Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

We Live in a Dirty World. Manage Your Detox with 3 Reflexology Body Systems to Workout & 3 Crucial Daily Activities.

When I think of toxicity, the first word coming to my mind is (of course) reflexology!  A reflexology session offers a mild detox.  Often, this detox goes unnoticed.  The person comes to my table with other issues and leaves feeling better, grounded, at peace.

People visit reflexologists with health issues which they feel need spiritual attention.  This focus may be subdued.  In other words, they feel they need spiritual attention but aren’t aware of the situation.  They haven’t yet begun to verbalize their needs.

The words they use include fatigue, insomnia, constipation, headaches.

Whatever words they use, a reflexology session opens a window into homeostasis – the balance of all body systems.  This is what healing is all about.

A toxic body makes healing more challenging.

A reflexology session works three body systems to promote a physical detox.

Your liver is a powerful detoxing organ in your Digestive System.  Your liver does two things to manage a detox:  Its enzymes break down toxins and then sends them off to your kidneys as urine and to your lower digestive tract as feces.

As my Aunt Ruby always said:  “Your good health begins and ends in your digestive system.”

When your reflexologist works your Lymphatic System, the fluids in your body  balance and remove toxins.  This system works on a parallel path with your circulatory system.  Your Lymphatic System works to keep your body clean.

Your Respiratory System focuses on the air you breathe.  You inhale oxygen and exhale toxins.

A weekly reflexology session helps your body detox itself.  You can boost this weekly session by combining it with Reiki therapy and chakra healing.  Or not.  Whatever makes you comfortable is important.

There are Three other things to pay attention to in addition to your weekly sessions.   A Healthy Diet, Daily Exercise, and Enough Sleep.  Each one of these activities is crucial to your detoxing success.

Don’t be put off by The Big Three.  Detoxing can be a journey you start small.  Begin by drinking enough water each day.

Each morning, I prepare two large glasses of water which I drink throughout the day.  On a good day, I get in three large glasses.

For me a Daily Exercise routine can include many different things.  But two things are basic – every day:  Walking 10,000 steps and using my personal trampoline.  I may include other things such as yoga on a weekly routine schedule.  But the walking and the trampoline are daily essential habits for me.

I’ve written many blog posts about exercise and my new book “Wellness for All” refers to exercise as well.

But, one thing I think I’ve omitted to discuss is the importance of exercise to your detox.  Daily exercise is crucial to any detox effort.

When you increase your circulation enough to sweat, you detox!

I cannot overemphasize the importance of Enough Sleep.  My Aunt Ruby knew what she was talking about when she said “When you get enough sleep, you can slay dragons”.

Don’t make any job harder than it has to be.  Sleep your way through your detox every night.  And, include a power nap in the afternoon if you can fit it in.

A Healthy Diet  during a detox will have a major impact on your moods and your ability to stay calm.  This will make you a lot easier to live with as you shed toxins that may have been hanging around for months or years.

You may decide to dramatically change your diet to promote your detox efforts.  Or, you may decide that the slow, gentle release of toxins through reflexology is enough for a start.

Reduce the toxins you ingest in your food.  It can be easier than you think to eat foods that taste delicious and support your good health too!

Another Aunt Ruby guideline:  Small steps create big changes when it comes to caring for your body and soul.

A detox is important to your self-care.  Also important:  Understand why you feel you need to detox in the first place.  Whatever your reason, broaden your goal to include your life – not just your body.

Remember to care for yourself, and our planet.  Include activities that support your emotional health and your soul.

One thing this article refers too in several ways:  You have a choice with detoxification.

You can detox for a day or two days or a week.

You can even take a detox vacation as I did several years ago when I spent 10 days in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, drinking juices and other beverages to encourage toxins to move on out.,

Or, you can take the rest of your life.  Certainly, that’s the easy way.  How does it work?  When you choose to eat healthy, clean foods which promote a healthy body, you are, in a sense, detoxing your life.

Choose to take supplements which support your detoxing efforts.  This means you choose your supplements with care.  All my supplements come from the shelves at Village Apothecary.  I have total confidence in Neal Smoller’s knowledge, experience, and opinions.

