Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

7 Self-Care Tips to Boost your Diet

This post gives you a week’s worth of life-changing tools to help you boost your diet.   Try them if they attract you in some way.   If something feels good to you, then it probably is good for you.

The timing has to be right.  Maybe you’ve tried one or two (or even all) of them in the past and they didn’t seem to work for you.  That was then and this is now.  Don’t go for them unless they attract you  for some reason.

These tools  will boost your energy, calm your mind,  and help prevent or minimize some health problems.


Go for homeostasis!  This means reiki or reflexology.

Include one or both of these modalities in your schedule this week…and every week.   I suggest distance reiki.  Self-reflexology is a good option.

Hand reflexology is easy to use.  Does the thought of hand reflexology seem challenging to you? Your library should have hand reflexology books on its shelves.

To simplify  your hand reflexology journey,  I’ll send you a hand chart and detailed instructions for reflexing your own hands.

Just send me  your mailing address to and I’ll return them to you.   There is no charge  or obligation  for this chart and instruction list.


Eat whole, fresh, locally-grown food.

Whatever diet plan you’ve  chosen, this is a good tip for you and your diet.  When you say “Yes!” to fresh foods,  you minimize  processed, packaged, shipped products.

When you eat fresh, your food will taste better.  Your calories will not be so empty.  Your food will be authentic.

You’ll find  authentic food on the outer perimeter of your local food store or at a nearby farmers market.


Don’t skip your breakfast.

This meal can be anything from a serving of yogurt to a platter of eggs,  bacon, and a hearty whole grain bagel.

Whatever you choose for your breakfast,  include powerful berries.  Their  antioxidents can’t be overemphasized.  Let a banana  give you the potassium you need.


Skip the sugar.  This doesn’t have to be a shock to your system.  Begin sugar avoidance by skipping it one day a week.  On this day, instead of sugar,  include a sugar substitute on any food or in any beverage you would ordinarily use sugar.

There are many brands available.  Try several until you find one you like.

If you feel weird without sugar, snack on some chocolate.


Water! Water! Water!

I know.  My message is stuck when it comes to water.  But, I mean it.  Water gives you energy, moves toxins out, and makes your skin look younger.  It also has 0 calories.

What more can we ask for?

If you’re not accustomed to water, I suggest this:

When you feel tired, drink a glass of water.  No, don’t drink a glass of water.  Instead, chug it right down.  Now, wait a few minutes to see if you feel better.

When your lips feel dry, drink a glass of water.

What about your urine?  What color is it?  Concentrated urine has a murky color you don’t need.  Drinking more water will get rid of the murky color.


Go Nuts

Daytime snacks are an essential taste treat between meals.  They boost your energy midmorning and midafternoon.  They are a welcome break from the day’s activities.

One snack which is good for your diet boost is nuts.

Walnuts, almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts  give you energy, satisfy your appetite,  and are high in anti-inflammatory fatty acids.

They do lots of other  things too.  Each nut is different and unique.  Take a moment to read about all the  wonderful things they do .

Instead of reaching for a sugary food, go for the nuts.


Thanks for reading this  article, the first of several to help you boost your diet.

To get your free hand reflexology chart and instruction sheet, please email your mailing address to

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thurman Greco

Please share this article with your preferred social media network.  And please send it along to a friend.

Thanks again for reading this article.

Reflexology, Reiki, and Your Self-Care Diet Journey

Your diet is a life-changing self-care journey.

A  successful diet begins with  a plan .  For many, this plan begins and ends with the diet itself.  Nobody gets past whether the diet is Keto  or  low carbohydrate or low calorie diet or any one of hundreds of weight-loss diets.

The diet itself is only a part of the total package.  A diet is a time  when you  embark on a spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical self-care journey.  And, surprisingly, it’s not really about  getting to a certain body size.   The quest for a body with perfect proportions is doomed before it even starts.

Your total diet package is a quest for a healthy body that functions, not just  window dressing.

These upcoming blog posts are keys focused on helping you achieve your goal.  They offer you tools to change your life  so that you achieve your own goals.  There is no authority here  telling you what is best for you.

Except you.  You are your own authority.  No one is going to challenge what is right or wrong for you.

This is your ultimate self-care manual.  As you read these blog posts, use whatever tools work best for you, your health and your well-being.

They help you achieve your self-care goals as they share ways to boost your energy, enliven and calm your mind,  balance your emotions, and prevent, control, and reverse health problems you  experience.

Your life-changing, self-care journey begins with reflexology and reiki sessions.  My hope is that you will schedule at least one session each week.

Keep a journal describing your feelings and reactions after each  session:

Are you sleeping better?

Are you calmer?

Maybe you are more excitable.

What about your bowel movements?

What does your skin look like?

Whatever happens to you, write down what you observe.  It may take several sessions before you feel and observe differences.  Or, you may see changes from the first session.

There is no wrong or right way to experience reflexology and Reiki.  Each person is different.

Regular sessions are important for your self-care diet  journey.

You may perceive some obstacles here.  Now is a good time to overcome them.  Find a Reiki master teacher and learn Reiki 1 if you don’t know where to get the sessions.  A Reiki 1 class will teach you everything you need to help yourself in a successful journey.

Is $$$ an obstacle?  Offer an exchange of some kind.

Regular foot reflexology sessions are ideal.   if you don’t know a reflexologist, get a book and chart on hand reflexology and give yourself a session.

Thank you for reading this blog post.  It’s  the beginning of several articles written with you and your successful diet in mind.  The things I suggest in them are not listed by how important they are.

Each suggestion is equally important.  More important is how they interest you.  And how each item motivates you to progress on your journey.   I’m hoping you will see each change you make as an achievement toward your goal.

As you continue down your diet path, I’m hoping you will let each change  be a new habit you can live with for the rest of your life.

Please post this article on your favorite social media network.   Share it with a friend.

I’m looking forward to joining you on your journey.

Thurman greco