Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

We Live in a Dirty World. Manage Your Detox with 3 Reflexology Body Systems to Workout & 3 Crucial Daily Activities.

When I think of toxicity, the first word coming to my mind is (of course) reflexology!  A reflexology session offers a mild detox.  Often, this detox goes unnoticed.  The person comes to my table with other issues and leaves feeling better, grounded, at peace.

People visit reflexologists with health issues which they feel need spiritual attention.  This focus may be subdued.  In other words, they feel they need spiritual attention but aren’t aware of the situation.  They haven’t yet begun to verbalize their needs.

The words they use include fatigue, insomnia, constipation, headaches.

Whatever words they use, a reflexology session opens a window into homeostasis – the balance of all body systems.  This is what healing is all about.

A toxic body makes healing more challenging.

A reflexology session works three body systems to promote a physical detox.

Your liver is a powerful detoxing organ in your Digestive System.  Your liver does two things to manage a detox:  Its enzymes break down toxins and then sends them off to your kidneys as urine and to your lower digestive tract as feces.

As my Aunt Ruby always said:  “Your good health begins and ends in your digestive system.”

When your reflexologist works your Lymphatic System, the fluids in your body  balance and remove toxins.  This system works on a parallel path with your circulatory system.  Your Lymphatic System works to keep your body clean.

Your Respiratory System focuses on the air you breathe.  You inhale oxygen and exhale toxins.

A weekly reflexology session helps your body detox itself.  You can boost this weekly session by combining it with Reiki therapy and chakra healing.  Or not.  Whatever makes you comfortable is important.

There are Three other things to pay attention to in addition to your weekly sessions.   A Healthy Diet, Daily Exercise, and Enough Sleep.  Each one of these activities is crucial to your detoxing success.

Don’t be put off by The Big Three.  Detoxing can be a journey you start small.  Begin by drinking enough water each day.

Each morning, I prepare two large glasses of water which I drink throughout the day.  On a good day, I get in three large glasses.

For me a Daily Exercise routine can include many different things.  But two things are basic – every day:  Walking 10,000 steps and using my personal trampoline.  I may include other things such as yoga on a weekly routine schedule.  But the walking and the trampoline are daily essential habits for me.

I’ve written many blog posts about exercise and my new book “Wellness for All” refers to exercise as well.

But, one thing I think I’ve omitted to discuss is the importance of exercise to your detox.  Daily exercise is crucial to any detox effort.

When you increase your circulation enough to sweat, you detox!

I cannot overemphasize the importance of Enough Sleep.  My Aunt Ruby knew what she was talking about when she said “When you get enough sleep, you can slay dragons”.

Don’t make any job harder than it has to be.  Sleep your way through your detox every night.  And, include a power nap in the afternoon if you can fit it in.

A Healthy Diet  during a detox will have a major impact on your moods and your ability to stay calm.  This will make you a lot easier to live with as you shed toxins that may have been hanging around for months or years.

You may decide to dramatically change your diet to promote your detox efforts.  Or, you may decide that the slow, gentle release of toxins through reflexology is enough for a start.

Reduce the toxins you ingest in your food.  It can be easier than you think to eat foods that taste delicious and support your good health too!

Another Aunt Ruby guideline:  Small steps create big changes when it comes to caring for your body and soul.

A detox is important to your self-care.  Also important:  Understand why you feel you need to detox in the first place.  Whatever your reason, broaden your goal to include your life – not just your body.

Remember to care for yourself, and our planet.  Include activities that support your emotional health and your soul.

One thing this article refers too in several ways:  You have a choice with detoxification.

You can detox for a day or two days or a week.

You can even take a detox vacation as I did several years ago when I spent 10 days in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, drinking juices and other beverages to encourage toxins to move on out.,

Or, you can take the rest of your life.  Certainly, that’s the easy way.  How does it work?  When you choose to eat healthy, clean foods which promote a healthy body, you are, in a sense, detoxing your life.

Choose to take supplements which support your detoxing efforts.  This means you choose your supplements with care.  All my supplements come from the shelves at Village Apothecary.  I have total confidence in Neal Smoller’s knowledge, experience, and opinions.

You can reach Village Apothecary at

You will include sleep, skin-care routines, and cleansing products in your detox routines.  What this means is that you are going for the big picture:  your whole life – not just a smoothie or two.

What this amounts to is this:  Many small steps will bring big changes.

The small steps that bring big changes can  renew your body and soul.  When you take charge of your health and your future, you are the future behind your own change!

Pat yourself on your back, and call yourself a hero!  And, don’t forget to journal about it.  What a wonderful story you will tell!

