Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Spiritual/Emotional System: Bottom Line Information, 15 Essential Oils, Improvements to be Expected to the Spiritual/Emotional System


A person cannot have total good health without addressing the spiritual/emotional issues.  Since most diseases/issues/chronic conditions have spiritual/emotional components, it’s appropriate to address the Spiritual/Emotional system in all reflexology sessions.


bergamot, cedarwood, clary sage, frankincense, geranium, juniper, lavender, lemon, marjoram, myrrh, orange, Roman chamomile, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang


The chakras will balance, offering the body, mind, and spirit an opportunity to heal.

When the Spiritual/ Emotional system is engaged, it becomes a driving force in the healing of your client partner.

When  the Spiritual/Emotional system needs healing, your client partner moves forward to resolve issues  not previously resolvable.  These breakthroughs can be important.

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The picture in this post was painted by Jennette Nearhood.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco


Two Angels Help Heal Your Spirit – a Guided Meditation

Turn on some meditative music which you like.

Find a quiet place where you can be comfortable:  a special chair,  recliner,  massage table; someplace where you feel safe and can relax.

Now, get comfortable.  Begin relaxing.  Begin to breathe in relaxation and breathe out tension and negativity.  Breathe slowly and deeply from your abdomen.  Each in breath brings more and more relaxation.  Each exhale releases more and more stress.  Breathe so that you have a rhythm of centered peace, and calm.

As you become more centered and calm, you realize you are walking along a path in a  lush green forest.  You have a strong sense that you are in just the place where you are supposed to be.  You breathe in the woody scents of the forest around you.  These scents and aromas make you feel alive and well.

As you continue walking along, you feel the path beneath your feet.  You listen to the forest sounds:

squirrels rustling,

birds singing,

bees buzzing,

chipmunks scurrying.

You become one with this space.   You have a strong sense of belonging here.

As you walk along the forest path, you see a bench beside you.  Two angels are seated on this bench.   As you walk up to these angels you look carefully at them, noticing every detail of their appearance, their clothing, their halos, auras.

As you walk up to the bench you feel a strong sense of calm, and relaxation.  Each step toward the angels on the bench brings yet more relaxation.

You begin to feel that this space is yours.  You stand for a moment to enjoy this special space.  You notice details  which you will remember in the future as you return to this space which exists just for you.

Then, you turn your attention once again to the two angels.   These two angels are beautiful, perfect in every way.  You become aware that these two angels possess a special knowledge  to share with you.  They offer you knowledge of the infinite and they offer love.

These two angels are here, in this special forest, to answer any questions which you may have.  They are here to listen to your fears, hold you if you are lonely, and share their wisdom with you.

They invite you to sit down with them.  You join them on the bench.  You know they are not here to judge you.  They are offering you love, comfort, and guidance.

They are with you now to answer whatever questions you may have.  They want you to know that you are  important to them.

Ask whatever questions you have.  Be confident that the answers you receive will help to heal you.  You may ask more than one question.

Pause now for a moment to receive answers.  Know  that some answers may come at this moment and others may come over the next few days. Be open to these answers.

After pausing for a few moments,  it is time to return to your surroundings.  Once again, you become aware of your breathing.  You open your eyes to the room you are in.  You still enjoy the sense of peace, comfort, calm  that you felt in the forest.

You know you are special to these two angels and you know you can return to the bench in the forest anytime you want or need.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco



Reflexology Blog – Muscular System

Muscular System

OUR BODIES CONTAIN OVER 600 MUSCLES, AND THEY ARE IN EVERY BODY PART, GLAND, AND ORGAN.    Muscles work in tandem with the bones in our skeletal system to enable a body to move, circulate blood, help maintain posture, and produce heat and energy.  They are controlled by that command center referred to in the Nervous System.

There are three types of muscles:  cardiac, smooth, or skeletal.

CARDIAC MUSCLES EXIST ONLY IN THE HEART  where they form the heart walls.  The cardiac muscle works alone and is autonomous.  Smooth muscles are involuntary and are found in the walls of internal organs like as the stomach and blood vessels.  Both the cardiac muscle and smooth muscle tissues do their work involuntarily with no help from us.  They are activated through the autonomic nervous system as well as hormonal action.

THE MAJORITY OF THE BODY’S MUSCLES ARE SKELETAL.   The system includes the tendons that attach muscles to bone and the connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles.  Skeletal muscles move voluntarily and are used for every kind of motion – walking, speaking, running.  These are the muscles which move us forward in life.

