The Circulatory System – There is a definite spiritual aspect which Reflexology for the Spirit addresses.
The circulatory system is composed of the heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, and blood, and it actually exists everywhere in our bodies. The heart is an amazing creation about the size of your fist. It’s your hardest working muscle – always working, whether we’re asleep or awake. The heart is a two-sided pumping station with four chambers separated by valves that keep our blood flowing in the proper direction. The chamber or atrium on the right and the right ventricle pump the oxygenated blood back through the body. The muscular walls or septum divide the heart’s two sizes and keep the two kinds of blood from mixing.
The chambers and ventricles of the two halves are separated by a valve. The left side of the heart and the right side of the heart are separated by the septum. The valves keep the blood flowing in one direction only.
Arteries carry blood from the heart to every part of the body. As the arteries branch out they become smaller until they become capillaries.
As the blood returns to the heart, it moves in veins. The beating heart keeps the blood moving continuously throughout the body.
Because the circulatory system exists throughout the entire body, the reflexes are found throughout the entire foot. However, the heart reflex itself is found primarily on the left foot. Working the entire foot works this system and you help to circulate new energy to every cell. Working the entire foot focuses on this system. You help circulate new energy to every cell.
Several diseases affect the heart and the circulatory system so it’s important to take care of the heart. Heart disease and stroke are major causes of death in our country.
Heart diseases do not occur overnight. By the time a person begins to suffer from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attack and/or stroke, the problems causing these diseases have been lurking in the body for decades.
Circulatory diseases, for the most part, are preventable with lifestyle changes and regular reflexology sessions.
If a person has a “wake up call” before getting on the right path, there is still hope. As soon as the lifestyle changes begin, better health is often on the way.
When examining the feet, always note any red blotches, representing anger, callouses on the heart area of the foot, indicating concealed deep feelings or the need for protection.
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Peace and food for all.
As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.
Thurman Greco
Thurman Greco