tarot Memoir” has just gone to the publisher!

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