Reflexology Blog – Colitis is a spiritual affliction that can be quite painful.
Colitis is a spiritual affliction which reflects a person’s insecurity. A person suffering with colitis is having trouble letting go of something which is already gone.
For many people, colitis is a chronic condition which may flare up and die down over time with the medical professionals treating the symptoms. The disease itself has no cure and is probably unpreventable. It’s generally agreed upon by medical professionals that colitis is not caused by stress but it does get worse when a person is stressed out.
It is believed that, for some people, colitis is hereditary. Whatever the cause, this painful condition is one that can respond to the sessions offered by a Reflexology for the Spirit Practitioner.
A person with colitis should definitely be consulting a medical professional in addition to a reflexologist.
When a person with colitis comes to your healing space, include Reiki therapy if possible. Offer essential oils if you feel called to do so. Your goal here is homeostasis.
Work the immune system, the adrenal gland reflexes, the intestinal reflexes, and the lymphatics.
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As always, this post comes to you from my healing space in scenic downtown Woodstock, NY.
Thurman Greco
Woodstock, NY