Reflexology For The Spirit

spirituality of one's health

Let’s Get Back to Basics! Start with Foot Reflexology

Reduced to a basic practice, reflexology works with zone therapy.  So, this chart is the one I’m displaying first. If you feel that your life is too complicated for reflexology, try massaging your feet and observing where you feel soreness or sensitivity.  Rather than feeling you even need to know how you experience these points, just knowing where they are on your feet is enough.

Foot reflexology sessions relax, balance, detox, and heal your entire body.

Reflexology brings about homeostasis – a body balance that is important for your health.

Reflex areas in your feet correspond to the internal organs.

Note where these points are and then work them over the next few days.

Work your toes to help alleviate headaches,

The ball of your foot relieves tension in your neck and shoulders.

Your foot arch relates to your liver, bowel, and kidneys.  Manipulate this area gently, especially if you’ve been burning the candle at both ends.

Massaging the top of your foot induces psychological calm.

Modern reflexology is based on the centuries-old theory of Zone Therapy.  The principle is that the energy connection should be free-flowing.  An energy blockage will imbalance body parts within that particular zone.

Reflexology sessions work to restore free-flowing energy pathways throughout the body, creating homeostasis.  This energetic body balance is essential for your good health.

When our bodies are balanced, things work better:

stress is relieved

the immune system improves

there is relief from pain

circulation improves

bowel movements improve

toxins  clear

relaxation is better

In short, the body works better!

Most of us know these things but it’s nice to have a short review occasionally.  It’s easier to find time in the daily schedule for a reflexology session if we can remember what the session will actually do for us.

On behalf of healers everywhere, I honor you and thank you for seeking wellness throughout your life.

With blogs, books, classes and sessions, I am not here to change your story.  I am here as a conduit for your healing.

“Healer’s Handbook” is available  as an ebook or paperback at

I thank you for reading this blog post.

If you have friends or relatives who  might enjoy this article, please share it with them.

Please forward this post on your preferred social media network.

For more info, check out my books on

To learn more about reflexology, download this video.

Ask a friend to join you in a learning adventure.  The two of you can learn together and exchange sessions.

I have several reflexology videos on YOUTUBE – Let’s Live with Thurman Greco.  These videos are free.

Thank you for your interest.

2023 – Appreciate the Good!


We’re entering another new year!  2023 is an opportunity to create a better world.  Let us all join together energetically as we focus in the coming weeks on ways we can expand and grow this opportunity.

Begin by sending Reiki into your future.

If you don’t know Reiki, send a meditation message to 2023.


Take this spot on the calendar to celebrate the new year by sending blessings to friends, family, and coworkers.  Send love and kindness to everyone.  Send blessings to the world!


Begin your transition into 2023 with a gratitude list.  This list offers endless benefits. When you work on a gratitude list, you’re not going to have room in your heart and mind for things like fear and worry.  Instead, you’ll find yourself surrounded with abundance, love, grace, awe, and appreciation.


Dwell for a few moments on things you are not happy about and then – release them to the universe.  Spiritual housecleaning is a good new year activity.  Let go of thoughts, dreams, beliefs, or habits which you know are not positive and do not fit in with your goals for success.

Make a list.  Write it out.  If you need help, ask the universe for guidance and support.

When you release negativity into the universe, you make space for goodness and love and all things positive.


With this question, you bring positivity into your life.  Write down:  What do you need?  What do you really want?  What does your soul need?  What positive situations and resources do you need to attract?  Why do you want these things?

Now, write out your answers.  Write out the things with the most meaning for you.  Use as much detail as you want.  There are no wrong answers when you write what feels good to you and is practical. You are attracting things in your life which will bring about the greatest good for the universe.


Using all of your senses, envision your dreams coming to life.  Spend a few (3-5) minutes meditating on them.  Begin your visualization with cleansing breaths.  You may even want to include some calming meditation music.

This step may not come easy to you at first.  Don’t worry.  You’ll get better at your visualizations as time passes.  Practice will improve your sessions.