SEDENTARY PEOPLE WHO DON’T STIMULATE THEIR MUSCLES TO WORK FIND THEIR MUSCLES ATROPHY.   Statistics prove that a sedentary life style leads to depression and emotional and spiritual malaise.  Reflexology supports the activation of muscle function through exercise resulting in more positive and alive feelings.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Migraine Headaches: severe throbbing pain beginning on one side of the head which can last from 4 hours to 3 days

Migraine headaches are both very painful and very common.  They can be hereditary.

They have very definite emotional and spiritual causes.  People suffering with migraines are experiencing fear of failure for one thing.  The person is in a situation where it’s necessary to heavily control feelings as well as environment.  These controls may be coming from outside as opposed from inside oneself.  Parent?  Boss?  Spouse?

The sufferer may be in a situation in life where feelings must be repressed.  The person is actually emotionally/spiritually hiding.

Words that describe the migraine sufferer’s situation include conflict, punishment, control, overcommitment, guilt, fear, anxiety.

Events triggering a migraine headache include our old friend stress, bright lights, allergies, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, oral contraceptives, foods:  cheese, smoked fish, red wine, chocolate, nuts, peanut butter, bananas.

Getting  rid of migraine headaches takes some real focus.  It’s important to examine all the underlying problems including nutritional deficiencies, allergies, and endocrine system imbalances.

Reflexology for the Spirit can be a real help but it’s best to work from a prevention standpoint.  In other words, a migraine sufferer needs to include a weekly reflexology session in his/her schedule – not just for awhile but as a lifestyle activity.   This commitment is necessary to keep the stress down and to address the underlying causes.  Having a reflexology session only when the migraine headache occurs is not the answer to the problem.

Nutritional issues can be addressed by consultations with a nutritionist  knowledgeable of  migraines.  Then, after the consultations, the migraine sufferer needs to omit the necessary foods and add the necessary supplements and herbs.  This amounts to a lifestyle change.  Any diet and supplement changes will take at least six weeks to have any real impact.

Whoever you consult with will probably recommend magnesium, fish oil, B vitamins.  If you are already taking these supplements, consider that you may be using a product which  isn’t suitable for you.  That’s why it’s necessary to consult with a nutritionist.  As we all know by now, I use Liz at Village Apothecary here in Woodstock:  845-679-0970.

Eliminating food triggers is important.  Some suggested triggers include wheat, oranges, eggs, tea, coffee, milk, chocolate, cheese, beef, corn, sugar, yeast.  Here again, the migraine sufferer needs to work with a knowledgeable professional.

My Reflexology teacher, Marge D’Urso always told us that the first thing a person should do is eliminate wheat and dairy from the diet.  She felt those two foods were the cause of many of our health problems.

When offering a reflexology session to a migraine sufferer, begin by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes.

Work the endocrine system by focusing on the pituitary gland reflexes and the adrenal gland reflexes.

Work the nervous system as you focus n the brain reflexes.

Work the circulatory system as you focus  the heart reflex.

Work the urinary system as you focus  the kidney reflexes.

End the session by working  the liver and solar plexus.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco










Circulatory System – Bottom Line Information, 15 Essential Oils, 54 Foods that Nourish the Circulatory System, and 2 Improvements to be Expected from Regular Sessions to the Circulatory System.


A healthy circulatory system is important to a person’s overall well being, physically, mentally, and spiritually.  Our blood represents our life force.  A key word here is happiness.  High blood pressure, for example,  can represent an emotional or spiritual issue in one’s life.  And, while this may be a situation with  emotional origins, it’s not an opportunity to ignore a warning sign.

A healthy circulatory system is necessary to feel and express emotions positively.  A high cholesterol level interferes with open channels necessary for accepting happiness.  High or low blood pressure represents longstanding unresolved emotional issues.  And, of course, callouses on the heart area of the foot are important to the practitioner.

As you work the circulatory system, you have an opportunity to distribute love and healing feelings – improving a client partner’s sense of self worth and balancing blood flow.  A person with a healthy heart is more likely to be happy.

ESSENTIAL OILS TO USE WHEN WORKING THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM  INCLUDE cistus, clove, cypress, geranium, grapefruit, helichrysum, lavender, lemon, marjoram, myrtle, nutmeg, orange, peppermint, valerian, wintergreen.

FOODS NOURISHING THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM INCLUDE almonds, apples, artichokes, avocadoes, beans, beets, blueberries, broccoli, brown rice, butter, cabbage, carrots, cashews, celery, chocolate, coconut, coffee, cranberry juice, dandelions, eggs, fish, flaxseed oil, garlic, kale, leeks, legumes, mushrooms, mussels, nuts, oatmeal, olive oil, olives, onions, peanuts, pecans, peppers, persimmons, pineapple, pistachios, pomegranate juice, prunes, pumpkin, raspberries, sesame seeds, sesame oil, spinach, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, walnuts, water, whey, protein, yogurt.

