Juice Cleanse Tips
- Begin your cleanse by spending a few days eating fresh fruit, salads, sprouts, nuts, and seeds and avoid all processed foods. Maintain a raw food diet for about three days before you actually focus on the juice part of the cleanse.
- Make sure the water you drink is the cleanest you can find. A big decision here is whether you prefer ultrapurified water or spring water. This choice is a personal one. I’m happy with either one. When I’m doing a cleanse, I prefer ultrapurified water. When I am at home and just drinking water on a daily basis, I prefer spring water. I like spring water because I live in the Hudson Valley of New York State where I have access to superior water. I know what spring the water comes from, even. In some cases I’ve actually visited a spring and personally seen it. I never drink water shipped in from another continent, country, state, or even another part of New York State. That being said, I would probably make different decisions about the water I drink if I lived in another part of the country. Certainly, if I lived in a foreign country, I would do different things.
- When having a cleanse, be sure to rest several times during the day. Include some guided meditations that you’ve chosen especially for this cleanse occasion.
- Set aside time for reflexology sessions and chakra healing sessions. Begin each day with a Reiki therapy session if you can.
- End your cleanse by eating easy-to-digest water, plump fruits and leafy green salads. Avoid processed foods for as long as you possibly can. This is crucial to the success of a cleanse.
Reflexologists, now is a good time of the year to conduct a cleanse as a group with several of your fellow practitioners and client partners. Include a nutritionist in the group to help supervise the cleanse.
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Thurman Greco
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