Take an action each week that moves you toward your goal.  This can be something either big or small.  The important thing is that it is moving you on your path toward achievement.


Compose a power statement which is going to keep you focused on your goal.  You want an affirmation to keep you pointed in the right direction and moving along.

Examples include:

I trust my inner guidance.

I rely on my inner wisdom.

I have abundant health.

I speak my truth.

When you have chosen an appropriate affirmation, you can rely on it daily.  Reciting your affirmation regularly will keep you focused while it quiets negative thoughts.

Thanks for reading this blog post.  Please share it with your friends and relatives.

Forward it to your preferred social media network.

Connect with me on facebook:  Thurman Greco

If you are interested in more information about this article, check out my book “Healer’s Handbook”.  You can find it at

You can also find more information in older blog posts.

Two related books which include manifesting, goal setting, and focused action are:

“I Don’t Hang Out in Churches Anymore” and

“Ketchup Sandwich Chronicles”.

These two books are about the spiritual journey of hunger as illustrated by the shoppers in the food pantry line.

Find out more about me at

What do You Want to Manifest? Five Tips for Success


Several days ago, I researched a special gift for a colleague.  What I was looking for was for the perfect gift.  I considered a Snowflake.  She would really enjoy a snowflake!  Where was I going to find a snowflake, of all things?

I put this thought aside.

Then, guess what.  Three days later, a snowflake catalogue landed in my mailbox!  The perfect gift appeared on page 3.  I had a choice of a charm, a pendant, an ornament, or a pin.  The prices were right.  Whichever one I chose, she was going to be delighted.

For me, this was not a coincidence.  Spiritually, I participated in this mailbox event.

We all have these experiences. The trick is to recognize them for what they are.  But, you can have these special coincidences and also have challenges with other manifestations.

There is a difference between manifesting a picture in a catalogue and manifesting a something else such as a new car, house, or a dream job.

MANIFESTING on all levels begins when you clarify what is important for you.  Once you define your values and what is precious to you, manifesting what you need is going to be easier.

The bottom line:  WHY DO YOU DO WHAT YOU DO?

What do YOU think is important?  Clearly know what is important to you – not what your mother or your friends or your boss or your social media friends think is important.

What do I want…really?  What do I yearn for spiritually?  Emotionally, what do I want to experience?

Dream about the world you want to create and live in.  This world that you are dreaming of:

Is it responsive –

Do positive relationships matter –

How does cooperation fit into your life –

Does support reach out in vulnerable situations and places –

Is there a reverence for the sacred –

Now, envision what this world is to you.  What are you going to do to create this world?

What are you passionate about?


Define the person or persons you are concerned about.  How will they fit in your manifested scenario?  How do they define the situation you are focusing on?

Focus on the situation.  Are you passionate about a physical space (a building perhaps) or an energetic situation (leadership or healing)?


Know your goals.  Do you need to sell your home?  Do you need a better job in a new city?  Do you need to retrain yourself for the future?


What is your manifesting outcome?  (A suggestion here – write this down.)

A journal is the perfect tool to bring with you on your manifestation journey.   As you write in your journal daily, you have the opportunity to unlock information and secrets to help guide you to your goals.  Your entries can give you information about possible challenges.  You may discover concerns hiding just beneath the secret of your consciousness.

Reviewing your journal in later readings, you may find that your future is not predetermined.  Over the months, what you find in your journal reveals things that can change your attitudes, behaviors, and how you respond to events.

Your future can improve your insights and options in ways that work best for you.


What is your promise?  (What do you have invested in your goal? What are you prepared to do to make your promise a reality? How do you visualize achieving your goals?)


How is your gratitude circle developing? Gratitude is more powerful than fear, worry, anger and anxiety.  Gratitude is where you tap into your abundance.  Developing your gratitude circle taps you into your unlimited options.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – –

When you are in a manifesting mode, nurturing is helpful.  By that, I mean   nurture yourself, your goals, and your concerns.

Maybe things need a REBALANCE.  When it comes to money and finances, seek fair, sensible, and practical solutions focusing on comfort and confidence while caring for others and your surroundings. You want the money you distribute to produce tangible results.