Of the foods on the above list, the following items are also on Johnny Bowden PH.D.’s list of the 150 Healthiest foods on earth:  almonds/almond butter, almond oil, apples, artichokes, avocados, beans, beets, blueberries, broccoli, butter, cabbage, cashews, celery, chocolate (dark), coconut/coconut oil, coffee, cranberry juice, dandelions, eggs, fish, flaxseeds/flaxseed oil, garlic, kale, leeks, mushrooms, mussels, oatmeal, olive oil(extra virgin), olives, onions, peanuts/peanut butter, pecans, peppers, pineapple, pistachio nuts, pomegranate juice, prunes, pumpkin/pumpkin seeds, raspberries, sesame seeds/sesame butter, tahini/sesame oil, sunflower seeds, walnuts, water, yogurt.

So you’ve actually got two lists here.  The top list is the list of foods nourishing the circulatory system.  The second list is those foods on Johnny Bowden, Ph .D.’s list.  In the case of the circulatory system list, the majority of the foods are on both lists.  This gets a little complicated but worth knowing.  Please let me know if you have trouble with the information and how it is listed.

IMPROVEMENTS TO BE EXPECTED FROM SESSIONS TO THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM INCLUDE the fact that regular sessions will improve the circulation of the body and help normalize blood pressure if this is called for.  There is a definite spiritual aspect to the circulatory system which Reflexology for the Spirit sessions address.

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Guided Meditation – An Angel Invites You In

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If you want, turn on some quiet meditation music.

Get comfortable, either seated or lying flat, face up.  Make sure your spine is straight and your hands are relaxed.

Focus on your breathing as you relax with each inhalation.  Breathe in relaxation.  Breathe out any tension you feel.  Breathe in relaxation.  Breathe out tension.

Gently and slowly, scan your body as you check for any place where you may be holding tension.  Head, face, neck, shoulders.

Breathe in relaxation.  Breathe out tension.  Continue to scan your body for places where you may be holding tension.  Check your chest, abdomen, back, arms, hands, fingers.

Breathe in relaxation.  Breathe out tension.  Now scan your hips, legs, feet, and toes.  Breathe in relaxation.  Breathe out the last of your tension.

Now, check how your entire body feels.  Breathe in more relaxation.  Breathe out the last of your fatigue.

Make your eyes soft now.  Look around you.  You find yourself walking on a path.

As you walk along, you see an angel seated on a bench beside this path.  As you approach the bench, the angel stands up and joins you on your walk.

You feel immediately comforted by this angel.  You notice what this angel looks like.  How does this angel to you?  You notice every detail so you’ll be able to remember this moment better.

You know, within yourself,  this angel is here for you.  And, you know  this angel has a gift for you.

The two of you walk along this path.  You are relaxed, peaceful, content.  You feel comfortable within yourself.  The temperature around you is just right for the moment.  You are enjoying being in this natural setting and you are enjoying being with the angel.

You feel the warmth of the sun on your skin.  You notice a slight breeze.  You hear the gentle sounds of wildlife as you walk along the path.

As the two of you walk along, you see a house ahead on the path.  Now you know why the angel has joined you today.

You notice the details of this house just as you noticed the details of the angel.  You take note of the size of the house.  You observe the windows, the doors, the siding.

You pay close attention to the landscaping.  You see all of the details of the yard…the flowers…the trees.  The house, the yard, everything is perfect.

The angels walks over to the front door and opens it for you.  You step inside and immediately notice every detail.

You are filled with gratitude, knowing withing yourself that this house is yours.  It’s a gift from the angel.

You explore the house now, noticing colors, textures, furnishings, objects.

Then, you select a relaxing activity to enjoy in your house.   You are in this house to relax and enjoy yourself.

Finally, you and the angel know it’s time to return to your path.  The angel urges you to remember all the details of your house.  You know the house belongs to you and is waiting for you anytime you need it.

You and the angel go to the door now, open it, walk outside, and then close it.  The two of you walk down the path.  After a few steps you look back at the house and know you will return whenever you need.

Then, you thank the angel for this gift which you can cherish and use whenever you need.  The two of you come to the bench.  The angel sits down on the bench and waves goodbye to you as you walk down the path again.

You turn and offer a heartfelt “thank you” and continue on.  You are relaxed, at peace.  Your breathing continues to be easy and deep.

Once again you are aware of your surroundings as you return to the space where you began your meditation.  You remember the angel and you remember the house with gratitude.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog – Ear Infections are common in young children and can be dangerous.