You can reach Village Apothecary at

You will include sleep, skin-care routines, and cleansing products in your detox routines.  What this means is that you are going for the big picture:  your whole life – not just a smoothie or two.

What this amounts to is this:  Many small steps will bring big changes.

The small steps that bring big changes can  renew your body and soul.  When you take charge of your health and your future, you are the future behind your own change!

Pat yourself on your back, and call yourself a hero!  And, don’t forget to journal about it.  What a wonderful story you will tell!

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Take this Bread with Thurman Greco

Reflexology for the Spirit with Thurman Greco

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Thurman Greco

Guided Meditation: An Angel Points the Way to a Digestive System in Perfect Health

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SEEK OUT A COMFORTABLE PLACE WHERE YOU WILL NOT BE INTERRUPTED.    Turn on some quiet music if you like.  Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.    Feel your body as it becomes comfortable in this place you have chosen.

TAKE A FEW DEEP BREATHS.   Now, take a few relaxing breaths.  As you breathe in, feel the healing air you are bringing into your body.  As you inhale now, feel the pure healing air as it  enters your nose, throat, and lungs.  Each time you inhale, allow your body to breathe in more healing air into your lungs and then into every artery, and finally every vein in your body.

With each exhale, you release toxins, stress, negativity which have collected throughout your digestive system.  Your exhales are gently  detoxing your system.

As you are breathing in this healing air, you become aware of a  a special healing light accompanying these inhales.  As you inhale, feel  the healing light wash over your body.  Feel this healing light as it bathes your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being.

Now, notice that this light is focusing on your digestive system, washing toxins and any issues away.  This healing light  gives health to your digestive system beginning with the mouth and traveling down through the esophagus, stomach, liver, small and large intestines, rectum and anal canal.  This healing light brings health to every organ down to the cellular level.

Breathe deeply and naturally now for a few moments as you receive the nurturing energy from this light.  Allow your digestive system to melt into this healing moment.  Allow your digestive system to absorb this purity and perfection.  Relax a bit more and listen for the sounds of the forest which is enfolding you.

You find yourself on a path in the forest.   As you move down the path, you feel the air on your skin.  You smell the soil, the leaves.   You hear the forest sounds:  the birds, rustling leaves, small animals skittering.  The healing light you breathed in a few moments ago is allowing you to become one with the forest.


You look down the path and see an angel ahead.  You notice everything about this angel who is welcoming you.  You will want to remember this angel and this place when you return for  visits.  Notice the colors, the textures, the sounds, the smells.

This angel is here to help you focus on the health of your digestive system.

You feel that this angel is here to help you be healthy and stay healthy.

Your angel begins to share with you how your body is now working as it properly should.  You pause a few moments and receive the  wisdom this angel has for you.

You begin to gain insight about what blocks need to be released, what organs need more nourishment, how to channel stress and negative emotions into positive life experiences.

AS YOU GAIN INSIGHT, YOU BEGIN TO HAVE YOUR OWN QUESTIONS.  You know this angel has the answers for you.  You know  that if the answers do not come immediately, there is no need for concern.  You know from the angel’s presence that the answers will come in another time or at another place.

It’s time for you to go now.  It’s time for you to return to your room and your safe, comfortable place where you began this meditation.     As you leave the forest and return to the comfortable place in the room, you feel the healing light stay with you.

You return to the moment relaxed, refreshed, knowing you can visit this forest and this  angel whenever you want.

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Peace and food for all.


Digestive System: Bottom Line Information, 16 Essential Oils, 44 Foods Which Nourish the Digestive System, and Improvements to be Expected to the Digestive System


The digestive system is very quick to tell us if it’s distressed.  Marge D’Urso taught that over 50% of people who visit reflexologists suffer from digestive disorders.  A well-functioning digestive system is necessary for a healthy body.  The importance of the digestive system to our overall health cannot be overrated.

Because the nervous system communicates with the digestive system, focus on the nervous system before working the digestive system.  Follow this with attention to the digestive system including a focus on the intestinal tract.  Because good health begins in the intestinal tract, work it a often as you can in your sessions whether or not the person has voiced complaints.

