Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

What Your Feet Reveal!


Your feet reveal the state of your health.  They reveal physical problems in other parts of your body.

Often, the problems we experience with our feet relate to problems in other parts of the body.

Our feet reflect our lives:  what we eat, what we drink,   how we exercise, how well we sleep.

Tense feet may reflect tension in other parts of your body.

Limp feet indicate poor muscle tone.

Cold, blue, or red feet indicate poor circulation.

Sweaty feet suggest hormonal problems.

Swollen feet suggest a trip to a physician is in order.

Corns, blisters, and ingrown toenails will affect posture.

Bunions should be looked at by a podiatrist.

Hammertoes can benefit from reflexology sessions.

Toenails are a reflection of the diet.

When you don’t have time to look after your feet, you may experience corns, blisters, ingrown toenails, and bunions.  These problems affect your posture and metabolism.

Regular reflexology sessions bring about homeostasis.  People receiving regular reflexology sessions feel better and have fewer foot issues.

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This blog , and the companion blog, have been running for ten years!  Thank you for your patronage!

I hope you are enjoying this journey we are on together.  I know that the blog posts have travelled the world because their companion books have gone out to over 36 countries.

If you have any questions or comments, please connect with me on facebook.

Thurman Greco

The YOUTUBE channel, “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” is older than the blogs and the website.  The YOUTUBE channel has been running with Tuesday shows for over 20 years.  Some of the earlier shows never made it to YOUTUBE but, when we find them, Renee posts them.

Please check them out!  “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted over the years.  My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY.

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Thanks again!

Thurman Greco

Create a space in your life for regular reflexology sessions.  They really help!



Reflexology, Reiki, and Your Self-Care Diet Journey

Your diet is a life-changing self-care journey.

A  successful diet begins with  a plan .  For many, this plan begins and ends with the diet itself.  Nobody gets past whether the diet is Keto  or  low carbohydrate or low calorie diet or any one of hundreds of weight-loss diets.

The diet itself is only a part of the total package.  A diet is a time  when you  embark on a spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical self-care journey.  And, surprisingly, it’s not really about  getting to a certain body size.   The quest for a body with perfect proportions is doomed before it even starts.

Your total diet package is a quest for a healthy body that functions, not just  window dressing.

These upcoming blog posts are keys focused on helping you achieve your goal.  They offer you tools to change your life  so that you achieve your own goals.  There is no authority here  telling you what is best for you.

Except you.  You are your own authority.  No one is going to challenge what is right or wrong for you.

This is your ultimate self-care manual.  As you read these blog posts, use whatever tools work best for you, your health and your well-being.

They help you achieve your self-care goals as they share ways to boost your energy, enliven and calm your mind,  balance your emotions, and prevent, control, and reverse health problems you  experience.

Your life-changing, self-care journey begins with reflexology and reiki sessions.  My hope is that you will schedule at least one session each week.

Keep a journal describing your feelings and reactions after each  session:

Are you sleeping better?

Are you calmer?

Maybe you are more excitable.

What about your bowel movements?

What does your skin look like?

Whatever happens to you, write down what you observe.  It may take several sessions before you feel and observe differences.  Or, you may see changes from the first session.

There is no wrong or right way to experience reflexology and Reiki.  Each person is different.

Regular sessions are important for your self-care diet  journey.

You may perceive some obstacles here.  Now is a good time to overcome them.  Find a Reiki master teacher and learn Reiki 1 if you don’t know where to get the sessions.  A Reiki 1 class will teach you everything you need to help yourself in a successful journey.

Is $$$ an obstacle?  Offer an exchange of some kind.

Regular foot reflexology sessions are ideal.   if you don’t know a reflexologist, get a book and chart on hand reflexology and give yourself a session.

Thank you for reading this blog post.  It’s  the beginning of several articles written with you and your successful diet in mind.  The things I suggest in them are not listed by how important they are.

Each suggestion is equally important.  More important is how they interest you.  And how each item motivates you to progress on your journey.   I’m hoping you will see each change you make as an achievement toward your goal.

As you continue down your diet path, I’m hoping you will let each change  be a new habit you can live with for the rest of your life.

Please post this article on your favorite social media network.   Share it with a friend.

I’m looking forward to joining you on your journey.

Thurman greco

Reflexology, Homeostasis, and Your Diet. 9 Ways They Help

Your body continually changes throughout your daily activities.  Sleeping, dancing, or taking out the trash, your body tries to maintain a healthy balance – homeostasis.

When  you  visit a reflexologist, other bodyworker, or healthcare professional,  you may be trying to address one or more ongoing,  persistent,  health problems  in addition to your diet.   You seek solutions while saying to yourself  “I may have to learn to live with  fatigue ( insomnia, constipation, headaches)”.  A reflexology session does much for you.

Sleep comes easier as patterns change.

More regular bowel movements emerge.

Your body  begins a mild detox.

Your tensions relax.

Your overactive or underactive glands and organs begin to normalize.

Your nerve and blood supply improve.

You begin to feel refreshed, relaxed, and energetic.

Pain and discomfort disappear.

The truth is, we don’t know how a person’s body will respond to or react to a particular reflexology session.  Whatever the reaction, it is a sign that the therapy is working.

