Use a Little Self-Care to Live Mindfully & Look After Yourself.
I don’t know about you, but I have days that get away from me. Sometimes, the idea that I can take a few minutes out for exercise, or meditation, or whatever, is just flirting with non-reality.
So, what do I do to assure that I have given myself some much-needed self-care even in times of chaos and stress?
I keep a gratitude journal.
This little book takes almost no space on my desk or in my purse. It attracts little attention. But, this little book is powerful!
My gratitude journal:
makes sure that I don’t take blessings for granted.
prevents me from getting so caught up in my daily life that I forget to appreciate what I have.
encourages me to become aware of all the ways I am fortunate.
I may not write paragraphs or essays in this journal. Some days I write down just a few words. These words may include hugging a loved one, seeing the little bunny chew a flower in my garden, or eating a delicious red grape.
Words are not always necessary. Sometimes my gratitude journal is a page with colors:
It’s the little things that change my thoughts and bring peace to my world. While relaxation is not the end goal, it’s a common side effect of a gratitude moment. This quiet, sometimes secret, moment changes how my body is feeling.
This moment helps understand the experience.
This is gratitude.
“A Healer’s Handbook” is available at This book is in it’s third edition and has gone out to three dozen countries.
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I hope you’ve had a chance to visit the YOUTUBE channel, “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”. It is a positive, entertaining series conducted throughout the last 15 or so years. There have been a few intermissions, but not many.
Guests on this show enjoy the experience and many ask to return. One thing they all have in common: Woodstock.
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