Guided Meditation – An Angel Invites You In
If you want, turn on some quiet meditation music.
Get comfortable, either seated or lying flat, face up. Make sure your spine is straight and your hands are relaxed.
Focus on your breathing as you relax with each inhalation. Breathe in relaxation. Breathe out any tension you feel. Breathe in relaxation. Breathe out tension.
Gently and slowly, scan your body as you check for any place where you may be holding tension. Head, face, neck, shoulders.
Breathe in relaxation. Breathe out tension. Continue to scan your body for places where you may be holding tension. Check your chest, abdomen, back, arms, hands, fingers.
Breathe in relaxation. Breathe out tension. Now scan your hips, legs, feet, and toes. Breathe in relaxation. Breathe out the last of your tension.
Now, check how your entire body feels. Breathe in more relaxation. Breathe out the last of your fatigue.
Make your eyes soft now. Look around you. You find yourself walking on a path.
As you walk along, you see an angel seated on a bench beside this path. As you approach the bench, the angel stands up and joins you on your walk.
You feel immediately comforted by this angel. You notice what this angel looks like. How does this angel to you? You notice every detail so you’ll be able to remember this moment better.
You know, within yourself, this angel is here for you. And, you know this angel has a gift for you.
The two of you walk along this path. You are relaxed, peaceful, content. You feel comfortable within yourself. The temperature around you is just right for the moment. You are enjoying being in this natural setting and you are enjoying being with the angel.
You feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. You notice a slight breeze. You hear the gentle sounds of wildlife as you walk along the path.
As the two of you walk along, you see a house ahead on the path. Now you know why the angel has joined you today.
You notice the details of this house just as you noticed the details of the angel. You take note of the size of the house. You observe the windows, the doors, the siding.
You pay close attention to the landscaping. You see all of the details of the yard…the flowers…the trees. The house, the yard, everything is perfect.
The angels walks over to the front door and opens it for you. You step inside and immediately notice every detail.
You are filled with gratitude, knowing withing yourself that this house is yours. It’s a gift from the angel.
You explore the house now, noticing colors, textures, furnishings, objects.
Then, you select a relaxing activity to enjoy in your house. You are in this house to relax and enjoy yourself.
Finally, you and the angel know it’s time to return to your path. The angel urges you to remember all the details of your house. You know the house belongs to you and is waiting for you anytime you need it.
You and the angel go to the door now, open it, walk outside, and then close it. The two of you walk down the path. After a few steps you look back at the house and know you will return whenever you need.
Then, you thank the angel for this gift which you can cherish and use whenever you need. The two of you come to the bench. The angel sits down on the bench and waves goodbye to you as you walk down the path again.
You turn and offer a heartfelt “thank you” and continue on. You are relaxed, at peace. Your breathing continues to be easy and deep.
Once again you are aware of your surroundings as you return to the space where you began your meditation. You remember the angel and you remember the house with gratitude.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco