Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Healing Begins with Balance


Sometimes I just get so busy.  I wonder how to keep up.  With everything happening in our world today, being busy, busier, busiest is a coping mechanism.

When I feel stressed or overinvolved, I come to a stop for a moment and remind myself that my balance begins with water.

Over half of our body weight is water.

Water is included in all the chemical activities that our body generates, whether we’re awake or asleep. Because water plays a vital role in everything we do, even minor dehydration affects our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance.

Keeping hydrated is crucial to your balance and grounding.

We lose water when we breathe, sweat, urinate, eat and digest food, walk around the block, sleep.  This is a continual process.

The #1 energy drink on the planet:  water.  You can supplement your need for water with fruits, vegetables, and other beverages like coffee, tea, and juice.

Water flushes out waste and toxins.  It prevents constipation.  Water optimizes kidney function, preventing kidney stones.

Water holds the balance between air and fire. Its energy is conscious.

Do you want to keep your energy level up and prevent fatigue?

Double your water consumption for two weeks.   If you don’t experience a distinct improvement in your energy level and overall feeling of wellness, make an appointment with a well-trained healthcare professional.

The person who might help you the best at this time is someone who will see you as a whole person and an individual.  A person who can look at the big picture for you is a good choice.  You might have a functional medicine doctor in your area.

Are you thinking of going on a diet?  Try this:  When you feel hungry, drink a glass of water first.

Are you interested in maintaining your youth?  There are several things you can do today along with your exercise:  Drink water. Drink more water.

Water is a good health promotion tool.

When you get serious about your water and your health, you are probably going to think about where your water comes from.

It may be time for a good water filter.  I have an under-the sink water filter which I use to clean the water I drink, the water I use to wash fresh veggies and fruits, the water I give to my pets, and the water I use to nourish my houseplants.

Your skin is your largest organ eliminating toxins throughout the day.

Bathing and showering are balancing and relaxing activities which can be an essential part of your spiritual and physical grounding program.

Bathing will get rid of heavy metals while getting rid of heavy thoughts.

Use water to unwind when you soak away toxins in a salts bath.  Set aside at least 15 minutes to relax in warm water to which you’ve added salts, herbs,  essential oils.  There are many options here for your enjoyment.

At the end of your soak, shower off with fresh water and dry your body with a clean towel.

Follow this with a dry brushing exercise.  Use a natural-bristle brush to softly brush your body, beginning with your feet and working your way up your head.

As you add new balancing health habits, include regular reflexology and Reiki therapy sessions.  Homeostasis is easier with regular balancing habits.

Finally, balance is a physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual experience.

Sometimes, achieving balance for your health requires releasing habits which do not promote balanced healing.

Achieving balance also calls for us to rebuild parts of your lifestyle and your self.

Goal setting is a basic part of the process.

Finally, as you achieve balance, you may find that you are losing a few people in your life.  Some new ones may join you.

These things may happen as you achieve a balanced healing state.

It’s amazing what can happen when you begin to drink water!

Thanks for reading this article.  Please forward this post to friends and relatives who might enjoy reading it.

For more information, check out my book “Healer’s Handbook”.

More information is available in early articles and on YOUTUBE “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco”

The information you find in these places is a conduit for your own healing.

Thanks for being on the journey!



A Sacred Second Chakra Meditation: Inner Peace, Security, and Self-Acceptance

This meditation is ideal for relaxation because it supports inner peace, security, and self-acceptance.

Relax and get comfortable in a calm location where you will not be disturbed for a few moments.

Take several slow, deep breaths.

With each inhale, imagine your breath energizing the area two inches below your navel.  Gently massage this point with two fingers.

With each exhale, imagine a small orange ball carrying fears, stress, and pain away.

Now, inhale deeply twice.  Breathe into a point about two inches below your navel.  Release this breath through your mouth.

Imagine you are lying on a beautiful, quiet boat which is just big enough for you.  There is no room for anyone or anything but yourself.

While you are lying on this boat in the middle of a beautiful pond, things are still and peaceful.  The pond has many flowers along the beach.   As you focus on them, you see they are various shades of orange,  and coral.

Let your body become heavy and relaxed as you get more comfortable on this tiny boat.

You feel the space, the peace, stillness.  Breathe into the stillness and the abundance of the flowers and the water in the pond.

The overhead sky has a warm, glowing light allowing you to feel beauty, peace, energy.

