Reflexology Blog – Digestive System
THE DIGESTIVE PROCESS BEGINS WHEN WE CHEW OUR FOOD. It continues as the body breaks down the food we eat and turns it into subtances which can be absorbed and used for growth, repair, energy.
The digestive system is composed principally of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and the anal canal.
IT IS EMOTIONAL AND IS QUICK TO TELL US IF IT ‘S NOT WORKING PROPERLY. That is one strong argument for reflexology sessions. They bring about homeostasis which is important to digestive health. We have a tendency to hold worry in our stomach.
Once food is eaten, it travels down the pharynx and esophagus to the stomach. When the food leaves the stomach it moves to the small intestine. This is where most of the nutrients are absorbed. This is also where fear can find a safe place.
What actually happens in the process of digestion regarding the food and the interaction of the food with the chemicals and how the body absorbs the resulting nutrients is complicated. This process is not completely understood by many people.
A good description can be found in several chapters of “The South Beach Diet” by Dr. Frank Agatston in which he describes the digestive very thoroughly using a vocabulary we can all understand.
Finally, the large intestine moves the undigested and unabsorbable food to the anal canal and rectum where it is excreted.
Eating and digesting food is not just about getting nutrition. It’s a very spiritual process. How do we assimilate things that are happening in our lives and in the world around us? Our digestive system not only absorbs nutrients and discards those things not needed but we also use our digestive system to absorb feelings, sensations, experiences. When we are forced to hold back our feelings, it’s reflected in our digestive health.
It has been said that health begins and ends in the intestinal tract. It is true that an unhappy, angry, frustrated person has a much harder time maintaining digestive balance and health.
Although all the parts of the digestive system are very important in a Reflexology for the Spirit session, work the liver during every session. The liver is a large organ and it has a bigger job to do because it’s a detoxing machine. People are becoming more toxic because of the pesticides in our food, the toxins in our air and water, and the things we eat which aren’t really food.
Pay special attention to the large intestine when offering a Reflexology for the Spirit session. Maintaining a healthy large intestine is extremely important to your client’s overall health.
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Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco