September 17, 2024 at 1:18 pm

Have you ever experienced the luxury of a body scan? Have you ever heard of a body scan?
This little-known technique releases tension effectively. Use it often. Your muscles, bones, and nerves will thank you!
A body scan helps you release not only tension, but also pain, tightness, or warm areas.
Begin your body scan by finding a quiet place where you can sit or lie in a comfortable position. As you get comfortable, encourage your breath to become deeper and slower. Lengthen your inhales and exhales.
Focus on your toes. What do you feel? If you feel tension, allow your toes and feet to relax. Encourage tension to leave your body with every exhale. See the tension disappear into the air.
Now, repeat this process as you work your way up through the rest of your body. Pay attention to your feet, calves, knees, thighs, hip and pelvic area, back, shoulders, upper arms, elbows, lower arms, hands, neck, jaw, face, eyes, and scalp.
Notice what you find: Stress, tension, stiffness, cold areas, tight muscles.
When you reach your scalp, reverse the process and move your attention back down your body. When you finish, you will be back with your toes.
Now, notice how your feet feel. What about the rest of your body?
Stay with this feeling for a few minutes. Enjoy the relaxation and calm for as long as you want before ending the session. Take as much time as you wish.
When it is time to end the scan, move your body just a little. Shift into the here and now. Let the calm soothe your body – from the toes to the top of your head.
Take a slow, breath and join the here and now at your own pace.

Thanks for reading this article. Contact me at if you have questions or comments.
More information is available at in earlier posts of this blog. You may also find more information in “Healer’s Handbook”

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November 22, 2021 at 9:57 pm

This meditation is ideal for relaxation because it supports inner peace, security, and self-acceptance.
Relax and get comfortable in a calm location where you will not be disturbed for a few moments.
Take several slow, deep breaths.

With each inhale, imagine your breath energizing the area two inches below your navel. Gently massage this point with two fingers.

With each exhale, imagine a small orange ball carrying fears, stress, and pain away.
Now, inhale deeply twice. Breathe into a point about two inches below your navel. Release this breath through your mouth.
Imagine you are lying on a beautiful, quiet boat which is just big enough for you. There is no room for anyone or anything but yourself.
While you are lying on this boat in the middle of a beautiful pond, things are still and peaceful. The pond has many flowers along the beach. As you focus on them, you see they are various shades of orange, and coral.
Let your body become heavy and relaxed as you get more comfortable on this tiny boat.
You feel the space, the peace, stillness. Breathe into the stillness and the abundance of the flowers and the water in the pond.
The overhead sky has a warm, glowing light allowing you to feel beauty, peace, energy.
A gentle breeze moves your small boat along the edge of the pond into a gently flowing stream.. As you look above, you see billowing clouds with a faint orange and gold tint. They move lazily overhead.
The flowers and clouds protect you so you feel safe.
You feel warm and at peace.
Breathe into the peace and gentle energy of just being yourself. Drifting down the stream, you relax even more and appreciate the energy, the peace, the flowers and the clouds.
You realize you don’t have to do anything, just breathe and enjoy yourself. As your boat gently drifts along, you feel warm. This warmth is healing. You feel quiet, peaceful. You breathe in peace, health, relaxation.
As you breathe out, exhale anything you want to release.

It’s time to return to your body and become conscious of yourself. Gently you move your fingers and toes to become more aware of returning to your location.
When you open your eyes, you remember the peace and energy you felt in the orange flowers and the orange-tinged clouds.
You know you can return to this place any time you want.
When you are ready, continue on with your activities.

Thanks for reading this meditation. Please refer it to your preferred social media network. Share it with your friends.
There are other meditations throughout this blog.
More information about healing is available in “Healer’s Handbook”. Get your copy of the book at

December 21, 2020 at 11:05 am

December 21st is the Winter Solstice – the first day of winter. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day and the longest night of the year.
Today, we celebrate the annual rebirth of the sun.
People throughout our planet are falling ill with coronavirus. The numbers of sick and dying are so large and changing so quickly that it’s hard to keep up.
Find a few moments sometime today to reflect on our planetary need for rebirth, regeneration and renewal. Reflect for a few moments on how it will feel to live on a healthy planet where all beings experience wellness and coexist to honor and support one another.
What will it mean for wellness and healing to become real in the coming year. Expand your vision to include every living thing on earth.
Take a moment to release those things which no longer serve you. When you do this, you create space in your heart for healing, acceptance, and positivity in the new year.
Thank you for reading this meditation.
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