Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Reflexology Blog – Bladder Infections Can be Spiritual Afflictions – 3 Things You Can Do To Avoid Infections

There are many kinds of bladder problems.  This post focuses on bladder infections because we’re examining the immune system.

Bladder infections are just one more in a long list of spiritual afflictions.  People develop bladder infections when they have a fear of letting something from the past go.  When this fear occurs, the person can develop anxiety over the issue.

Bladder infections can be very troublesome:  pain, frequent urination, etc.  Never ignore these symptoms.

Prevention helps.  People experiencing repeat bladder infections can do several things to try to prevent frequent recurrence of these infections.

Drinking lots of fluids helps.  The goal is to wash germs found in kidneys, ureters, bladder, and bloodstream.  Include cranberry juice in your diet.

Improving sanitary habits is necessary.  Frequent bathing helps.  Wiping from the front of the body to the back after urination is important also.

Bladder infections have a way of showing up when a person’s stress level is high and resistance level is low.    Do what you can to release old issues and welcome new   things in your life.

When addressing bladder infections, work the immune system, the spleen reflex,  adrenal gland reflexes, kidney reflexes, bladder reflex,  lymphatics, liver, and solar plexus.

Thank you for reading this post.

Thurman Greco

Woodstock, NY