Winter Solstice – 2020
December 21st is the Winter Solstice – the first day of winter. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day and the longest night of the year.
Today, we celebrate the annual rebirth of the sun.
People throughout our planet are falling ill with coronavirus. The numbers of sick and dying are so large and changing so quickly that it’s hard to keep up.
Find a few moments sometime today to reflect on our planetary need for rebirth, regeneration and renewal. Reflect for a few moments on how it will feel to live on a healthy planet where all beings experience wellness and coexist to honor and support one another.
What will it mean for wellness and healing to become real in the coming year. Expand your vision to include every living thing on earth.
Take a moment to release those things which no longer serve you. When you do this, you create space in your heart for healing, acceptance, and positivity in the new year.
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acceptance, and positivity in the new year., Belly breathing works with guided meditations., Check in with yourself to support your spirit., create a a positive vision, Create a space in your heart for healing., Create space in your heart for healing, expand your vision, Forgiveness is important., Give your spirit the support it needs., Guided meditation can help you understand a new reality more deeply., People throughout our planet are coming down with coronavirus., Release those things which no longer serve you positively., See freedom only found in forgiveness., Support one another, The Winter Solstice is the rebirth of our sun., Think about what it means for wellness and healing to become real in the coming year., Think for a moment about what it means for wellness and healing to become real in the coming year., We all need to live on a healthy planet where all beings experience wellness and coexist to honor and support one another., Winter Solstice