Ear infections are often connected with respiratory tract infections. They can be either caused by bacterial or fungal infections brought on by water or other foreign matter in the ear. They can be either chronic or acute.
Ear infections are so common that about half of all visits to pediatricians are for their treatment. This is an important statement because spiritually, ear infections occur when a person is having trouble hearing what is going on around them. Children sometimes have difficulties expressing feelings.
So…what might a child be hearing that will distress him/her to the point of an infection? Abusive language, people shouting at one another, bullying behavior. An earache suggests that the subject is very disturbing to the child. It represents a pained heart or mind.
Adults dealing with ear infections have the same spiritual issues. Words that come to mind here are resentment, unsteadiness, being judged, blame, frustration, anger, arguments.
And, of course, the most difficult voice to hear sometimes is that of the inner self.
That being said, ear infections can be very serious. Ear infections are potentially dangerous health events and need to be supervised by a physician.
The bottom line here is this: If someone has an ear infection, s/he needs to seek medical care to take care of the physical aspects of the disease. S/he also needs to deal with the painful sounds and events in life which are stressful enough to contribute to ear infections.
Reflexology for the Spirit can help, but not replace the medical attention needed. When working the feet, focus on the sense organs with emphasis on the ears, work the spleen, work the lymphatic system, and complete the session by working the liver and solar plexus. What you will bring to the table, which is very important, is relief, calm, homeostasis, an encouragement of the body systems to fight the situation.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Reflexology Blog – Depression: How Reflexology for the Spirit Can Help.

“Being depressed is the most unsung source of suffering in the world. It is a disease of the soul and chemicals alone cannot heal it.” – Deb Shapiro
Depression has many causes: anger, confusion, death of a loved one, exhaustion, failure, hormone imbalance, hurt, loneliness, old age, rage, stress, trauma, unresolved feelings.
Depression becomes an overwhelming problem as a person struggles to survive and make ends meet in an increasingly complex society.
Depression can be an underlying cause of many other diseases: respiratory diseases affecting the chest and lungs, alcoholism, compulsive eating, and many other ailments.
It depresses the body as well as the mind. So it’s important to move…arms, legs, joints. Keeping the body moving when suffering with depression is important.
Incidents can trigger depression such as loss of a job, divorce, death in the family, having to move, financial worries.
A person suffering with depression needs to go to a therapist for regular visits. S/he needs to get a physical to determine what underlying causes might be involved. S/he needs to have the diet carefully scrutinized to learn what nutritional imbalances exist.
Regular Reflexology for the Spirit sessions can definitely help. Reflexology sessions work to return the body to homeostasis
When offering reflexology to a person suffering with depression, begin by working the solar plexus and diaphragm reflexes. Work the endocrine system with emphasis on the pituitary gland reflexes, the thyroid and parathyroid reflexes. Work the respiratory system with emphasis on the lung reflexes. Work the urinary system with emphasis on the kidney reflexes. Finally, work the spinal reflexes.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco

Nausea is Extremely Unpleasant. Its Causes are Innumerable.

Nausea is the feeling we all experience prior to vomiting. The causes include digestive problems, stress, balance problems, infectious disease, endocrine disorders, cardiac problems. Nausea accompanies some kinds of drug therapy, surgery, and radiation.
Spiritually, nausea represents fear. The nausea sufferer needs to do things to feel safe.
The homeostasis offered by reflexology sessions can really help.
WORK THE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS WHEN ADDRESSING NAUSEA: Work the nervous system as you focus on the brain reflexes. Also work the endocrine system, circulatory system, urinary system, digestive system, lymphatics, liver and solar plexus.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco
Woodstock, NY

Reflexology for the Spirit: Backaches are Very Definitely Spiritual Events.

The kind of spiritual event that creates a backache depends on whether the pain is in the lower, middle or upper back.
People with back issues in the lower back are dealing with money and financial issues. They’re also dealing with core beliefs. These sufferers need to work to feel safe, cared for.
Mid-back issues deal with guilt. These mid-back problems focus on the need to leave the past behind. This person is trying to move forward.
Upper back issues deal with things like emotional support, love. The person needs to feel supported and loved.
When we refer to these issues and their physical causes, it’s good to remember that backache can be caused by injury, poor posture, muscle strain, pinched nerves, stress or other conditions.
Middle and lower-back problems result from injury, poor posture, standing or sitting for long periods of time, tension, improper lifting.
WORK THE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS WHEN ADDRESSING BACKACHES: Begin with the sciatic nerve reflexes. Work the endocrine system, circulatory system, urinary system, muscular system, skeletal system, liver and solar plexus.
As you offer these sessions, you are encouraging homeostasis, relieving stress and tension. The person on your table also needs to go to a medical health care professional for a diagnosis and possibly treatment. Visits to a chiropractor, acupuncturist, physical therapist can supplement your visits.
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