Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Happy 10th!

Way back 2014, I published the first post of “Reflexology for the Spirit”.

I dedicated this blog to Margaret D’Urso.  She was a wonderful person who gave of herself whenever she could.  She was brave in her attitudes toward healing people.  She was always willing to answer any questions asked of her to the best of her ability.  Without her, this blog and my companion wellness books would never have happened.

I also dedicated this blog to reflexology students everywhere.

You are wonderful people who are giving far more than you realize when you allow someone to be your teacher.  To venture down a totally unknown path is a brave undertaking.  Your willingness to ask questions stretches your teacher’s knowledge and results in better teachers and mentors.  Without you, this blog would never have made it to 10 years!

I hope you are enjoying this journey we are on together.  I know that this blog has travelled the world because the companion book, “Healer’s Handbook” has gone out to over 36 countries!

Companion YOUTUBE video productions featuring reflexology and Reiki therapy are available on “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”

“Reflexology for the Spirit” is an inexpensive downloadable  video which is fun to use and easy to adapt to sessions. ENJOY!.

I hope you will continue to journey with me.

Thank you!

Thurman Greco

Thanks for joining me on this journey.

Contact me at

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Acne, acupuncturist, allergic reactions, Allergies, and emotional health, anger, antibiotics, anxiety, anxiety attacks, Arthritis, asthma, balance, breathe consciously, breathe deeply, breathe slowly, broken bones, calluses, cancer, cats, chakras, circulatory diseases, Cold Pain, colon cleanse, Constant pain, constipation, COPD, corns, Deep Pain, dermatologist, dermatologists, diabetes, diabetic, diet, digestion, digestive system, dogs, Eczema, essential oils, exercise, eye infections, fatigue, foot reflexology, foot reflexology blog, foot sprains, fresh foods, Gratitude, guided healing meditation, guided meditation, healing, healing space, health care choices, healthy, heart diseases, heartburn, heredity, homeostasis, Hot pain, Hunger is not a Disease, hydration, joints, locally grown foods, Losing weight, Marge d'Urso, meditation, meditation offers homeostasis, mental, migraine headaches, natural detox, Nephritis, obesity, otolaryngologist, overcoming fear, physical, Pins and Needles, podiatrist, preventing disease, prostate, protection, Reflexology Chart, Reflexology for the Spirit, reflexologyforthespirit:com; Thurman Greco, Reflexologyforthespiritblog, Reiki therapy, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatologist, risk factors, Screaming Pain, Searing pain, sinusitis, sinusitis, skin cleansing, sleep apnea, sleep encouraging techniques', slow down aging, spiritual, Spiritual Aspects of Disease, spiritual health, spleen, stomach, stress, stroke, Thank you, Thurman Greco, trauma, urinary system, Urinary Tract Infections, Urinary tract issues, wellness