Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Use a Little Self-Care to Live Mindfully & Look After Yourself.

I don’t know about you, but I have days that get away from me.  Sometimes, the idea that I can take a few minutes out for exercise, or meditation, or whatever, is just flirting with non-reality.

So, what do I do to assure that I have given myself some much-needed self-care even in times of chaos and stress?

I keep a gratitude journal.

This little book takes almost no space on my desk or in my purse.  It attracts little attention.  But, this little book is powerful!

My gratitude journal:

makes sure that I don’t take blessings for granted.

prevents me from getting so caught up in my daily life that I forget to appreciate what I have.

encourages me to become aware of all the ways I am fortunate.

I may not write paragraphs or essays in this journal.  Some days I write down just a few words.  These words may include hugging a loved one, seeing the little bunny chew a flower in my garden, or eating a delicious red grape.

Words are not always necessary.  Sometimes my gratitude journal is a page with colors:

It’s the little things that change my thoughts and bring peace to my world.  While relaxation is not the end goal, it’s a common side effect of a gratitude moment.  This quiet, sometimes secret, moment changes how my body is feeling.

This moment helps understand the experience.

This is gratitude.

“A Healer’s Handbook” is available at  This book is in it’s third edition and has gone out to three dozen countries.

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I hope you’ve had a chance to visit the YOUTUBE channel, “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”.  It is a positive, entertaining series conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.  There have been a few intermissions, but not many.

Guests on this show enjoy the experience and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  Woodstock.

We add new shows weekly.



Your Crown Chakra


When you connect with your spiritual center – your Divinity – you activate your crown chakra.  Likewise, when you feel a connection to the Divine, your crown chakra is open.

That’s what it’s all about.

I believe we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.  As such, I feel we spend time and energy throughout our lives longing for a return to the Divine.

This is where we remember who we are.

The crown chakra is linked to your endocrine system, an important thing to know

because a balanced endocrine system supports your chakra system.

When you are connected with your crown chakra, you should experience an ease

and flow in your daily life.

Are you trying to deepen your connection to the divine through your crown chakra?

A good thing to do is to construct an altar.

Begin with a vessel of clear water to represent mercy and healing energy.

You may want to select a goddess to teach you.  When I first began my search,

Kwan Yin introduced herself to me.  Kwan Yin has served me well.  I love her

story.  I love her energy.

You may want to select herbs for your altar.  You may already have an

attachment to some specific herbs.  If not, try to find some herbs that will support

your capacity to grow, align you to the energies you seek.

When you feel motivated, add 1 or 2 crown chakra gemstones.  Again, you may

already be using amethyst or selenite or some other gemstone.  It’s nice to

already have items for your altar which you know and understand.  I found

Herkimer diamonds before I really understood their connection to any chakra.

As time passes, you’ll find essential oils, crystals, and yoga postures to help you

connect with your crown chakra.  They wait for you along your path.

Crown chakra meditations are important.  I’ll post one on my next blog post.

Meditation calms the chatter and allows your mind to stay focused.

For me, regular Reiki therapy, reflexology, or other healing sessions can be part

of your spiritual practice.  Different people are drawn to different healing

techniques.  The choice is large.  On your journey you may include yoga,

massage, dietary changes.

You may select a modality and then, after time, change to another one.  Time and

journey indicate different modalities.

Each chakra offers a different focus on our spiritual journey.  All of them work

together to enhance health, happiness, and harmony.

More information about chakras in general and your crown chakra in particular is available in “A Healer’s Handbook”.  You can order a copy of this book at

Thank you for reading this article.  Please forward it to your preferred social media network.  Share it with your friends and family.

More information about your crown chakra is located on early blog posts:

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Thank you,

Thurman Greco