A gentle breeze moves your small boat along the edge of the pond into a gently flowing stream.. As you look above, you see billowing clouds with a faint orange and gold tint. They move lazily overhead.

The flowers and clouds protect you so you feel safe.

You feel warm and at peace.

Breathe into the peace and gentle energy of just being yourself.  Drifting down the stream, you relax even more and appreciate  the energy, the peace, the flowers and the clouds.

You realize you don’t have to do anything, just breathe and enjoy yourself.  As your boat gently drifts along, you feel warm.  This warmth is healing.  You feel quiet, peaceful.  You breathe in peace, health, relaxation.

As you breathe out, exhale anything you want to release.

It’s time to return to your body and become conscious of yourself.  Gently you move your fingers and toes to become more aware of returning to your location.

When you open your eyes, you remember the peace and energy you felt in the orange flowers and the orange-tinged clouds.

You know you can return to this place any time you want.

When you are ready, continue on with your activities.

Thanks for reading this meditation.  Please refer it to your preferred social media network.  Share it with your friends.

There are other meditations throughout this blog.

More information about healing is available in “Healer’s Handbook”.  Get your copy of the book at


Taking Charge of Your Health to Make a New Life

Take charge of your health.

An important decision you make for yourself, it’s one I celebrate!  I want us all to become more conscious of ourselves and take charge of our own health.

Some of us reach this decision because of an event:  injuries resulting  from an accident or diseases experienced.

Some of us reach this decision because of experiences lived during the Pandemic.

And, some of us mature into this decision as an attitude toward our health.

Whatever the catalyst, deciding to be in charge of your health shifts your life’s path.  It’s a reason to rejoice.

But now, what are you going to do about it?

Sometimes people come to my table after deciding to be in charge of their health.  The idea is to give up the physician and replace her with a reflexologist.  Frankly, this is not always the best decision.

When this happens, you are simply trading one coat for another.  And, when this happens, you should be putting yourself in charge, not a reflexologist or acupuncturist or herbalist.

I have been in charge of my health care for years and rely on the training and wisdom of a nurse practitioner.  Not only do I seek information and advice from her regularly, I tap into her information bank with every visit.  She does blood tests.  She schedules MRIs or x-rays or other tests.

She offers information, advice, and wisdom at every office visit.

And, certainly, if you are putting yourself in charge, you may find yourself going to a physician or reflexologist or acupuncturist or herbalist as often (or even more often) than before.

So, then what do you do?


This is a group of professionals who support you in your search for lifelong good health.

My team includes, among other specialists, a Reiki practitioner, a reflexologist, a massage therapist, a physical therapist, a yoga teacher, a podiatrist, a dentist,  a periodontist, an allergist, a dermatologist, a sleep specialist, a  fitness expert.  a pharmacist.

I think you are getting the picture here.


Buy some anatomy and physiology books.  You are embarking on a new and wonderous journey!

Don’t be  overwhelmed.  Anatomy and physiology books come in all sizes and stripes.  They even come in coloring books.  Try them all.  Especially the coloring books.

You may even want to take a class or two.

You’ll learn much.

While you travel on this wonderful spiritual journey, you are now on a path to learn things about yourself that you never even knew you might need to know.

Definitely use the skills of a reflexologist or reiki practitioner regularly.  Weekly appointments are preferred.

Homeostasis opens many doors!


An important step to take when you manage your own health is to eat real food.  A cornerstone of good health is the proper diet.  There are many, many diets out there.  Until you feel certain that you are eating the correct diet for you,  rely on   foods which have no additives, preservatives, colors, etc.

I’m sure you understand what it means to  eat real food.

I’m certain that when you do finally feel you are eating the correct foods for your body, you will rely on real food.


Your body was made to move.  When you manage your own health, you know how important this is.


The bottom line is that, as you take charge of your health care, you will develop resources and you will probably never stop learning.


Thank you for reading this wellness article.  There are many related articles found in past blog posts.

You can also find related information on You Tube at “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” or “Take this Bread with Thurman Greco”.  You Tube videos include interviews with nutritionists, reflexologists, Reiki masters.

Subscribe today and never miss an update on the latest, as well as vintage, shows.

My book “Healer’s Handbook” has wellness information for you.  It’s both interesting and readable.

You can also reach me at

Please refer this article to your preferred social media network.  Share it with a friend.

Thanks again!

Thurman Greco