ESSENTIAL OILS TO USE WHEN WORKING THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM INCLUDE  black pepper, coriander, fennel, ginger, peppermint, rosemary, nutmeg, mountain savory, clove, lemon, tarragon, basil, grapefruit, spearmint, lemongrass, copaiba

FOODS NOURISHING THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM INCLUDE  apples, apricots, artichokes, arugula, asparagus, beans, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, coffee, dandelions, eggs, fennel, flaxseed oil, garlic, ghee, grapefruit, green beans, green tea, kale, leeks, lemons, mushrooms, oatmeal, okra, olive oil, onions, papaya, peppers, pineapple, prunes, pumpkin, rutabagas, spinach, squash, strawberries, tea, tomatoes, turnips, water, watermelon, yogurt

Of the foods on the above list, the following foods are also on Johnny Bowden, Ph.D.’s list of the 150 healthiest foods on earth.

apples, apricots, artichokes, arugula, asparagus, beans, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, coffee, dandelions, eggs, fennel, flaxseed oil, garlic, grapefruit, green beans, kale, leeks, lemons, mushrooms, oatmeal, olive oil, onions, peppers, pineapple, prunes, pumpkin, strawberries, tea, turnips, water, watermelon, yogurt.

So, you’ve actually got two lists here.  The top list is the list of foods nourishing the digestive system.  The second list is those foods on Johnny Bowden’s list.  This gets a little complicated but it’s worth knowing.  If you have problems with the information and how it’s listed, please let me know.


The importance of digestive system health cannot be overestimated.  Both disease and health begin in the intestinal tract.  Regular sessions focusing on the digestive system encourage a healthy digestive system.  WOW!

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco











Follow this with attention to the digestive system including a focus on the intestinal tract.  Because good health begins in the intestinal tract, work it as often as you can in your sessions whether or not the client-partner has voiced complaints.

Reflexology Blog – Digestive System

THE DIGESTIVE PROCESS BEGINS WHEN WE CHEW OUR FOOD.  It continues as the body breaks down the food we eat and turns it into subtances which can be absorbed and used for growth, repair, energy.

The digestive system is composed principally of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and the anal canal.

IT IS  EMOTIONAL  AND IS QUICK TO TELL US IF IT ‘S NOT WORKING PROPERLY.  That is one strong argument for reflexology sessions.  They bring about homeostasis which is important to digestive health.  We have a tendency to hold worry  in our stomach.

Once food is eaten, it travels down the pharynx and esophagus to the stomach.  When the food leaves the stomach it moves to the small intestine.  This is where most of the nutrients are absorbed.  This is also where fear can find a safe place.

What actually happens in the process of digestion regarding the food and the interaction of the food with the chemicals and how the body absorbs the resulting nutrients is complicated.  This process is not completely understood by many people.

A good description can be found in several chapters of “The South Beach Diet” by Dr. Frank Agatston in which he describes the digestive very thoroughly using  a vocabulary we can all understand.

Finally, the large intestine moves the undigested and unabsorbable food to the anal canal and rectum where it is excreted.

Eating and digesting food is  not just about getting nutrition.  It’s a very spiritual process.  How do we assimilate things that are happening in our lives and in the world around us?  Our digestive system not only absorbs nutrients and discards those things not needed but we also use our digestive system to absorb feelings, sensations, experiences.    When we are forced to hold back our feelings, it’s reflected in our digestive health.

It has been said that health begins and ends in the intestinal tract.  It is true that an unhappy, angry, frustrated person has a much harder time maintaining digestive balance and health.


Although all the parts of the digestive system are very important in a Reflexology for the Spirit session, work the liver during every session.  The liver is a large organ and it has a bigger job to do because it’s a detoxing machine.  People are becoming more toxic because of the pesticides in our food, the toxins in our air and water, and the things we eat which aren’t really food.

Pay special attention to the large intestine when offering a Reflexology for the Spirit session.  Maintaining a healthy large intestine is extremely important to your client’s overall health.

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Peace and food for all.

Thurman Greco