Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology Blog – Prostate Disorders

Prostate problems are common in men over fifty.  The most common disorders are prostatitis, benign enlargement, and cancer.  Over half of men over 50 suffer from prostate problems.  By far, the most popular is enlarged prostate.

Causes of prostate problems are nutritional, hormonal, and spiritual.

Nutritional causes include low levels of nutrients – selenium, zinc.  If you have prostate issues, now is a good time to have a nutritional analysis.   As always, I recommend you  contact Liz at Village Apothecary – 845-679-0790.

Hormonal issues suggest a trip to a medical professional.

Spiritual issues call for regular reflexology visits.

This is also a time to examine how you feel about your self and your life.  What words come to mind?

Feeling:  ashamed, helpless, inferior, resentful, stuck.

Allow yourself to express your feelings as opposed to suppressing them.

Focus on the positive aspects of your life.

When addressing prostate issues begin the session by working the endocrine system by working the pituitary reflexes,  testicle reflexes, and the prostate reflexes..

Work the nervous system as you focus on the spinal cord reflexes.

Work the  lymphatic system.

End the session by focusing for a few moments on the liver and solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