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Take this Bread with Thurman Greco

Reflexology for the Spirit with Thurman Greco

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Thurman Greco

A Healthy Heart

Be Free Heart wings

A healthy heart and circulatory system are necessary to feel and express emotions positively.  When you work the circulatory system, you  distribute love and healing.  This improves your client’s sense of self worth and balances blood flow.  When your client’s sense of self worth improves and when the emotions are expressed positively, life improves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

When I begin to address my client partner’s heart health, the first place I go is to the fourth chakra.  This means that I work the heart chakra on the reflex points on my client partner’s feet.

I also include an essential oil in the reflexology session when I work the heart and circulatory system.  I may choose lavender.  If my client partner needs grounding, I’ll reach for geranium.   You may have other oils in your tool box which will attract you.

If my client is overweight or underweight or if the skin color is not too good, I’ll offer a list of healing foods that are important for heart/circulatory issues.  If I think it’s a good idea, I’ll recommend a visit to a nutritionist.

Heart health issues  often take years to show themselves in the body.  Lifestyle habits contribute.  Heart health issues involve the whole body – the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional layers.  Spiritually, heart issues reflect long standing  wounds, rejection, and self-criticism.

If I have time, I’ll include a guided meditation in the session.  Guided meditations are always good for fourth chakra issues.  My favorite fourth chakra guided meditation invites my client partner to go beyond the curtain to a past life  because heart health baggage is often past life.

This can be a little challenging if your client partner doesn’t believe in past life issues.  When that happens, go to the time right after birth. Some past life issues are still open for you and your client partner in infancy.

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“A Healers Handbook” is now available as an ebook on Amazon and on Nook.  The


Paper version is on the way!

In the near future I’ll share a guided heart healthy meditation with you and I’ll discuss lifestyle issues  affecting heart health.

Thurman Greco

Why we have Heart Disorders


Let us consider for a moment a bit of vocabulary surrounding the heart and how it interacts with our lives:




half- hearted


from the bottom of your heart

take things to heart

You have touched my heart

talk heart to heart

Heart disorders occur when the body is unable to perform its pumping functions smoothly.  Because the heart is both a physical and spiritual body part, there are many reasons for these disorders to occur.

The heart functions begin to fray when we are overloaded with anger, fear, criticism, heartbreak and  no longer give and receive love.

Beyond the spiritual and emotional aspects, there are the old familiar physical aspects which actually begin to affect the heart many years before the disease manifests itself.

In all cases, the diagnosis of these disorders is best left up to professionals.  However, much of the prevention is up to us.

Whenever I study  heart disorders, diet,  nutrition, and exercise  are front and center.  There is a whole line up of supplements for heart disorders.  On one end of the spectrum, it’s easy enough to take the list and head for the local pharmacy or grocery store and get whatever is on sale.

For me, a better way is to get only those supplements which apply to your situation and which are recommended by a professional who knows the products.  I’ve mentioned her name many times, but my supplement professional is Liz at Village Apothecary here in Woodstock.  She knows the products, how they’re manufactured, how they fit into my total lifestyle mix, age group, etc.

Her number is 845-679-0790.

On a physical level, an ongoing  goal is to reduce the risk factors associated with heart disease:  smoking, elevated blood cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, diabetes, physical inactivity.

Reflexology for the Spirit is important in this mix.  Homeostasis is an important element in a healthy circulatory system.  When we encourage homeostasis, we make a pathway for the emotional/spiritual healing which is necessary.

When offering reflexology sessions to a person concerned with cardiovascular health, begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands.

Work the respiratory system with emphasis on the lung reflexes.

Work the circulatory system with emphasis on the heart reflexes.

Work the urinary system with emphasis on the kidney reflexes.

End the system by working the liver and solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco




High Blood Pressure and What You Can Do About It.

modernHigh blood pressure happens when the heart is forced to pump harder to maintain circulatory functions.  Often people have high blood pressure and aren’t aware of the situation.  High blood pressure can damage arterial walls and puts  strain on the heart.

If you have high blood pressure, you are at risk of heart attack, stroke, peripheral artery disease, and congestive heart failure.

High blood pressure is often a lifestyle disease because factors affecting your blood pressure include smoking, overweight, inactivity, prediabetes and diabetes, and, finally, our old friend stress.

High blood pressure is also often a spiritual disease because factors affecting your blood pressure include pushing yourself beyond your limits, feeling too much pressure and too many demands in your daily life, holding onto anger and hurt.

If you want to control your hypertension,  take the medication and make some lifestyle changes so  the dose will be the absolute lowest possible.  Often, the lifestyle changes will allow you to discontinue the medication.

Changing your diet can really help.  Work on losing weight.  This means cutting out the junk foods in addition to eating low calorie vegetables, fruits, beans.  Cut out caffeine, alcoholic drinks and any beverage with calories.  Diet is seriously important here…especially if you don’t want to take  pills.