Things happen after a reflexology session because they need to happen – whether it’s sleep, relaxation, tension reduction, or pain loss.

These reactions and responses are important when you diet because of changes  brought about by your weight loss as you change the foods you eat and you move more.

These reactions are also important because they tell you that you are self-healing.

One thing people don’t really mention is that both reflexology and your diet encourages you to tune in to your own feelings and your body to see what feels best for you.

This is a major change.  I hope this sensitivity will stay with you long after the diet and extra pounds  have moved on.

Thank you for reading this blog post.  Please refer it to your preferred social media network.

Thurman Greco

Beginning with the next post, I will be blogging about self-care during a diet.  I feel that a diet is the ultimate self-care experience.  It is your opportunity to care for yourself spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Go for it!

On a Diet? – Reflexology Self-Care Takes You the Extra Mile to Success.

Are you on a diet?  Are you trying to “cut back” on foods?  Or, are you just thinking about thinking about it all.

Whatever your situation,  regular reflexology or Reiki sessions are important.  If a reflexology session does nothing else, it will calm and balance your body and your soul.  Homeostasis.  That’s not peanuts, guys.  It’s self-care!

Your first step to your ideal weight is calm.   Your first step to calm is a reflexology session .  Regular sessions bring calm, peace.  They bring homeostasis to your life and your body.

People who receive regular reflexology sessions sleep better, chew their nails less, have more regular bowel movements, experience less heartburn.

When you are calm, it is easier to congratulate yourself on your successes, no matter how small they seem.

There is one other thing reflexology sessions do:  Regular reflexology sessions invite mindful and enjoyable activities in your life.

Your diet will work better when you are able to make eating a mindful and enjoyable activity.

Eating becomes mindful at the start, when you set the table for your meal.  Use a placemat or table cloth when you set out your dishes.  Use nice dishes.  Set a calm scene for your meals – especially if you eat alone.

When eating alone, have a special plate and napkin that you use.

Whether you eat alone or with others, you want your experience to be enjoyable.

Do not eat food in your car – or on the bus – or train. (Your car is a good place to drink water.)

Don’t let yourself get distracted by your TV, computer, phone, or IPad.  You will do this by reserving your meal as a special time for calm.  You want to enjoy your meal.  Taste each bite.  What are you eating?  What color is each food?  How does it taste?

Notice your feelings.

Eat slowly.  Make each bite small – smaller than your thumbnail.  Chew each bite.

Notice your feelings.  Have you eaten enough?  You can check in with your hunger level.  When you are no longer hungry, stop eating.

Have you eaten everything on your plate?  No?

It’s okay.  The important thing is to enjoy your meal in calm  and mindfulness.

Thank you for reading this blog post.

Please refer this article to your preferred social media network.

Please share with your friends.

Thurman Greco

Acne is a Stressful and Spiritual Disease

Spiritually, you are at risk for acne when you experience excessive, unrelenting stress.  When this kind of stress enters your life, love and accept yourself as a perfect human being.  Build self-confidence, self-esteem, and value.

Extreme stress brings out extreme self-dissatisfaction.  You are under tremendous pressure from a person or situation in your environment.  This pressure never lets up.  Anger is also an issue.  (How can it not be, with intense pressure?)

Acne is a difficult disease.  First, you’ve got stress in your life contributing to the blemishes.  As if the stress isn’t enough, the blemishes are an embarrassment.  Then, acne itself is uncomfortable enough because blemishes can be painful, and especially with deeper inflammation.


Stress, hormone changes, diet, family history of the steroids, climate, cosmetics


Acne is a third chakra imbalance.


Conventional medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Herbalism.  See a dermatologist if the acne persists.  It’s better to go early in the disease, before the scarring begins.  Scars stay with you for life unless you get treatment to prevent them or you get medical dermabrasion.

Regular visits to a reflexologist, Reiki, and chakra healing calm your emotional upsets, heal your body while promoting homeostasis.  Regular sessions manage the side effects of acne during treatment.  Regular exercise will help you work off some of the stress.   A good skin cleansing program is essential.  Your physician may prescribe antibiotics.


diaphragm, digestive system, endocrine system, face, immune system, intestines, kidneys, liver, lymphatic system, nervous system, solar plexus

Stimulate your lymphatic system regularly to reduce stress and eliminate toxins.


bergamot, cedarwood, clove, geranium, grapefruit, German or Roman chamomile, lavender, oregano, patchouli, rosemary, rosewood, tea tree, vetiver


A good diet which includes plenty of water is important.  Skip the junk food.  Your food should be clean and avoid excessive fat, oil, sugar.

Manage your stress.  This means you need to develop coping skills such as self-Reiki, meditation, tai chi.  Read the chapter on stress.


Almonds, beans, Brazil nuts, cantaloupe, carrots, chicken, eggs, fish, flaxseed oil, fresh fruits, garlic, leafy greens, melons, onions, oranges, oysters, peanuts, poultry, red bell peppers, salmon, sunflower seeds, strawberries, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turkey, fresh vegetables, walnuts, whole grains, yams

Thank you for reading this article.  Please forward it to your preferred social media network.

angel with bird

Thank you for being interested in wellness.

Thurman Greco