SELF-CARE is a deeply personal process you use to regain physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance.  Self-care facilitates rebalance.

MEDITATIONS can help you reach your goals.  Try an 8-week series of daily meditations for 10-15 minutes each.  You may want to read a guided meditation daily.  For years, I’ve relied on a set of three meditation books by Larry Moen.  They are still available on Amazon:  “Meditations for Awakening, Meditations for Transformation, Meditations for Healing”

Or you may want to create your own guided meditation.

Finally, you may prefer to focus a few minutes daily on your breath and breathing as you reach calm.

Whatever path you choose for your meditations, daily focus helps you.  Don’t get bogged down with rules.  Just remember:  minds like to wander.  It’s okay.  Also, trust your inner wisdom to get you there.

Use your senses to see your dreams and goals coming to life.  You’ll play a mental movie where you are the director.  As you mentally enact your dreams, you will make them a reality.

Finally, TAKE ACTION.  This is a weekly event where you do something each week to help you progress toward your goal.

Whenever you can, include reflexology or Reiki therapy sessions in your weekly progress.  Every session helps!

Please subscribe to “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” on YOUTUBE.

This story is still a work in progress.  I hope you get a chance to share it with me

someday.  I plan to read it on “Let’s Live with Thurman Greco” in December.

This book is now available!  You can order it on

Thanks for reading this article!  Please forward it to your favorite friends and relatives.  Share it with your preferred social media network.

Find out more at








Letting Go

Recently I was standing in a grocery line, my cart piled high with much needed food.  After a couple of minutes, I realized that, not only was it not moving, the line was getting longer and longer – seemingly by the second.

A couple of weeks ago, I was in a similar situation – I was stuck in traffic.  It seemed I was in this situation for the duration of the afternoon.

Both cases shot my schedule.  I wasn’t going to make it to my next appointment, or the one after that, on time.  The most could say about these situations was that they were a crashing bore.

In the grocery line, I shifted into neutral.  It was time to chill.  This was a situation where I felt everything was going to go the way it was going to go – I was stuck.

This created a perfect opportunity for two things:  First, it was time to ground myself and be peaceful.  Second, it was time for Reiki energy to join the crowd.

Sure enough – within a moment, I felt Reiki energy energize my hands while it moved through the crowd and grounded everyone. I felt the people in the line calm themselves and take on an entirely new perspective.

When I’m in a crowd and Reiki energy join the group, I’m always grateful that I learned Reiki in such a way that it goes to work as it is needed.

Even without Reiki energy, grounding was a wonderful thing to experience in this situation.

Whenever we’re in a stuck event, the first inclination is to push.  When that doesn’t work, the next step is to figure out a way to fight and struggle against the event.

A good option in this situation is to do your best to be calm.  This attitude may give you an entirely new perspective.

Is this an easy thing to do?  Probably not.  But, when you succeed, you may feel  you participated in a spiritually grounding event.


Truthfully, it’s hard to plan for these events.

When they happen, embrace the opportunity to practice Letting Go.  This short time in the grocery line or traffic jam is a good way to release and/or heal the various events and thoughts crowding your life with negativity.

See this situation as a moment for yourself.  Think about how you can benefit from it.

Work on releasing any thoughts, habits, or beliefs that clutter your life.  If you have doubts, think of the release is a way of loving yourself.

You may want to let go of a person or situation in your life which is uncomfortable or too negative for you.  Do this with love and compassion.  Ask the universe for guidance and assistance.

You may be able to move toward forgiving someone or some past event.

Because you are in a situation, you may be inspired by the spirituality and grounding of the moment to receive inspiration.

Sometimes the universe sees an opportunity which you didn’t know was there!

This may even be time for self-talk and self-acceptance.

This may even be time to commit to an action.

This may be time to participate in a Letting-Go moment where you release frustrations, mis-guided expectations, and other restrictions into the wind.