Some specific vitamins and minerals recommended for persons dealing with hypertension include Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Magnesium, Garlic, Flaxseed oil.  Therefore, I advise that you find a nutritionist or call Liz at Village Apothecary in Woodstock (845-679-0790).  She knows the vitamins and minerals you need and she knows what diet is going to work the best for your situation.  You want to make sure that you are taking the right supplement and the right amount of the supplement to do the most good for you.

Exercise is important.  Find something you like to do and then do it every day.  Increase the amount of time you exercise a little each day.  Until you come up with a better exercise, try walking.

Receiving Reflexology for the Spirit sessions regularly can definitely help to stabilize hypertension.  Homeostasis to the rescue!

When offering a session to a person suffering with hypertension, begin the session by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the circulatory system with an emphasis on the heart reflex.

Work the urinary system as you focus on the kidney reflexes.

End the session by working the liver and solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco




Circulatory System – Bottom Line Information, 15 Essential Oils, 54 Foods that Nourish the Circulatory System, and 2 Improvements to be Expected from Regular Sessions to the Circulatory System.


A healthy circulatory system is important to a person’s overall well being, physically, mentally, and spiritually.  Our blood represents our life force.  A key word here is happiness.  High blood pressure, for example,  can represent an emotional or spiritual issue in one’s life.  And, while this may be a situation with  emotional origins, it’s not an opportunity to ignore a warning sign.

A healthy circulatory system is necessary to feel and express emotions positively.  A high cholesterol level interferes with open channels necessary for accepting happiness.  High or low blood pressure represents longstanding unresolved emotional issues.  And, of course, callouses on the heart area of the foot are important to the practitioner.

As you work the circulatory system, you have an opportunity to distribute love and healing feelings – improving a client partner’s sense of self worth and balancing blood flow.  A person with a healthy heart is more likely to be happy.

ESSENTIAL OILS TO USE WHEN WORKING THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM  INCLUDE cistus, clove, cypress, geranium, grapefruit, helichrysum, lavender, lemon, marjoram, myrtle, nutmeg, orange, peppermint, valerian, wintergreen.

FOODS NOURISHING THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM INCLUDE almonds, apples, artichokes, avocadoes, beans, beets, blueberries, broccoli, brown rice, butter, cabbage, carrots, cashews, celery, chocolate, coconut, coffee, cranberry juice, dandelions, eggs, fish, flaxseed oil, garlic, kale, leeks, legumes, mushrooms, mussels, nuts, oatmeal, olive oil, olives, onions, peanuts, pecans, peppers, persimmons, pineapple, pistachios, pomegranate juice, prunes, pumpkin, raspberries, sesame seeds, sesame oil, spinach, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, walnuts, water, whey, protein, yogurt.

Of the foods on the above list, the following items are also on Johnny Bowden PH.D.’s list of the 150 Healthiest foods on earth:  almonds/almond butter, almond oil, apples, artichokes, avocados, beans, beets, blueberries, broccoli, butter, cabbage, cashews, celery, chocolate (dark), coconut/coconut oil, coffee, cranberry juice, dandelions, eggs, fish, flaxseeds/flaxseed oil, garlic, kale, leeks, mushrooms, mussels, oatmeal, olive oil(extra virgin), olives, onions, peanuts/peanut butter, pecans, peppers, pineapple, pistachio nuts, pomegranate juice, prunes, pumpkin/pumpkin seeds, raspberries, sesame seeds/sesame butter, tahini/sesame oil, sunflower seeds, walnuts, water, yogurt.

So you’ve actually got two lists here.  The top list is the list of foods nourishing the circulatory system.  The second list is those foods on Johnny Bowden, Ph .D.’s list.  In the case of the circulatory system list, the majority of the foods are on both lists.  This gets a little complicated but worth knowing.  Please let me know if you have trouble with the information and how it is listed.

IMPROVEMENTS TO BE EXPECTED FROM SESSIONS TO THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM INCLUDE the fact that regular sessions will improve the circulation of the body and help normalize blood pressure if this is called for.  There is a definite spiritual aspect to the circulatory system which Reflexology for the Spirit sessions address.

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Fatigue is a very important component of disease.

Fatigue is an important symptom and is best not ignored…although many people try.  The five  reasons why people feel tired are:

Insufficient Sleep:   The first step toward overcoming fatigue is to begin to sleep more.  Sleep is extremely important.

We repair our bodies and souls as  we sleep.

We maintain our mental and emotional systems as we sleep.

We use the  subconscious mind as  we  asleep.

Try for nine hours of sleep each night.  If you’re sleeping nine hours each night and still feel tired, you need to look further into your causes of fatigue.    If you’re unable to sleep over eight hours each night and you’re trying to get that amount of sleep, you need to have your sleep habits evaluated at a sleep clinic.  Sleeping pills are not the answer.

