For Self-Care: Visualize a Successful Day
Take a little time each morning visualizing a successful day. These few moments will create a mental picture you can use to create your real-life action throughout your day.
Take a few deep cleansing breaths.
Perhaps you may want to listen to meditation music.
For a few (3-5) minutes, use all of your senses to visualize your dreams and desires coming to life.
End this short meditation with a few more deep breaths.
As you practice this daily visualization, it will become more powerful. The visualization will become bigger, brighter, and louder.
When you have made this morning visualization a habit, you may notice that your visualization becomes more real to your mind.
At the end of each day, write down your observations. Are you feeling more positive? Are more opportunities coming your way? How is your visualization becoming more real?
With these morning success visualizations, you will be on track to achieve the success you visualize.
Support your visualization intention by taking an action each week to help you progress. Your inspired weekly action toward your goal of a successful day will energize you to achieve your goal.
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