67 Foods That Love to Support Your Immune System and 4 Improvements You Can Expect from Foot Reflexology Sessions Focusing on the Immune System
apples, apricots, asparagus, bananas, beans, beets, black tea, blackberries, blueberries, bok choy, Brazil nuts, broccoli, brown rice, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cherries, chicken, chicken soup, chickpeas, chives, chocolate, coconut, collard greens, cranberries, cranberry juice, curry, dry roasted soybeans, goji berries, edamame, eggs, fermented foods, fish, garlic, ginger, grapefruit, grapes, potatoes, prunes, pumpkin seeds, radishes, raspberries, salmon, sauerkraut, sardines, shallots, shrimp, soy milk, soy sauce, spinach, squash, strawberries, sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, tofu, tomatoes, turnips, walnuts, water, water, water, watercress, watermelon, yogurt.
Four improvements to be expected from sessions to the immune system include the following:
The body can build up its defense system to prevent disease.
Focused sessions can shorten the time needed for a person to recover from an illness.
Regular sessions will help the body to detox itself and balance its systems.
Working the lymphatics can assist the body rid itself of excess fluids and other toxins.
The next few posts will focus on specific conditions which respond to immune system work: the common cold, bladder problems , colitis
Thank you for reading this blog/book. Please contact me if you have any questions.
This post is coming to you from my healing space in downtown Woodstock.
Peace and food for all.
Thurman Greco