There is a correlation between insufficient sleep and some diseases.  People with poor sleeping habits  can  suffer from type 2 diabetes, depression,  fibromyalgia, heartburn, heart disease, heart failure, high blood pressure, menopause problems, memory loss, and obesity more often than their counterparts with good sleeping habits.

I’m going to put in a plug for reflexology now.  People who receive regular reflexology sessions report that they sleep significantly better.

Hormonal Imbalances:   Often, if a person is sleeping eight hours or more each night and still feels tired, it’s time to go to an Endocrinologist and get the thyroid and adrenal glands tested.  When the Endocrine system gets your body back on track you’ll feel like a new person.

Proper Nutrition:  Most people think they eat properly.  Most people don’t.  Some basics for a good diet include eliminating things:  flour, sugar, processed foods.   Stay away from foods with  label listings you can’t understand.  If you read a word on the ingredient list that you don’t understand, don’t buy the product and don’t eat it.  Much of what we buy in grocery stores today is not food.  It is a collection of chemicals that have been manufactured and combined for consumption but it’s not food.

If you are serious about maintaining good health and overcoming fatigue, it’s important to get the proper vitamins and minerals.  I use Liz at Village Apothecary here in Woodstock.  Either contact her at 845-679-0790, or try to find your own nutritionist to guide you in the selection of vitamins and minerals you need to have the healthiest body possible.  Just purchasing your vitamins and minerals randomly based on the color of the label or what might be on sale will not always result in you getting the best product for your needs.

Inactivity:  The message here is easy.  Keep moving.  If you feel tired, try moving around.  Walk on your lunch hour.  Go for a hike instead of going to the movies or sitting down in front of the TV.

Depression:  Fatigue and depression go hand in hand.  And, the cause of the fatigue sometimes leaves clues in the kinds of depression experienced.  For example, the depression caused by a low thyroid is very different from the depression created by too much sugar is very different from the depression caused by inactivity.  If you find yourself depressed, think about how it is manifesting itself.  What can be the cause?

Disease:  There are at least 65 diseases for which fatigue is a symptom.  This statement alone tells you how important fatigue is to diagnosing, and ultimately overcoming many diseases.  Some diseases affecting the circulatory system that have fatigue as a symptom include Cardiomyopathy, Congestive heart failure, Myocarditis, Valvular heart disease.

When treating fatigue with Reflexology for the Spirit sessions, begin by working the brain reflexes.

Then work the respiratory system as you focus on the lung reflexes.

Follow the work on the lung reflexes by working the circulatory system with the emphasis on the heart reflex.

Next, work on the digestive system with a focus on the liver reflex.

Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the adrenal gland reflexes and the thyroid reflexes.

Finish the session by working the solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

The Circulatory System – There is a definite spiritual aspect which Reflexology for the Spirit addresses.

scan 10 001

The circulatory system is composed of the heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, and blood, and it actually exists everywhere in our bodies.  The heart is an amazing creation about the size of your fist.  It’s your hardest working muscle – always working, whether we’re asleep or awake.  The heart is a two-sided pumping station with four chambers separated by valves that keep our blood flowing in the proper direction.  The chamber or atrium on the right and the right ventricle pump the oxygenated blood back through the body.  The muscular walls or septum divide the heart’s two sizes and keep the two kinds of blood from mixing.

The chambers and ventricles of the two halves are separated by a valve.  The left side of the heart and the right side of the heart are separated by the septum.  The valves keep the blood flowing in one direction only.

Arteries carry blood from the heart to every part of the body.  As the arteries branch out they become smaller until they become capillaries.

As the blood returns to the heart, it moves in veins.  The beating heart keeps the blood moving continuously throughout the body.

Because the circulatory system exists throughout the entire body, the reflexes are found throughout the entire foot.  However, the heart reflex itself is found primarily on the left foot.  Working the entire foot works this system and you help to circulate new energy to every cell.  Working the entire foot focuses on  this system.  You help  circulate new energy to every cell.  

Several diseases affect the heart and the circulatory system so it’s important to take care of the heart.  Heart disease and stroke are major causes of death in our country.

Heart diseases do not occur overnight.  By the time a person begins to suffer from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attack and/or stroke, the problems causing these diseases have been lurking in the body for decades.

Circulatory diseases, for the most part, are preventable with lifestyle changes and regular reflexology sessions.

If a person has a “wake up call” before getting on the right path, there is still hope.  As soon as the lifestyle changes begin, better health is often on the way.

When examining the feet, always note any red blotches, representing anger, callouses on the heart area of the foot, indicating concealed deep feelings or the need for protection.

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Peace and food for all.

As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.

Thurman Greco

Thurman Greco