Take a moment to blow them away.  As you breathe out, send them to wherever they need to go to become positive expectations, thoughts, and goals for others.

Thank you for reading this blog post.   Please forward it to your preferred social media network.  Share it with your friends and family.

You can connect with me on Facebook:  Thurman Greco

You can also learn more by reading past blog posts.  YOUTUBE has information, too.

Do you want to learn more about Reiki or Reflexology?  My books and videos on YOUTUBE have more information.  I also have a video about reflexology which I made with the generosity of Arlene Ferrieri and Karen White.


What is Hope?

Hope is a feeling.  It is also a skill.

Hope is honest.  You can pretend to be happy but it’s pretty much impossible to  pretend to have Hope.

Hope can be learned.  How do you do this?  Practice being Hopeful.  Your first step is to make space in your life for Hope.  This is also a good strategy for boosting your sense of well-being.

You don’t have to be positive to learn about Hope.  I learned about Hope recently when I experienced some dark days. In the midst of these  negative and painful feelings I discovered I felt Hopeful.

Hope just popped up and said “hi”.

When this happened, I felt I suddenly weighed several pounds less.  I felt like I could smile even.

I think this happened because I refused to gloss things over.  I decided  I could try to change my situation.  I felt strong enough to cope with the eventual outcome.

I was ready to try, anyway.

I wanted to do everything possible I could to make things better.

I was finally willing to even ask others for help.

I realized I needed to sleep and rest each day.  For me, sleep and rest are holy.

One thing I was not ready to do was give up.

Once I dug my heels in, I felt inspired.  I was through just sitting on the sidelines watching things go in the wrong direction.

Suddenly, Hope boosted me to take action!  It was time to make things happen.  Perfection was not in my situation but momentum and Hope were.

I soon learned that Hope covers many ills.  I began to see what could happen because I had faith in things moving in the right direction.

Hope taught me, once again, that with a belief in the strength of a higher power and  a faith in the universe, things can’t go wrong.  I stumbled onto the wisdom of universally higher power.

We can all tap into universal wisdom.  All we have to do is see it for what it is.

Sometimes, with Hope we have to reach out to others for help, answers, and direction.

I did this.  I reached out to those around me.  I didn’t stop with just one or two people.  I asked everyone I could find for help, inspiration.   I heated up the phone (and email) lines, as my grandmother would have said.

The result was not necessarily what I envisioned.  It was, however, far better than what I saw as a good outcome.  A lot of my reaching out resulted in “no” or “not now” or “I don’t know”.  Even these negatives were encouraging.

All it took was Hope..

I knew what I needed to do was “go it alone”.  I arrived at the TV studio with a basket from Karen  filled with donations to put on the altar:  stones, feathers, a singing bowl, an alter cloth, herbs, fruit, empty bottles, bread, rocks.

The first presentation of HOPE on the Road went out on Channel 23  this week.    Ellen knew how to arrange the altar pieces.

You’ll find  HOPE on the Road on YOUTUBE in early September.

Because I reached out to others, the outcome was beautiful.

Will you participate in HOPE on the Road?

Do you practice Reiki?  Can you  host your own HOPE on the Road?

You don’t practice Reiki?.  That’s not a problem.  Invite a Reiki practitioner to facilitate a HOPE on the Road presentation for you.  Encourage people to enjoy your HOPE on the Road event.

A HOPE on the Road event includes a guided meditation opening followed by a group Reiki session.  A hand blessing closes the experience.  A HOPE on the Road event only takes an hour.

The Reiki practitioner is a vital link between a person experiencing a challenge and appropriate support.

Does that not seem right for you?  Give me a call.  Send me an email.  I’m ready, willing, and able.

I’ll offer HOPE on the Road through Zoom or on the porch of a building, or in a garden somewhere. I can work with social distancing.

Don’t overlook your neighborhood library.

The important thing is that we share HOPE on the road.

What we all need now is HOPE.

Thank you for reading this blog article.  Please forward this post to your preferred social media network.

Share it with your friends.

Thanks for joining HOPE on the Road!

Thurman Greco