Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Finding Time

My schedule is packed.  It’s jammed.

But, that’s okay. It’s an uptown problem.

Each day, I know I’m going to find some real jewels throughout my schedule.

One thing I’ve learned over the years is this:  When my schedule is totally out of control, the universe will deal with the situation.  Someone will cancel or something quirky will happen which will result in a beautiful hole.

Finding time is like finding a wonderful, shiny object.

It’s not so important to worry about what or when or how much time you’re going to find..

Those are details.

What’s important is to be prepared…

Know what you’re going to do when you find a few extra 5 or 6 minutes or maybe even a whole hour.  These are perfect moments in your day that can be used however you want.  Make your “found time” list.

Get lost in a book.

Go for a quick stroll.

Sip a tea.




Stare out the window – even if you’re not in front of a window.


Switch off.

Whatever you do with these “found” moments, the important thing is to carve out these pockets of time for yourself.

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“Let’s Live with Thurman Greco is a positive, entertaining series of interviews which I’ve conducted throughout the last 15 or so years.  There have been a few intermissions along the way, but not many.

My guests enjoy being on the show and many ask to return.  One thing they all have in common:  we’ve all met each other somehow in Woodstock, NY.

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But, whatever happens, get reflexology into your schedule.



Take a Break From the World. Seriously.

Sometimes things happen at such a fast pace that life becomes confusing and overwhelming.  Being alone with yourself for a short time may be the only way to find answers.

Take a break to figure things out.  Step away so you can discover a better, clearer perspective.  When you step back, you have a chance to figure things out.  You may even get to know yourself better.

Instead of being part of everything, when you step away you can discover a better, clearer perspective.  How?  How can you do this when everything is moving at such a fast pace?

Go on a mini-sabbatical.  Take the day off from it all.

No internet, TV, phone, email, social media.

Spend your sabbatical silently as you go on a short internal journey resting, reading, and meditating.

A good question to ask yourself is:  What do I need in my life right now?

Being alone, you can look inward and discover truths about yourself.  When you unplug from everything, you may find a spiritual guide of some kind.

Going within uninterrupted, you may find a path to pursue your own way.  You may even light up your true self.

After your one-day sabbatical, notice how much calmer you are and how clear your thinking is.

Ask yourself this:  How can I fit stillness into my daily life?

Can you find a few minutes each day for silence to discover yourself?

Or, you may think of your sabbatical as therapy and set aside an hour or two a week to discover your true self.  Over time, these weekly sessions may reveal mysteries for you to experience.

But, whether you choose a one-day event or weekly therapy sabbaticals, enlightenment is possible.  These moments alone clear the path for a new you to emerge.

(This may be a good time for a self-Reiki session, if you’ve been trained.  Reiki sessions don’t all have to be an hour.  Ten or fifteen minutes can be strong healing moments.)

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This is apron is all about  my new book which should be available by December .

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