8 Easy Tips for Losing Weight
When you were a child, did you ever hear “Eat everything on your plate. Hungry children need this food.” ?
I certainly did. It never occurred to me that I was never going to help a hungry child get enough food by eating everything on my plate.
As an adult, I found a better way to help alleviate hunger. I donated food to a food pantry or soup kitchen. (And, that led to a whole new career path!)
Leaving food on my plate has no impact on whether another person a block away or around the world gets enough to eat. Donating food to a food pantry or soup kitchen will help.
Do you see that extra serving of lasagna sitting on a shelf in your refrigerator as something you don’t need? Toss it in the garbage instead of eating it. Better yet, toss it before it even gets to the refrigerator.
It’s better to throw the food away before you feed yourself something you don’t need. Eating too much food is bad for your health and well being.
Instead of eating that extra slice of apple pie, get it out of your life.
There are things you can do to prevent overeating:
Tip 1
Schedule a weekly healing reflexology or Reiki session. You will be calmer. Your life will be less stressful. The homeostasis offered by regular reflexology sessions will help make your diet experience easier.
Tip 2
Learn a new hobby: painting, knitting, boxing, walking, singing. Your choices are endless.
Tip 3
Join a gym. When you work out at the gym, you’ll feel better, meet new friends, and look better too.
Tip 4
Learn some healing skills to use on yourself, friends and family. Both Reiki and Reflexology are fun to learn and use.
Tip 5
Replace your hunger for food with water. Your body may be telling you it’s thirsty – not hungry. The moment you feel hungry or thirsty, drink something.
Water is the most important fuel you can give your body. Drink water at the first sign of fatigue. Why? Your body is about 60% water.
Tip 6
Have a water bottle you like and carry it with you everywhere.
Tip 7
There are several hydration apps to remind you to drink water throughout your day, all day. Add one to your smart phone. One example: Waterlogged.
Tip 8
Don’t like the taste of water? Add lemon, lime, sliced cucumbers, frozen berries to your water.
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Thurman Greco
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